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What issues should we pay attention to when testing blood sugar?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

What issues should we pay attention to when testing blood sugar?
For people with diabetes, blood glucose monitoring is one of the most important parts of diabetes management. The results of blood glucose monitoring can help us judge the severity of the condition, formulate a hypoglycemic treatment plan, and reflect the treatment effect to guide us in adjusting the treatment plan. So in order to ensure the accuracy of blood sugar testing, do you know what issues you need to pay attention to when testing blood sugar every day?

1. Choose the ring finger for blood collection. Compared with the other four fingers, the ring finger moves less and is less susceptible to infection.

2. When collecting blood, it is best to choose both sides of the fingertips. There are abundant capillaries and less peripheral nerve distribution. The pain is mild and the bleeding is sufficient. There are abundant sensory nerves in the fingertips, and there is pain when a needle is pricked. This can make the sensory nerves in the fingertips slow and insensitive, affecting the sense of touch.

3. Diabetic patients should not stick to the same place for a long time. The blood collection site should be rotated to avoid scar formation.

4. Do not squeeze the needle site hard to squeeze out the blood, because interstitial fluid will flow out when squeezed, resulting in low blood sugar measurement.

5. The blood collection needle is for one-time use. It is necessary to collect an appropriate amount of blood at one time. Do not add additional blood drops. Excessive or insufficient blood volume will affect the results.

6. Wait until the alcohol is completely dry before collecting blood to prevent alcohol from mixing into the blood and affecting the test results. Do not use iodophor for disinfection, as iodophor will react chemically with the test reagent on the test paper, affecting the accuracy of blood glucose values.

7. Before testing, you should check and adjust the code displayed by the blood glucose meter to be consistent with the code on the test strip packaging box. The blood glucose meter should be calibrated every time before using a new batch of test strips, and expired test strips should not be used.

8. The blood glucose meter should be calibrated regularly and the battery should be replaced in time.

9. The blood collection time for blood glucose measurement must be punctual. The time of blood collection also affects the results. For example, fasting blood sugar refers to blood sugar measured while sleeping for more than 8 hours without eating or taking medication, and it must be before 9 a.m. If you stay up late that night but do not eat, it cannot be called fasting blood sugar.
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