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What should I do if I drool while sleeping?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

What should I do if I drool while sleeping?
A friend of mine asked me about the fact that in the past few days, he sometimes drools while sleeping. When he wakes up in the morning, he finds that his pillow towel is all wet. Is he going to be sick? I accordingly inquired about some of his recent conditions, checked his head and face, and found that in addition to drooling while sleeping, he also felt sleepy after eating at noon and had to "squint for a while." After combining the tongue and pulse, I said to him This is caused by spleen deficiency. Drooling while sleeping, always feeling sleepy, a fat tongue, and tooth marks are all typical symptoms of spleen deficiency. I asked him to take some Shenling Baizhu Pills and combine it with moxibustion, which will help him get better faster.

Sleeping is the best way to rest the body, but after waking up, you find that the corners of your mouth or pillow are wet, which not only affects your mood, but also makes others feel embarrassed when they see it. In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine: "The five internal organs turn into liquid, the spleen is the saliva, the mouth is the spleen orifice, the saliva comes out of the mouth, and the saliva is the fluid of the spleen." Therefore, when we find that we are always drooling, we have to think that this situation is related to the spleen. The closest relationship.

The role of the spleen in the human body is very important. The most commonly known thing is that the spleen governs transportation and transformation, and helps us digest and absorb food. If the spleen is deficient, it will not be able to absorb the essence of food for its own use. It will not be able to deliver nutrients to various parts of the body normally, the internal organs and limbs will not be nourished, the muscles will have insufficient elasticity, and they will easily relax during sleep, and the mouth will open and saliva will flow out;

The spleen also has the function of "raising Qing", that is, the spleen can transport Qing Qi upward. After eating, the spleen and stomach are working hard to transport and transform food. A weak spleen and stomach will affect the function of "raising Qing", so you will feel sleepy and want to sleep.

Therefore, the root cause of the above symptoms is weakness of the spleen and stomach. We should replenish the spleen and replenish qi, awaken the spleen and stimulate the appetite. For traditional Chinese medicine, Shenling Baizhu Pills can be used to strengthen the spleen and reduce dampness. Shenling Baizhu Pills can nourish the spleen and stomach and replenish lung qi, focusing on treating syndromes of weak spleen and stomach combined with heavy dampness; while moxibustion can be used at Zusanli and Taibai points.

In the case at the beginning of the article, I performed moxibustion on this friend several times. Later, he went home and insisted on moxibustion and taking Shenling Baizhu Pills. About half a month later, he contacted me and said that his drooling problem was much better, but he still felt sleepy easily. I told him that Shenling Baizhu Pills should be taken for a period of time, and improvement of spleen deficiency also requires a process, and moxibustion can be adjusted to once every two or three days. More than half a year later, I met him again. He told me that after such a long period of consistent conditioning, the previous symptoms were gone. Now he no longer takes medicine, but he still uses moxibustion occasionally. He feels that moxibustion is good for him. Very helpful.

So, how exactly does moxibustion work?

Zusanli (bilateral)

On the outside of the calf, 3 inches below the calf's nose, 1 finger transversely from the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting the calf's nose and Jiexi.

Taibai point (bilateral)

On the medial edge of the foot, in the depression between the red and white flesh behind and below the section of the big toe (the first metatarsophalangeal joint).

How to operate:

Get into a comfortable position and fully expose the selected acupoints. Light the moxa stick and aim it at the acupuncture points. Based on the principle that the patient feels that the acupuncture points are locally warm and red but will not cause burns, moxibustion is performed on Zusanli and Taibai points for 15 minutes respectively. ~20 minutes. Moxibustion is applied alternately on the left and right acupuncture points, once a day, and 10 times is a course of treatment.

*Acupuncture point pictures come from "Illustrated Huangdi Neijing" produced by Zitu Books

Zusanli is one of the main acupoints on the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming. It has the functions of regulating the upper, middle and lower burners, regulating the spleen and stomach, and tonifying the middle and replenishing qi. "Secrets of Waitai": "Three Miles nourish the acquired qi, and moxibustion at Three Miles can keep the vitality alive." Taibai point is the original point of the spleen meridian of Foot Taiyin. It is an important point for strengthening and replenishing the spleen in the human body, and can treat various causes. Spleen deficiency syndrome. Mild moxa stick moxibustion on Zusanli and Taibai points has the effect of replenishing Qi and replenishing the spleen and stomach.

Seeing this, some people may ask: Is it also useful to buy Shenling Baizhu Powder? In fact, the composition of these two drugs is the same, but the dosage forms are different. But when buying, you should pay attention to whether there are children's pictures on the outer packaging. There are children's pictures on the outer packaging. This is for children, because the dosage of the medicine for adults and children is different. Adults take the ones with children's pictures. is inappropriate. Therefore, in the first case, Xia Feng recommended Shenling Baizhu Pills.

Finally, I would like to remind everyone that the method we introduced today is suitable for adults. If a child often drools, he or she can use pediatric massage to help solve the problem. Please don’t use it wrong. For details, you can follow the public account "Dalun Parenting Says" ", search for pediatric massage methods related to spleen deficiency.
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