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Let’s talk about the treatment methods of uterine fibroids

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Let’s talk about the treatment methods of uterine fibroids
There is snow outside the window and the house is steaming. This is the perfect season to sit on the sofa with a bowl of dried fruits and listen to stories.

what do you think?

Everyone has heard the story of "tadpole looking for its mother" since childhood. Today Xiangzhi will tell another story of "little egg".

Once upon a time there were three little eggs, they were little white, little red and little yellow.

Xiao Bai has been angry since childhood, Xiao Huang has been greedy since birth, and Xiao Hong has been even more unbehaved.

These three little guys, who were "not very well-behaved by nature", ran away from home one day because they all wanted to find a vast space to settle down and live without restraint and where they could grow freely.

So they walked, and walked, along the river, and they slid into an inverted triangular cave. The cave was spacious and had a warm climate. What was even more perfect was that there was abundant food in it, and it was updated regularly every month. It was simply The ideal home choice for "little eggs".

In this way, the vast majority of the little eggs (60%~70%) make their homes in the walls of the cave. It is safe and comfortable here, surrounded by uniform walls (myometrium). There is one more little egg like this. The name is "intramural fibroid".

There are also 20% of small eggs that make their home on the outer wall of the cave, where the space is more spacious. Those small eggs are also called "subserosal fibroids."

The last 10% of the little eggs, also known as "submucosal fibroids", chose to make their home in the cave. It seems safe, but earthquakes occur frequently, and the little eggs living inside are at risk of being destroyed at any time. The danger of squeezing out the hole (due to uterine contractions, the fibroid is squeezed out of the outer opening of the cervix and protrudes into the vagina), and the "little eggs" blocking the hole will also affect the children called "fertilized eggs" from settling in the cave. It is really There is a feeling of "dove occupying magpie's nest".

The story ends here. I believe everyone is more concerned about: What kind of impact will these little eggs have on the cave? How can we get rid of these little eggs that "occupy the magpie's nest"? Everyone, please listen to Xiang Zhi speak slowly.

Impact on "The Cave"

1 Uterine bleeding

It is the most important symptom of uterine fibroids and occurs in more than half of patients. It often manifests as increased menstrual flow, prolonged menstrual period, or shortened menstrual period. Irregular vaginal bleeding during non-menstrual periods.

Due to long-term heavy bleeding, patients often have varying degrees of anemia symptoms, such as fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, palpitations and other symptoms.

2 Frequent urination, painful urination, and difficulty urinating

The female bladder and uterus are very close to each other. Therefore, when uterine fibroids continue to proliferate, they will continue to put pressure on the bladder, causing problems such as frequent urination, urgency, and difficulty in urination. The fibroids successively press the uterus, causing discomfort in the lower abdomen and lower back. Soreness, constipation and other problems.

3 Increased leucorrhea

This is also a common problem caused by uterine fibroids. Normal leucorrhea usually appears in the middle of non-menstrual period and is small in amount, white in color and odorless. However, if uterine fibroids cause abnormal leucorrhea, there will be heavy, pus-like, or even blood-like leucorrhea, and an unfriendly smell.

How to get rid of those "eggs"

Regarding uterine fibroids, Western medicine says that the exact cause is not yet clear. It may be due to the high sensitivity of fibroid tissue to estrogen, or it may be that progesterone promotes mitosis of fibroid cells and stimulates fibroid growth.

However, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, uterine fibroids are one type of "mass". The disease of abdominal mass has been around for a long time, and the cause is clear. It is mostly caused by internal obstruction of "qi stagnation, blood stasis, and phlegm coagulation." Therefore, if we want to get rid of these eggs, we must regulate qi, activate blood circulation, and reduce phlegm and accumulation.

Internal stasis of blood stasis: Guizhi Fuling Pills

People suffering from this prescription have delayed menstruation, constant dripping or amenorrhea, abdominal pain and generally refuse to press. Some people can feel hard lumps on the abdomen by pressing, dull skin, dry mouth but not liking to drink water, thick and dry tongue coating, and dark purple tongue. , the pulse is heavy and weak. This situation is due to blood stasis and internal obstruction. You can choose Guizhi Fuling Pills for treatment.

"If a woman has a chronic disease, her menstrual period has not lasted until three months, and her menstrual flow does not stop, and the fetal movement is above the navel, it is a chronic disease... Therefore, if the bleeding does not stop, the disease will not go away, so now The disease is caused by Guizhi Fuling Pills." ("Jin Gui Yao Lue Prescription·Volume 2")

Guizhi Fuling Capsules (Guizhi Fuling Pills) are composed of five medicinal herbs: cassia twig, Poria cocos, peony bark, peach kernel, and red peony root. "Use both cold and warm", it has the effect of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and relieving disease and blockage.

How to take: Start taking the medicine about 10 days before menstruation, 3 times a day, 3 pills each time, take it after meals, stop taking it during menstruation, and continue taking it for 3 months.

Qi stagnation and blood stasis: Rhubarb Chong Pills

People with this prescription have irregular menstruation, prolonged menstruation, heavy menstrual flow or amenorrhea, obvious purple and dark menstrual blood clots, thin body, often depressed mood, prone to sighing, upset and angry, swelling and discomfort in the chest and hypochondrium, and breast distension. Pain, dull complexion, uneven skin, dark circles under the eyes, and hot flashes. Zhang Zhongjing calls this situation "dry blood fatigue", which is caused by the deficiency of healthy energy in the body and the internal stasis of blood stasis. He uses Dahuang Wichong Pills to treat it.

