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What is Sumujie phenomenon?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

What is Sumujie phenomenon?
What is Sumujie phenomenon and what is its relationship with diabetes?
Xiao Ming is a type 1 diabetic patient. One night he had a poor appetite and ate very little. He developed hypoglycemia in the middle of the night. When he tested his blood sugar in the morning, he found that his blood sugar was very high. The above case is the Sumujie phenomenon.

So what is Sumujie reaction? Somogyi discovered in the 1930s that excessive dosage of insulin can lead to unstable blood sugar in diabetes. When the dosage of insulin is reduced, the patient's blood sugar will drop. So he put forward the motto "where there is hypoglycemia, there is hyperglycemia." This phenomenon is Sumujie phenomenon, also called Sumujie reaction.

Hematoxylin phenomenon mainly manifests as nocturnal hypoglycemia and early morning hyperglycemia. After hypoglycemia occurs at night, mainly due to taking oral medicine at night or excessive injection of insulin, the body's own protection increases the secretion of hormones that increase blood sugar, and blood sugar rebounds. high. If a diabetic patient often feels headache and nausea when waking up in the morning, often has nighttime hypoglycemia, and the fasting blood sugar cannot be reduced after increasing the insulin dose, then monitor the blood sugar from 11 pm to 3 am the next morning. If it is 3 am If the blood sugar is lower than 6.1 mmol/L and the fasting blood sugar before breakfast is higher than 8 mmol/L, it can be determined as "Sumujie phenomenon".

When you find that your blood sugar is high before breakfast, diabetics must not increase the insulin dose arbitrarily. They should monitor blood sugar at night and determine whether it is a Sumuji reaction. If it is determined that the pre-breakfast hyperglycemia is caused by the Hematoxylin reaction, you should consider reducing the dose of insulin or drugs at night or reducing the amount of exercise. If your blood sugar is below 6 mmol/L before going to bed, it is recommended to add some food. Actively analyze the causes of Sumujie phenomenon and overcome them.

After reading the above introduction, now you know what the Sumujie phenomenon of diabetes is. Many diabetics will encounter it, so they must learn to deal with it.
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