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What should I do if I am full? You need Mingfang Baohe Wan!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

What should I do if I am full? You need Mingfang Baohe Wan!
As the saying goes: "Food is the most important thing for the people", but it is also because we love food so much that many people regard eating as the greatest enjoyment in life. We generally call such people "foodies".

I found that there are not so many foodies in the circle of friends on WeChat now. There are often two or three people who gather around a table late at night and take photos to show off.

When I see such photos, I usually think to myself, you really need a Chinese patent medicine, and that is Baohe Pills!

[Yun Shao recalled: Before the radish invited everyone to dinner, everyone ate the rounds without any scruples...]

So, what exactly is Baohe Pill? Why do we need this kind of Baohe pill so much as the Spring Festival holiday is getting closer and closer?

First of all, I would like to introduce the origin of the prescription of Baohe Wan. It should be said that this prescription has a long history.

The prescription of Baohe Wan we use now comes from one of the four famous Chinese medicine masters in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties. In Zhu Danxi’s book, there are actually many prescriptions called Baohe Wan in the past, but most of them are in Zhu Danxi’s prescription On top of that, add one or two medicines.

I once told the story of Zhu Danxi. Those who are interested can search the Internet for "Hundreds of Lectures and Great Chinese Medicine", and there is a video of my story.

Zhu Danxi was originally a Confucian student, but because of his mother's illness, he gave up his studies to practice medicine. After untold hardships, he finally became a master of traditional Chinese medicine.

In the prescription of this Baohe pill, there are several medicines such as hawthorn, divine comedy, pinellia, poria cocos, tangerine peel, forsythia, radish seed, and fried malt.

Zhu Danxi's method back then was: grind these medicines into powder, and then blend them into cooking cakes to make pills, which are as big as phoenix seeds.

This prescription can help digestion and stomach. Indications for stagnation of food accumulation, fullness in the chest and abdomen, pain during abdominal distension, belching and acid regurgitation, nausea, or vomiting and diarrhea, slippery pulse, thick greasy or yellow tongue coating.

In this recipe, the hot and sour Hawthorn, which is sweet and warm, is used as the king, which can appetize and invigorate the spleen, and eliminate all dietary stagnation, especially good at eliminating greasy meat accumulation.

Stir-fried Divine Comedy, a traditional Chinese medicine, is made by adding spicy Polygonum, Artemisia annua, almond paste, red bean, and fresh Xanthium to flour or bran, and then stir-fried. Ganxin is warm in nature, digests food and invigorates the stomach, and is good at dissolving stale food and alcohol. It is a commonly used medicine in traditional Chinese medicine for digestion and stagnation.

Radish seed is the familiar radish seed. It is sweet and flat. In addition to the effect of reducing phlegm, it can also lower Qi, eliminate food and eliminate swelling. Combined with fried malt, it also plays a role in digestion and stagnation.

The burnt hawthorn, fried malt, and fried divine comedy are what we usually call Jiao Sanxian's three-flavored medicine. Adding radish seeds will make the effect even better.

However, the cleverness of this prescription is that it is not just using Jiao Sanxian plus radish seeds to eliminate food stagnation. Dampness and heat, so use pinellia and tangerine peel to warm, regulate qi and eliminate dampness, harmonize the stomach and stop vomiting; use Poria cocos, sweet and light, invigorate the spleen and dampness, and stop diarrhea. These three herbs are the ancestral Erchen Decoction for resolving phlegm The licorice is removed, so on the basis of digestion and stagnation, the effect of resolving phlegm and dampness is added. This is a clever technique.

However, the brilliance of this side did not stop there. Why is he a famous doctor? Think carefully, the most wonderful thing is that a heat-clearing traditional Chinese medicine, forsythia, is added to the prescription. Forsythia tastes bitter and slightly cold, and it can dissipate stagnation to help eliminate stagnation, but more importantly, the cubers have thought that food accumulation will lead to stagnation and heat, and some heat syndromes appear, so forsythia is used to clear the heat generated by food accumulation. In this way, the compatibility of various medicines can dissolve food accumulation, harmonize stomach qi, clear away heat and dampness, unblock qi and blood, and make the body naturally peaceful.

Therefore, famous prescriptions are famous prescriptions, and those are the prescriptions formulated by these masters of traditional Chinese medicine for various situations after careful consideration and understanding.

Therefore, if we encounter those situations where we are full and full, we have stagnation of food stagnation, fullness in the chest and abdomen, pain during abdominal distension, belching and acid regurgitation, nausea, or vomiting and diarrhea, slippery pulse , thick greasy or yellow tongue coating, I think you should go to the pharmacy quickly and buy a box of Baohe Pills to help your body eliminate stagnation. This can be regarded as a kind of self-help after the event.

I think our attitude towards eating delicious food is really crazy. It is said that many people eat buffets by leaning on the wall to get in and out. As for the meal, are you so energetic?

However, when things come to an end, it is basically impossible to figure it out. As long as you go in, there are very few people who can retreat unscathed, and they usually come out dizzy and brain-swollen. So I sincerely suggest that at the entrance of restaurants like buffets, when customers are leaving, you really don’t need to send chewing gum, you can directly send Baohe pills, this can be regarded as a kind of help for customers!

The Spring Festival is coming, I hope all my friends don't hurt yourself because of eating!

Lao Tzu tells us that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other. In good things, there are often hidden murderous intentions. When facing delicious food, we must learn to control ourselves!
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