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Health timetable for people with diabetes

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Health timetable for people with diabetes
Health preservation refers to maintaining life, strengthening physical fitness, and preventing diseases through various methods, so as to achieve the purpose of prolonging life. In fact, for diabetic patients, since they need to control blood sugar and maintain their body, they also need to follow a certain time and order when doing things. This article lists a list of health and wellness time for diabetics, hoping to bring you some help.

drinking water time

Everyone can drink a glass of boiled water after getting up in the morning. After getting up in the morning, the body will be in a state of physiological dehydration (no water intake overnight). If you have diabetes, drinking a glass of boiled water at this time can dilute the blood concentration and reduce blood sugar.

People with diabetes should take the initiative to drink small amounts of water at other times, 50 to 100 ml each time, a glass of warm water in the morning, and a glass of water 1 to 2 hours before going to bed. They should not drink water only when they feel thirsty. They should develop a habit of drinking water when they feel thirsty. Regular and proactive drinking habits. People with diabetes should drink no less than 1,200 ml of water per day, preferably 1,500 to 1,700 ml. If calculated based on a 200 ml cup, they should drink 8 glasses of water per day. Diabetic patients prefer warm boiled water. Depending on their personal circumstances, they can also choose light tea.

brushing time

Brushing your teeth less often will not achieve the effect of oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth too often will cause damage to your teeth. According to the requirements of the "Oral Health Guidelines for Chinese Residents", everyone should brush their teeth morning and evening. Brushing your teeth can remove plaque and soft plaque. and food residues, maintain oral hygiene, and maintain the health of teeth and periodontal tissues. Several hours after brushing your teeth to remove plaque, plaque can reattach to the clean tooth surface and continue to form. Especially after falling asleep at night, saliva secretion decreases, the self-cleaning effect of the mouth is poor, and bacteria are more likely to grow. Therefore, brush your teeth at least twice a day, and more importantly at night before going to bed (use a soft-bristled toothbrush). Brushing your teeth and cleaning the back of your tongue with a tongue brush can significantly improve oral odor. Rinsing your mouth after meals can remove food residue in the mouth and keep the mouth clean. Chewing sugar-free gum can also stimulate saliva secretion, reduce oral acidity, help freshen breath and clean teeth.

It is recommended that diabetic patients brush their teeth every morning and evening and rinse their mouth after three meals.

time to eat fruit

Fruit is nutritious and delicious, and is a food recommended for daily consumption in the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents". Fruit is rich in essential vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, especially some fruits with high vitamin C content, such as kiwi fruit, winter dates, etc.; dietary fiber It is not easily digested and absorbed in the intestines and can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent constipation and intestinal cancer.

Diabetics are advised to eat fruits between meals. First of all, it is not recommended for people with diabetes to eat fruits on an empty stomach, because fruits are cool at room temperature and can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract. Diabetics often have gastrointestinal problems, which may cause discomfort. Secondly, it is not recommended for people with diabetes to eat fruits before or immediately after meals, because ingesting too many carbohydrates (including energy from meals and fruits) at one time will cause blood sugar to rise after meals, increase the burden on the pancreas, and be detrimental to the condition. control.

Diabetic patients can eat fruit as a snack between meals, such as at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; for patients with long-acting insulin injections, they can also eat some fruit before going to bed to prevent nighttime hypoglycemia. No matter when you eat fruit, you should pay attention to keeping the total energy intake within the whole day within the standard, reduce the amount of some staple foods in the meal, and replace it with the amount of fruit with corresponding energy.

exercise time

The "China Diabetes Exercise Treatment Guidelines (2012 Edition)" points out that diabetic patients should avoid exercising on an empty stomach or 60 to 90 minutes after taking anti-diabetic drugs to prevent the occurrence of hypoglycemia. When the human body exercises on an empty stomach, a large amount of blood sugar is consumed and reduced in the body, which will lead to lower blood sugar, hunger before exercise, insufficient liver glycogen storage, and the inability to replenish the consumed blood sugar in time, prone to hypoglycemia. The peak effect of the drug is generally 60 to 90 minutes after taking the drug. Exercise will accelerate the effect of the drug and easily induce hypoglycemia.

