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Treating Irregular Menstruation for Neighbors

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Treating Irregular Menstruation for Neighbors
Medical case of treating irregular menstruation for neighbors

I like Chinese medicine because of the influence of my lover, and I learned about Chinese medicine after reading Teacher Luo’s "Yin Yang One Adjustment and All Diseases Elimination". I learned Chinese medicine through Teacher Luo’s WeChat public platform, and I signed up for Angelica Chinese Medicine School. From then on, I learned Chinese medicine It was really opened!

Through the study tour in April this year, I felt the warmth and charm of Chinese medicine face to face, and I was so excited that besides worship, I also had a firm belief that I must work hard to learn Chinese medicine well because of the hand-in-hand guidance of the "Shangxian" teachers.

Hey, let’s get down to business and share a case I had not long ago!

On November 24, Juan, the neighbor next door, sent a message for help, saying: "Help me, I'm going crazy, I'm going to die!" She was startled and asked her what was going on? She works out of town with her family, and she rarely contacts her. When she suddenly sent such a message, I don't have any superpowers. I suddenly pinned so much hope on me! Then help me, I just try my best!

It turned out that she hadn't done it for a long time during menstruation, her menstrual period was dark, and there were a few blood clots, and she was tortured to the point of going crazy. The specific situation is as follows: after 7-8 days of menstruation on September 23, the drip was still dirty until November 10. I had a B-ultrasound examination in the hospital, which indicated that there was no bleeding in the uterine cavity, and prescribed 14 traditional Chinese medicine granules, Angelica, Chuanxiong Wait, the situation has improved a little, but I still feel dizzy and afraid of cold, tired, irritable, and can't sleep well.

I had never received a case of missing gynecological evidence before, and it was through the online diagnosis method. At that time, the pressure was still quite high. Since the neighbors were eager to seek treatment, they could only rack their brains, so let's treat it!

Where to start? In addition to asking about her situation, there is also listening to Mr. Luo's tongue diagnosis every day, so I will start with the tongue diagnosis, which is the only intuitive way (because each side is on one side). I then asked her to take two photos of her tongue. The photos showed: her face was pale, her face was full of dark spots, her tongue was fat and big, there was a groove in the middle of her tongue, there were tooth marks on the edge of her tongue, her tongue was pale, and her tongue coating was thin and white. The veins are thick and blue, and the tongue is diagnosed as: spleen failure, deficiency of both qi and blood, and blood stasis in the body.

Adhering to the principle of treating diseases, people-oriented, firstly improve her qi mechanism, replenish qi and blood, first use 15 grams of angelica and 30 grams of astragalus for 5 days, and teach her to moxibustion Yinbai acupoint at the same time.

I sent a message on December 1st, telling me that my spirit has improved a lot, my whole body has warmed up, I am no longer so afraid of the cold, and my menstruation has dried up.

Yu Xunsi, the blood stasis in her body hasn't melted yet, it's cured so easily, it won't come back in a few days, right?

Having doubts, I thought again, maybe the next time she has a smooth period, she can naturally expel the blood stasis.

Sure enough, a message was sent on the afternoon of December 3, saying that there was a small amount of menstrual blood again, but the color was lighter than before, not so dark. Ask the reason, is it cold? Or have you eaten something cold? It's not true, it's the ceremony of husband and wife.

Juan was shy and nervous, saying that she had a phobia about the menstruation. Yu is consoling and contemplating, continuing to heal. This time, she was considering mainly removing silt, so she went to the pharmacy to buy 350 grams of motherwort, half a catty of mugwort leaves, an appropriate amount of brown sugar every day, one or two of motherwort, and boiled water to drink; a handful of mugwort leaves, soaking her feet at night.

On December 7th, I was told that my mouth was dry and my tongue was dry. I couldn't figure it out, wouldn't I? Artemisia argyi leaves warm the meridians and collaterals, motherwort promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, why is it so dry and hot? After careful questioning, it turned out that she recently used ginger powder bought online to soak her feet. After a long walk, her body fluid and blood were exhausted. Ask him to stop using ginger powder immediately.

On December 8th, Siwutang and Shengmaiyin were prescribed, and I started taking them on December 10th. The specific prescription is: 10 grams of angelica, 6 grams of Chuanxiong, 30 grams of rehmannia, 30 grams of rehmannia, 20 grams of white peony, 20 grams of yam, 10 grams of Radix Radix, 3 grams of American ginseng, three pairs, one pair per day, twice a day.

At 8:00 pm on December 13th, I received a message saying that it seems to be a normal period. The amount is more than before, but it is not smooth. Two bottles of Yangxue Angelica Essence brand were taken at the same time, and she was instructed in some details of menstrual period, especially keeping warm and keeping a good mood.

On December 21st at around 4:00 pm, I received a message saying that my period was clean, and there were no blood clots during the period, the blood was red, and the amount was more than before, and the skin on my face was much whiter.

When I got the news, I was really happy. No amount of money can buy that kind of small sense of accomplishment. Thank you, Teacher Luo, and thanks to Chinese medicine for giving me the opportunity to help people around me. I will continue to work hard on the road of Chinese medicine!

Of course, there may be many inadequacies in the above cases, and I hope Teacher Luo can criticize and correct me a lot. Thank you, Teacher Luo, for your love is boundless!
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