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What are the magical uses of the common and mysterious Chixiaodou?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

What are the magical uses of the common and mysterious Chixiaodou?
Chixiaodou is a commonly used food in our life. Many times we can see it in a bowl. For example, when eating eight-treasure porridge, if we accidentally see it again, let’s talk about Chixiaodou today.
In fact, there are two kinds of medicinal materials of Chixiaodou, one is called Chixiaodou and the other is called Chixiaodou. The former is of good quality, but there are very few of them now, so most of them are Chixiaodou, collectively called Chixiaodou.
It is estimated that everyone may not have imagined that in the eyes of the ancients, Chixiaodou is a god, and it is not comparable to other foods.
In the hearts of the ancients, Chixiaodou has special abilities, which are closely related to superstition.
For example, "Miscellaneous Five Elements Book" says:

"It is often used on the first day of the first month, and it is also very effective in warding off epidemic diseases. On the seventh day of the first lunar month, on the seventh day of the seventh month, men swallow seven red beans, and women swallow fourteen. The menstrual cycle is free from disease, and the disease will not be infected."

Obviously, this kind of adzuki bean surgery, which sometimes pays attention to conditions such as the distinction between men and women, is not a concept of medicine, but is a part of the practice no matter how you look at it. Another example is "Sui Guang Ji" which says: "In the beginning of autumn, swallow ten grains of red beans with autumn water to stop red and white dysentery", the reason is the same. There is also a saying that Chixiaodou is an object that hates ghosts. "Suishizaji" says: "There is a son of Gonggong who is not talented. He died on the winter solstice as a plague ghost. He feared red beans, so he hated it by making bean porridge every day." So we can see It turns out that the ancients even stipulated the days for taking red beans, which were limited to the winter solstice. Every Zhengdan, Lantern Festival, Qixi Festival, and Liqiu all have the effect of preventing epidemics.
It turns out that in the eyes of the ancients, this Chixiaodou is not an ordinary object, it is one of the things that ward off evil spirits. Generally, the things that ward off evil spirits are water, fire, bronze mirrors, etc., including Chixiaodou, and I don’t know why Chixiaodou Being so valued by the ancients, it is a level higher than other foods.
What's even more outrageous is that there was a famous person in the Jin Dynasty named Guo Pu. He was very knowledgeable. In addition to general knowledge, he was also good at fortune-telling and other techniques. A disgraceful record of chasing girls with Chixiaodou.

What is going on here?

It turns out that this Guo Pu once went to Lujiang and lived in a big family. You said you should live well if you live there. This Guo Pu is not. He is so beautiful that Guo Dacai was dizzy at first sight—how could he be more beautiful than Liu Yifei!

In the following days, Guo Dacai didn't sleep well all the time. He felt that if he couldn't live with the younger Liu Yifei, his life would be ruined, but "got it for no reason", how could he get it? What about her?

What happened next, it seems that Guo Dacai is very unreasonable in his actions, probably because he was forced by love, why do you say that? It turned out that the solution that Guo Dacai came up with was not on the table (I don't know which brother is more uninteresting, and it was recorded in the history books).

I saw that Guo Pu did not know where to go, got "three liters of red beans", and then surrounded the yard of this family in the middle of the night, sprinkled the red beans, and then estimated that after returning to the house, he did something else (this is not recorded) ).

As a result, a miracle happened. When the master came out of the house after dawn, he was so frightened that his tongue stuck out, because he saw thousands of people in red clothes surrounding his house, but when he approached these red clothes When there are people, these people disappear.

The master fainted from fright, and felt that he had been hacked, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't understand the reason, so he came to ask Guo Pu for advice (it was the right person).

So Guo Pu calculated it pretendingly, and finally told the master in a serious manner that it turned out to be your maid, the very beautiful one, which is unlucky, "Your family should not keep this maid."

The master was still stunned: "Which one? Which one are you talking about?"

Guo Pu almost burst into tears: "That's the one, the one that looks like Liu Yifei!"

The master was also very anxious: "I don't care who she looks like, I just want to know how to deal with this matter!"

Guo Pu told others: "If you can sell it thirty miles to the southeast, then this evil spirit will be eradicated."

Although the master knew that the maid was beautiful, he couldn't care less, so he quickly sold the maid according to the instructions of Mr. Guo. Of course, the buyer is the pony arranged by Guo Pu with ulterior motives.

In this way, the great literati Guo Pu got a girl into his home with the help of Chi Xiaodou.

This incident tells us two pieces of information: first: some literati in the feudal society are worthy of serious criticism for chasing girls;

Even today, in the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago, the practice of "scattering beans to drive away ghosts" is widely practiced in the folk customs there, but the ghosts expelled are foreign ghosts.

Next, let’s talk about the story of the ancients using Chixiaodou to treat diseases.

According to the book "Zhu's Collection of Proving Prescriptions": "Song Renzong suffered from mumps when he was in the East Palace, and ordered Taoist Zan Ning to treat it." This mumps is the current mumps. The relationship between the royal family and Taoist priests in Song Dynasty is very close. Find Taoist priests to solve everything.

So how did the Zanning Taoist treat it? He "takes forty-nine grains of Chixiaodou and curses it, and mixes it with other medicines to heal it."

Everyone took a look, this god, it turns out that Chixiaodou is really psychic, and he can be mobilized to heal diseases with a spell.

At that time, there was a noble man named Ren Chengliang who witnessed the situation with his own eyes, and his admiration for Taoist priests was like a torrent of river water. A friend named Fu Yong, "Take medicine and heal." Brother Ren was very curious, so he asked Fu Yong, what kind of medicine did you use? In the end, Fu Yong answered happily, "This is Chixiaodou."

