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Learn tongue diagnosis and regulate your child’s body

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Learn tongue diagnosis and regulate your child’s body
Dear Teacher Luo, hello everyone! The child was not feeling well a few days ago, but now he is fine. Let me share with you the recovery process!

The child's symptoms this time are: smelly stools, shapeless, red and swollen eyes, occasional nosebleeds, restless sleep, likes to sleep on the stomach with his butt raised, irritable, crying, normal eating, red tongue with red spots on the tip of the tongue, Tongue coating is less! Based on the symptoms, it was judged to be spleen-yin deficiency and stomach heat.

Because it was taken care of by an old man, it had been there for several days. During this period, he had been taking medicine for inflammation, but there was no improvement. Later he called me and I asked about the situation and asked for a photo of his tongue to be taken for me to see.

Follow the treatment method for spleen-yin deficiency written in Teacher Luo’s book: nourishing yin + clearing away heat. Yam, lotus seed meat, coix seed, Ophiopogon japonicus, Adenophora adenophora, Radix Rehmanniae, and then added heat-clearing dandelion. Because I had nosebleeds, I boiled water with Imperata cogongrass root and drank it for 2 days. I boiled it with water to nourish yin and clear away heat and drank it for 4 days. My bowel movements were cured and my eyes were no longer red. I also asked for a photo of my tongue to be taken and found that it was normal. The left side below shows the tongue before conditioning, and the right side shows the tongue after conditioning.

I am very grateful to Teacher Luo, and I am very glad that I have learned some knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine. The reason why I became associated with Chinese medicine is because my child had red eyes when he was half a year old. Because he didn't know how to read the tongue, he just thought that the child was suffering from internal heat. Give him honeysuckle tea and wash his eyes with coptis water. But nothing worked, so I had no choice but to see a Western doctor again, who said it was conjunctivitis. I prescribed eye drops but it still didn't work, so I finally got an intravenous drip. Because I know the serious consequences of casual infusion of children, I have since started to learn some knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine and parenting, so that my children can take less western medicine and less intravenous drips!

That’s all I have to share, thank you all!
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