It is best for people with diabetes to exercise half an hour to 1 hour after a meal. A clinical trial on patients with type 2 diabetes treated with anti-diabetic drugs showed that patients in the exercise treatment group exercised regularly for 1 hour half an hour after dinner every day (walking 6 kilometers), the effect of reducing fasting blood sugar, postprandial blood sugar, serum insulin, C-peptide, glycosylated hemoglobin, and blood lipids was significantly higher than that of the non-exercise treatment group.

After the human body eats, the pancreatic islets can immediately increase insulin secretion under the stimulation of plasma glucose. The intravenous glucose tolerance test found that the islet β cells of normal people secrete biphasic insulin after being stimulated by glucose load, which are called first-phase secretion and second-phase secretion respectively. The secretion characteristics of first-phase and second-phase insulin are shown in Figure 1. As can be seen from Figure 1, the peak of insulin secretion is approximately half an hour to one hour, indicating that this time period is the peak of plasma glucose concentration. Exercise at this time can effectively reduce blood glucose concentration and control the disease.

Of course, exercise for people with diabetes requires long-term regular exercise. The "three days of fishing and two days of drying out the net" type of exercise can play a better role in lowering blood sugar. It is best for people with diabetes to plan an exercise plan in advance and stick to it for a long time. Exercise to exert the hypoglycemic effect. Also note that you should stop exercising when you are physically tired or have an infection or other acute illness to avoid danger.

sunbathing time

At noon every day, the sun is relatively abundant, and autumn and winter are a good time to bask in the sun. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sunbathing has three benefits: one is to nourish bones, the other is to nourish yang energy, and the third is to nourish righteousness. Sunbathing can promote the production of vitamin D in the body and help calcium absorption. For children, basking in the sun is beneficial to growth and development. For the elderly, basking in the sun can not only help prevent osteoporosis, but also improve depression (winter is the season when depression is most common). In traditional Chinese medicine, there is a saying of "collecting sun essence", which means collecting sunlight to generate clear yang energy and dispel the turbid qi in the body, which is the so-called tonifying yang qi. Uprightness is relative to external evils. Sunbathing can help strengthen the body, enhance the body's resistance, and help the body resist disease and evil.

In winter, the sun is abundant at noon, so sugar lovers can choose to bask in the sun at noon. In summer, the sun is strong at noon. To avoid basking in the sun when the sun is strongest, you can choose to bask in the sun at around 10 am or 3 pm to avoid sunburn. Also note that you should take off your hat when basking in the sun to let the sun shine on your head. The head is the first of all Yangs and the place where Yang energy gathers. There is a very important acupuncture point on the top of the head - Baihui point, which warms Baihui point. If you know the acupoints, the health effect will be better.

Foot soaking time

People with diabetes can soak their feet before going to bed at night. There is a saying in folk songs: "When you wash your feet in spring, the rising sun will strengthen your skin; when you wash your feet in summer, you can get rid of summer dampness; when you wash your feet in autumn, your lungs and intestines will be moisturized; when you wash your feet in winter, your pubic area will be warmed." This succinctly describes the benefits of foot baths in all seasons. . The kidney meridian is one of the twelve meridians and can treat circulatory system diseases. The time of infusion is from 5 to 7 pm. At 9 pm, the kidney meridian qi and blood are relatively weak. If you soak your feet at this time, the body heat will increase and the blood vessels in the body will expand. , which is beneficial to promoting blood circulation, thereby achieving better kidney nourishing effect, and people will also feel comfortable. Moreover, after a person has worked hard during the day, soaking his feet at night can promote blood circulation and help relieve fatigue.
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