Only then did Ren Chengliang understand, oh, it turns out that Chixiaodou can heal illnesses without reciting mantras. Dare the Taoist chanting mantras is a way of playing around with mystery.

It seems that the emperor of the Song Dynasty was miserably deceived by the Taoist priests.

As a result, the story is not over. Later, Ren Chengliang passed by Yuzhang and saw a doctor who was very effective in treating "threat carbuncle", which is the sore carbuncle on the flank. The old man pondered for a long time, and finally couldn't help it, so he asked a lot. He said: "Could it be that Chixiaodou is called Chixiaodou?" It is said that the medicine you use is Chixiaodou?

The doctor was shocked when he heard this, fell to his knees with a thud, and begged: "Boss, your eyesight is really good, but I use this prescription to feed more than 30 people in my family (use this to live more than 30 people) mouth), I hope you don’t tell anyone else, Boss (please don’t repeat it).”

What everyone needs to pay attention to is that this record is not as mysterious as Guo Pu's. This is a record with a strong medical literature color.

So, what kind of food is this red bean? What can it do?

It turns out that Chinese medicine believes that:

Chixiaodou is flat in nature, sweet and sour in taste. Functions and indications: inducing diuresis to eliminate seeds, detoxification and drainage of pus. For edema, beriberi edema, jaundice, red urine, rheumatic-heat arthralgia, carbuncle sores, intestinal abscess abdominal pain. Enter the heart, small intestine channel.

The above story of Song Renzong shows the detoxification side of Chixiaodou.

The most important function of Chixiaodou, besides detoxification, is more importantly, diuresis. Let’s list a few prescriptions in ancient books that use Chixiaodou to diuresis and eliminate edema as follows:

①Treatment of edema Can not sit or lie down, head, face and body are swollen: mulberry branches burn ashes, pour juice, boil adzuki bean hollow food to make you feel full, eat when you are hungry, and do not eat. ("Mei Shi Ji Proof Prescription")

②Treatment of ascites: a handful of rhizomes of Rhizoma Imperatae, three liters of red beans, boiled and dried, remove the roots and eat beans, and pour the water with urine. ("Filling the Back of the Elbow")

③Treatment of edema starts from the feet, and it kills when it enters the abdomen: 1 liter of red beans, boiled to make it very rotten, take four or five liters of juice, warm below the knees; ("Lonely Party")

④ Treatment of beriberi, shortness of breath, astringent defecation, swollen body, swollen feet, watery feet: half a liter of red bean, 2 liang of white bark of mulberry root (burned, filed), and a handful of perilla stems and leaves (filed, roasted). Except for adzuki beans, the upper three flavors are smashed into powder. Each serving starts with one bean, boils it with five cups of water, removes the beans, takes two and a half cups of juice, adds four qian daggers to the powder of the medicine, one part of ginger, smashes it, fry until one and a half cups, take it warmly, and then select the beans Any food, day again. ("Sanji Zonglu" Red Bean Soup)

It can be seen that the ancients relied heavily on the water-reducing function of Chixiaodou. Many prescriptions use Chixiaodou, and in our lives, we have also found that this Chixiaodou can indeed improve water.

We can usually use a simple method, the dietary prescription, which is to use 100 grams of Chixiaodou, and then use a carp weighing more than one catty to cook soup together, with as little salt and other seasonings as possible, drink soup and eat fish, which is considered in Chinese medicine , this carp itself is a water-reducing food, and after being cooked with Chixiaodou, the effect will be even stronger.

Under normal circumstances, many people sometimes have edema, such as swollen legs, which is caused by the lack of energy in the body, so you can drink this soup twice, and the swelling will disappear soon, and the effect is very definite .

Of course, if the edema is caused by a serious disease, you still need to go to the hospital. But this prescription can be used as a method of coordinating treatment.
What else does red bean do?

It is reported in the literature that if you suffer from mumps, you can use the detoxification effect of Chixiaodou to treat it. Use 50 or 60 grains of Chixiaodou, grind it into powder, then use egg white and water to make a paste, spread it on gauze, and then Applying it on the affected area is very good for the recovery of mumps, and can quickly reduce swelling.

Chixiaodou also has another function, that is, it can pass the milk. Some women have problems with the secretion of milk after giving birth. In one book, he mentioned that his wife had no milk after giving birth, and "seventy days had passed since the postpartum milk pulse failed." As a result, Chen Ziming, a master of gynecology, had no choice but to use a lot of medicines to no avail. It was very painful and emaciated.

At this time, a friend gave some red beans to their family by chance. As a result, Chen Ziming cooked red bean soup for his wife. What he didn't expect was that "the breast veins flowed that night".

Chen Ziming was taken aback, so he quickly flipped through the book, only to find that it was recorded in the cursive script that Chixiaodou has the effect of promoting milk.

It seems that no matter how great a famous person is, there are times when he reads the book and doesn't see it. This fulfills the saying that Chinese medicine has to live and learn.

In hot and humid summer days, we can boil water with Chixiaodou to drink, about 30 grams at a time is enough, you can add a little rock sugar, if the spleen and stomach are not weak and cold, you can also add a little mung bean It can increase the effect of dispelling heat.

Our "Yangshengtang" program introduced the experience of making soup with red beans and carp to treat edema. As a result, I went to Beijing TV station, and a viewer called. She said that after she was pregnant, her legs had been edematous. After the show, I made this soup myself. After drinking it once, the swelling in the legs disappeared. She called and asked if she could continue to take it. I happened to answer the phone, and I told her: You can take it, but don’t drink it all the time. Now that the swelling is gone, you don’t need to drink it, because the principle of pregnant women’s diet is diversity, so don’t stick to the same food all the time.

It seems that sometimes some little knowledge can really work in life.
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