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Weight loss, cupping and a reasonable diet are more compatible!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Weight loss, cupping and a reasonable diet are more compatible!
The weather is relatively hot in summer, and some people have a poor appetite. If they don't want to eat, they feel they don't want to eat, so they stop eating. This can help them lose weight. In fact, it is wrong to think this way. The summer weather is hot, and the human body consumes a lot. If it is not replenished in time, it will cause a decline in physical condition and affect work and life. It is unhealthy to lose weight without eating. We can control our diet reasonably and use other methods to lose weight. For obese people, while controlling their diet, they can also choose cupping to help lose weight. Let’s listen to Xia Feng talk about cupping for weight loss.

Obesity refers to excessive accumulation of fat in the body without obvious cause, increased body fat mass index or abnormal fat distribution, with obesity as the main clinical symptom. Obesity is often closely related to hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, cerebrovascular accident and other diseases. Obesity will increase the probability of these diseases and is a recognized risk factor. With the economic development and lifestyle changes in our country, the number of obese people has increased significantly in recent years, and their age has become younger.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the pathogenesis of obesity is improper diet and overeating of fat, sweet and delicious products, which damages the spleen and stomach, impairs the transportation and transformation function of the spleen and stomach, causes phlegm dampness to grow in the body, and makes people bloated and obese. Due to the change of the current working style, the number of people who sit for a long time has increased. It is recorded in the "Internal Classics" that "sedentary sitting hurts the flesh", which means that sitting for a long time will affect the movement of Qi, blood and body fluid on the one hand, making the muscles soft, and on the other hand will affect the transportation and transformation of the spleen Effect, affecting diet, insufficient Qi and blood biochemistry, muscle malnutrition and weakness. Sitting for a long time without getting activities, the circulation of qi and blood in the whole body is not smooth, water and grain essence is slightly lost in the infusion cloth, turning into phlegm dampness, remaining in the skin and viscera, resulting in obesity, phlegm dampness stagnating in the body, limbs, fatigue, and heavy head Symptoms such as coma, lack of food and loose stools.

For such obesity, cupping is very effective. You can choose the following acupoints:


In the spinal area, below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline. Take its spleen-tonifying effect to strengthen and protect the spleen and stomach.


It is located under the spinous process of the first lumbar vertebra, 1.5 inches lateral to the posterior midline. The name of this point means that the water and dampness of the three burners and fu organs are transferred externally to the bladder meridian. Conducive to the discharge of moisture.

Zhongwan point

It is the Renmai point, 4 inches above the navel. It has the effects of "warming the stomach and stopping vomiting, dispersing cold and relieving pain, harmonizing the stomach and strengthening the spleen, and clearing and lowering the fu-organ qi".

Daheng Point

In the middle part of the abdomen, horizontally level with the umbilicus and 4 inches beside the umbilicus. It has the function of transporting water and moisture in the spleen meridian, which can promote the body's nutrient absorption and water and grain transportation.


On the outside of the calf, 3 inches below the calf's nose, 1 finger transversely from the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting the calf's nose and Jiexi. It has the functions of regulating the spleen and stomach, replenishing Qi, strengthening body and dispelling evil, and is an important point for health care.

*Acupuncture point pictures come from "Illustrated Huangdi Neijing" produced by Zitu Books

How to operate:

Use a glass jar of appropriate size and use the flash fire cupping method, which is adsorbed on the above-mentioned acupoints respectively. You can also cup the waist, thighs and other muscular parts, leave it for 15 minutes, once every other day, and 10 times constitute a course of treatment. The cessation of menstrual periods in women. Observe the therapeutic effect after 2 courses of treatment.

Pishu can dissipate the heat of the spleen and stomach, and triple burner regulates the water channels of the body. Cupping here can regulate the water and dampness in the whole body to the bladder meridian, and then be excreted from the body; Zhongwan and Daheng can regulate the spleen and stomach, and at the same time, it can facilitate local metabolism in the abdomen; Zusanli nourishes the middle and replenishes qi, unblocks the meridians and activates collaterals.

Compared with simple dieting, cupping therapy can effectively control the patient's hunger, reduce appetite, reduce food intake, correct the energy intake greater than energy consumption, and promote energy metabolism to shift towards consuming the fat accumulated in the body, thereby producing a weight loss effect. This method is simple, easy to learn, has flexible treatment time, does not affect the patient's work or study, and is easier to accept.

In addition to simple cupping, you can also use ear acupuncture to press beans to treat obesity with cupping. Let me share my experience with you:

Use Wangbuliuxing seed auricular point pressure beans combined with cupping. Select acupoints by pressing beans on the ears: thalamus, pituitary gland, exciting points, endocrine points, abdomen, buttocks, spleen, and hunger points. Stimulate the corresponding acupuncture points on the ear with a probe. After the patient complains of pain, stick the tape with the seeds on the ear and instruct the patient to press it 3 times a day, 1 to 3 times per acupoint. minutes, the stimulation amount is the maximum tolerated amount of the patient, and it is changed once every 5 days, alternately in both ears. Use a medium-sized glass cupping pot to remove the Zhongwan acupoint, bilateral Daheng acupoints, bilateral Tianshu acupoints, and Guanyuan acupoints on the back, as well as the spleen acupoints and Sanjiao acupoints on the back, and perform cupping treatment with flash fire method. Leave the cup on for 20 minutes, once every other day. Cupping therapy is performed after auricular pressure. Both groups took 20 days as one course of treatment, and the efficacy was observed after two courses of treatment.

The pituitary point and endocrine point in the ear can regulate endocrine function; the thalamus point and excitement point can enhance the excitability of the body and improve the body's metabolic function; the spleen point can clear away heat and dampness, replenish qi and defecate; the hunger point can increase the feeling of satiety; the abdominal, The buttocks are targeted at areas prone to fat accumulation. Cupping is also a characteristic therapy of traditional Chinese medicine. There are reports that cupping therapy at Shenque point can accelerate the removal of toxins and waste in obese patients. The Zhongwan, Tianshu and Daheng points we selected mainly regulate the functions of the spleen, stomach and intestines. The Sanjiao point can regulate water and liquid metabolism. The Guanyuan point is the recruitment point of the small intestine and can also regulate digestion and absorption functions. All points are used together to regulate the spleen and stomach and resolve dampness and stagnation.

*Selected from "Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine" June 2016, Yu Chunhua.

*As a comprehensive academic journal of traditional Chinese medicine, "Zhejiang Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine" is mainly targeted at clinical, scientific research, and teaching practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine and integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. Adhere to the correct purpose of running the journal, conscientiously implement the party's health work guidelines and traditional Chinese medicine policies, inherit and carry forward the motherland's medical heritage, timely report innovative scientific research results, focus on the exchange of unique diagnosis and treatment experience, pay equal attention to theory and practice, improve popularization, focus on academic exploration, and be relevant. Clinically practical. The magazine is based in Zhejiang and covers the whole country and overseas. It is rich in content, distinctive and widely praised.
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