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What should I do if I get heat stroke? Pricking and cupping has a good effect!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

What should I do if I get heat stroke? Pricking and cupping has a good effect!
In summer, everyone likes to blow a fan or stay in an air-conditioned room, but for various reasons, some people still work or travel outdoors. The weather is too hot, the time outside is too long or the sweaty clothes on their bodies are not changed in time. Symptoms such as dizziness, thirst, sweating, general fatigue, heart palpitations, and uncoordinated movements will appear. Be careful, because the above symptoms are the harbingers of heat stroke. When you have the above symptoms, you should go to the shelter in time. In the vaginal area, replenish water, or take Huoxiang Zhengqi water, and also use pricking and cupping methods to help recovery.

Working for a certain period of time in a high-temperature environment (generally refers to a room temperature greater than 35°C), heatstroke may occur if there are no adequate heatstroke prevention and cooling measures; there is another situation, even if the temperature is not very high, but the humidity is high and the temperature is high. Heatstroke can also occur if you engage in heavy physical labor in a poorly ventilated environment. This is because excessive humidity and poor ventilation will affect the evaporation of sweat, which in turn will affect the heat dissipation of the body, making the body temperature too high and symptoms of heat stroke.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that heatstroke is a febrile venereal disease characterized by high fever, sweating or dry skin without sweating, irritability, thirst, dizziness, convulsions, nausea, abdominal pain, and headache. It is more common in summer and is caused by heat. Acute lesions caused by evil internal depression and abnormal body temperature regulation function are commonly known as "sha".

Ye Tianshi believed in "Three Seasons Fu Qi Exogenous Sensation" that "dampness is in season in long summer, so summer heat must be accompanied by dampness", and also believed that "summer heat mostly occurs in Yangming qi, while summer dampness hurts Taiyin". Heat stroke combined with dampness is the most common, and the pricking and cupping method is suitable for damp heat type heat stroke and heat stroke precursors caused by sun heat combined with dampness. The following acupoints can be selected:

Dazhui point

In the spinal area, in the depression under the spinous process of the 7th cervical vertebra, on the posterior midline. It is the meeting point of the three yang meridians of the hands and feet and the governor meridian, and is the intersection point of all yang meridians, which can dissipate the yang heat throughout the body.


On the back, just below the spinous process of the third thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.


On the back, just below the spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.


On the back, just below the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.


On the back, just below the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.

Dan Yu

On the back, just below the spinous process of the 10th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline.

The Beishu point on the bladder meridian is selected. Since the bladder meridian governs the surface of the body, it has the ability to enhance the ability to draw evil out and restore the body temperature regulation function to normal. This is from the level of the meridian. The Sun Meridian governs the surface of the body. When evil invades the human body, it invades the Sun Meridian first. Therefore, in clinical treatment, if you just feel the external evil and the evil attacks the Sun Meridian, you should treat it in the Foot Taiyang Bladder Meridian. Scraping, cupping or cupping at Shu points on the back to remove external evils.

*Acupuncture point pictures come from "Illustrated Huangdi Neijing" produced by Zitu Books

How to operate:

Take 3 to 5 acupoints each time, sterilize them with 75% ethanol, tap the skin with a plum blossom needle until the local flushes, and then use a sterilized air tank or cupping tank for suction and extraction, preferably for 5 to 15 minutes, every The appropriate amount of bleeding during cupping is 5 to 15 ml. It is normal for the affected area to turn purple and black after cupping. After removing the jar, wipe away the blood stains, wipe the pricked area clean with a sterilized dry cotton ball, and disinfect again with iodophor. Pay attention to avoid water on the wound within 24 hours after bloodletting. 1 time a day, 3 times as a course of treatment.

So, what is the plum blossom needle tapping? Let us introduce it to you:

plum blossom needle

Plum Blossom Needle is a type of skin acupuncture. Because one end of the needle handle is equipped with 7 small needles, which are shaped like plum blossoms, it is also called Seven-Star Plum Blossom Needle.

Plum-blossom needling belongs to cluster needle shallow needling method, which is an acupuncture method that gathers multiple short needles to lightly penetrate certain parts and acupoints of the human body. The development of acupuncture methods such as "burr" has been widely used in clinical applications and has unique curative effects on many diseases. Plum Blossom Needle can be used as a home-use TCM treatment device, because it does not require professional operation, it is easy to learn, and the treatment parts are on the head, neck, arms, back, etc. It is very safe and can be operated at home.

When tapping with a plum-blossom needle, the skin should be sterilized routinely. The needle should be aimed at the tapped site. It should be noted that the tapping location must be accurate and the force must be even. When tapping, the skin should be slightly flushed. There may not be bleeding during cupping, and generally the amount of bleeding will not be too large. If there is, wipe it off with gauze, and then disinfect it with iodine.

Plum-blossom needles can be bought in pharmacies and online. Nowadays, they are generally two-way needles. One end is clustered seven-star needles, and the other end is scattered seven-star needles. The clustered end is more difficult to puncture than the scattered point because the seven needle tips are closer together. Into the epidermis and can be used as needed.

Pricking and bloodletting can remove blood stasis and unblock meridians, while cupping has the effects of unblocking meridians and activating meridians, promoting qi and blood circulation, and dispelling wind and cold. Tapping the skin with skin needles can stimulate and regulate the functions of organs and meridians to achieve the purpose of preventing and treating diseases. Taiyang is the barrier of the whole body, and the Governor Vessel is the "sea of Yang Vessels". Back cupping and plum blossom needles tap the Taiyang Bladder Meridian and Governor Vessel along the meridians, which can stimulate the Qi in the meridians, dredge the meridians, adjust the functions of the viscera and get rid of diseases on the body surface evil, so as to achieve the purpose of curing diseases.

What needs to be specially reminded is:

Heat stroke symptoms include dizziness, palpitation, weakness of limbs, sweating with cold limbs, fainting, thready but weak pulse, severe primary diseases of heart, kidney, hematopoietic system, etc., coagulation dysfunction, and severe skin infection , pregnant women, infants and young children are not suitable for this method. Women should not use this method during menstruation.

Nowadays, the temperature in summer is higher. Compared with the past, there are more and more hot weather. Everyone should pay more attention to the knowledge of heatstroke prevention, understand the knowledge of heatstroke prevention, understand the signs of heatstroke, and take timely measures such as enjoying the cool and rest to prevent heatstroke.

Here are some tips for you in the hot summer:

In summer, you can do some physical exercises to improve your ability to adapt to heat. Don’t always stay in an air-conditioned room because of the hot summer weather. You should exercise outdoors appropriately to avoid the high temperature from 11:00 noon to 15:00 pm during the day During this period, exercise in the evening, preferably jogging or walking. In summer, physical exercise of a certain intensity and for a certain period of time can enhance the body's tolerance.

In summer, consumption and sweat loss are greater, so it is necessary to replenish water and nutrition appropriately. After sweating a lot, you can drink light salt water with a salt content of 0.3%. Drink it in small amounts and many times. Do not drink a large amount of water at one time to avoid water poisoning. During the hot season, the diet should be supplemented with more foods and vegetables rich in vitamin B and vitamin C, and the supply of protein should be ensured.

In the rest place, air conditioners can be equipped to avoid excessive ambient temperature, but be careful not to blow directly on the air conditioner, and keep the room ventilated. Adjust your work and rest schedule to ensure adequate sleep to prevent excessive fatigue and reduce the body's resistance.

I hope everyone can have a warm and refreshing summer with comfort!
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