"The five kinds of labor are extremely deficient, resulting in weight loss, full belly, inability to eat, injury from eating, injury from drinking, injury from drinking, injury to the chambers, injury from hunger, injury from exertion, injury to the meridians, Yingwei qi, dried blood, uneven skin and nails, and dark eyes. , soothe and replenish deficiency, Dahuang Wichong Pill is the main medicine." ("Synopsis of the Golden Chamber")

Composition: rhubarb, dried rehmannia glutinosa, peony, licorice, skullcap, peach kernels, almonds, dried lacquer, horseflies, grubs (qí cáo), leeches, and worms.

The more ingenious part of this prescription is that the last four drugs in the composition are not familiar to everyone. They are all insect drugs, some fly in the sky, walk on the ground, and swim in the water. The ancients used these insect drugs so aggressively, one of the main purposes was to let them go to the small corners and small places of the body to search for "dried blood" that is not easily found and remove it.

This prescription removes blood stasis, clears stasis and heat, and moisturizes dryness knots. It is used for both attack and nourishment. Take Junzi pills. Especially in Jing's "Jingui Xindian", it is said that this prescription "moistens the stems, moves the insects to remove the blood stasis, and clears the blood stasis." To get rid of its closure."

How to take: 1 pill at a time, 2 times a day. Mild diarrhea may occur when you first take this medicine, which will disappear in about 1 week.

Phlegm and blood stasis: Sanjie Analgesic Capsules

People suffering from this prescription have delayed menstruation or amenorrhea, thick menstrual texture, often accompanied by blood clots, abdominal masses that are not firm when pressed, occasional abdominal pain, slightly fat body, prone to edema, frequent limb drowsiness, dizziness and sleepiness, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. The tongue is white and sticky, with a dark tongue, sometimes with petechiae on the tip of the tongue, thick and greasy coating, and a slippery pulse. This situation is caused by phlegm and blood stasis, and you can choose Sanjie Analgesic Capsules for treatment.

The Sanjie Analgesic Capsule is composed of: Dragon Blood Root, Panax notoginseng, Fritillaria fritillary, and Coix Seed. It has the functions of softening and dispersing knots, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. It has outstanding curative effect on dysmenorrhea caused by endometriosis and adenomyosis.

How to take: Start taking it on the first day of the menstrual cycle, 3 times a day, 4 capsules each time, for 3 menstrual cycles.

External treatment method: moxibustion

The three drugs mentioned above are all available as Chinese patent medicines in pharmacies. You can distinguish them according to the composition of the drugs.

After talking about the internal treatment methods, let’s briefly talk about the external treatment methods. “Qi, phlegm, and blood stasis” are the pathological basis of eggs, and “cold coagulation” is their formation condition. Eggs “coagulate when exposed to cold, and coagulate when exposed to heat.” "Okay", then I will add some "heat" to it on the basis of regulating qi and resolving stagnation, activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, resolving phlegm and eliminating symptoms, to completely "drive away these annoying eggs".

Moxibustion at Guanyuan point is a good method.

Guanyuan point is located on the front midline of the human body, 3 inches below the navel. It has the effect of strengthening the foundation and nourishing the vital energy, and replenishing the lower burner. It can be used by anyone with a loss of vitality (pregnant women should be careful with moxibustion). It is also very effective in eliminating symptoms and resolving mass.

"Tongren Acupoint Acupuncture Illustration": "Treatment of pain under the umbilicus, red and astringent urine, unconscious discharge, pain in the urination area, like burning fire, drowning in blood, sudden hernia pain, blood knot under the umbilicus, like a cup covering, The woman cannot urinate after transcarnation, and the woman has a vaginal mass, and the lochia persists due to childbirth, the moon pulse is cut off, and the lower menstruation is cold."

This is the end of the article. Let me answer a few questions you may have:

❖"Will uterine fibroids go away on their own?"

Answer: Fibroids mostly occur in childbearing years and are rare before puberty. They will gradually shrink or disappear as women go through menopause.

❖“It mostly occurs in the childbearing years, will it affect pregnancy?”

Answer: Fibroids combined with pregnancy account for 0.5%~1% of fibroid patients and 0.3%~0.5% of pregnancies. Submucosal fibroids can affect the implantation of the fertilized egg, leading to early miscarriage; the low location of the fibroids can prevent the fetal head from presenting, causing abnormal fetal position and affecting the mode of delivery.

❖“What can I usually eat that is more beneficial?”

Answer: Lotus root is mild in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effect of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding. It can remove blood stasis and stop bleeding in patients with hematuria, blood in the stool and metrorrhagia.

Hawthorn, warm in nature and sour in taste, can enter the liver and blood vessels and circulate qi and blood. Zhu Danxi said that for those with abdominal pain caused by blood stasis or postpartum lochia, they can just boil hawthorn with sugar and boil it in water. We all know that hawthorn has a good digestive effect. Regular consumption of hawthorn can also relieve the symptoms of anemia caused by uterine fibroids.

"Compendium of Materia Medica": "Reducing phlegm and eating food, eliminating meat accumulation, syndromes of mass, phlegm and fluids, distension, soreness, blood stagnation, swelling and pain."
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