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Warming medicine cinnamon | Chinese medicine knowledge

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Warming medicine cinnamon | Chinese medicine knowledge
Warming medicine

Drugs that have the main effect of warming the interior and dispelling cold are commonly used to treat interior cold syndrome, and are called warming herbs, also known as dispelling cold medicine.

This type of medicine is pungent in taste and warm in nature. It is pungent in nature and can be dispersed and dissipated. It is warm and unblockable. It is good at moving through the internal organs and can warm the inside and dispel cold. It can warm the menstrual flow and relieve pain. Therefore, it can be used to treat internal cold syndrome, especially internal cold syndrome. That is what the "Nei Jing" says "cold is treated with heat" and the "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" means "cold is treated with hot medicine". Some medicines can still help and restore yang, and are used to treat deficiency and cold syndrome and yang deficiency syndrome.

Warming medicines have various effects depending on their main meridians. Mainly entering the spleen and stomach meridian, it can warm the middle and dispel cold and relieve pain. It can be used to treat the invasion of external cold and the syndrome of direct spleen and stomach or spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. Symptoms include cold pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, pale tongue with white coating, or accompanied by mental fatigue, Tired limbs, poor diet, etc.; Mainly enters the lung meridian, it can warm the lungs and dissolve fluids, and is used to treat cold lungs and phlegm syndrome, with symptoms such as phlegm and cough, wheezing, white and thin phlegm, pale tongue with slippery coating, etc.; Mainly enters the liver meridian. If it mainly enters the kidney meridian, it can warm the kidney and help yang, and it can be used to treat kidney yang deficiency syndrome, where the symptoms are yang. Cold fistulas in the uterus, cold pain in the waist and knees, frequent nocturia, semen enuresis, etc.; mainly enters the heart and kidney meridians, can warm the yang and unblock the meridians, and is used to treat heart and kidney yang deficiency syndrome, with symptoms such as palpitations, chills, cold limbs, difficulty in urination, Swelling of the limbs, etc.; or it can be used to restore Yang and relieve inverse symptoms, and treat inverse symptoms of Yang deficiency. Symptoms include aversion to cold, fatigue in lying down, sweating, inverse limbs, weak and weak pulse, etc.

The use of warm medicine should be appropriately combined according to different syndromes.

This type of medicine is pungent, hot, and strong, and can easily damage Yin and activate Fire. Therefore, the dosage should be reduced when the weather is hot or if the body's Fire is strong. If the heat lies inside, the heat will be deep and deep. It should be contraindicated in cases of true heat and false cold. It should be contraindicated in cases of excessive heat. , Yin deficiency, excessive fire, and body fluid and blood deficiency should not be used; pregnant women should use with caution.


It was first recorded in "Shen Nong's Materia Medica".

This product is the dried bark of cinnamon, a plant in the Lauraceae family. It is processed into various specifications due to the different parts and qualities of the strips. The common ones are Qibiangui, Bangui, Youbangui, etc. This product has a strong and specific aroma, sweet and spicy taste. The ones with thick skin, strong oiliness and strong aroma are better. raw use.

[properties of medicine] pungent, sweet, great heat; returns kidney, spleen, heart, liver meridian.

【Efficacy】Replenishing fire and supporting yang, expelling cold and relieving pain, warming and dredging the meridians, igniting fire and returning to the original.


1. Insufficient kidney yang, weak vital energy, impotence, cold palace, cold pain in waist and knees

This product is pungent, sweet and hot, can nourish fire and support yang, benefit yang and eliminate yin, and has mild and long-lasting effects. Just as the "Materia Medica Seeking Truth" says: "It greatly nourishes the fire of the door of vital energy, nourishes yang and cures yin."

2. Cold and pain in the heart and abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea due to deficiency and cold, and abdominal pain due to cold hernia.

This product is sweet and hot to support yang to invigorate deficiency, pungent and hot to dispel cold to relieve pain, and is good at dispelling chronic cold and severe cold. To treat chest yang deficiency and cold-evil invading chest obstruction and heartache; to treat cold-evil invading or spleen-stomach deficiency cold pain in the abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, can be used alone as powder, and decocted in wine.

3. Dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, cold-damp arthralgia, yin gangrene flow injection due to deficiency and cold of Chongren, blood stagnation caused by cold coagulation

This product is pungent, dissipating and warming, can promote qi and blood, dredge meridians, dispel cold and relieve pain. Control Chongren Deficiency and Cold, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea caused by cold coagulation and blood stagnation; control wind-cold-damp arthralgia, especially cold arthralgia lumbago.

4. Kidney deficiency causes asthma, rising Yang deficiency, dizziness and red eyes.

The great heat of this product enters the liver and kidneys, and can make the vacant yang that rises due to the deficiency and decline of the lower yuan return to its homeland, so it is called bringing fire back to the yuan. It is used to treat dizziness, red eyes, flushed face, shortness of breath, sweating, palpitations, insomnia, and weak pulse caused by deficiency of Yuanyang and rising of deficiency Yang.

In addition, for those who are chronically ill and deficient in qi and blood, a small amount of cinnamon can be added to the qi and blood replenishing prescription, which has the effect of warming and transporting yang qi to encourage the growth of qi and blood, such as Shiquan Dabu Decoction ("Heji Bureau Prescription").

【Usage and Dosage】Decoction, 1~5g, should be poured or baked; ground into powder and taken after mixing, 1~2g each time.

[Cautions for use] Hyperactivity of fire due to deficiency of yin and excessive heat in the interior, those with bleeding tendency and pregnant women should use with caution. It should not be used together with red stone resin.

[Differential medicines] Cinnamon, aconite, and dried ginger are pungent and hot in nature and flavor, can warm the middle and dispel cold to relieve pain, and are used to treat cold pain in the abdomen and loose stool due to spleen and stomach deficiency and cold. However, dried ginger mainly enters the spleen and stomach, and is good at warming the middle and dispersing cold, strengthening the spleen yang and stopping vomiting; cinnamon and aconite are sweet in taste but hot in nature. The two can replenish fire and support yang, and are used to treat syndromes of kidney-yang deficiency and spleen-kidney-yang deficiency. Cinnamon can also ignite the fire and return to the Yuan, warm the meridian and open the meridian, and treat the deficiency of yang and the rise of chest pain, yin gangrene, amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhea. Aconite and dried ginger can restore yang and save the adversity, and are used to treat the syndrome of death of yang. This skill is strong in aconite, but weak in dried ginger, so it must be used regularly. Dried ginger can still warm the lungs and transform the drink, and it can be used to treat cough and asthma due to cold lung, phlegm and drink.

Cinnamon and cassia twig are both pungent, sweet and warm in nature and flavor, can dispel cold and relieve pain, warm the meridian and open the meridians, and are used to treat chest obstruction, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and wind-cold-damp arthralgia syndrome caused by cold and blood stagnation. Cinnamon is good at warming the interior of the body and is used to treat the syndrome of interior coldness; it can also replenish fire and yang, and induce fire to return to the yuan. It is used to treat impotence caused by insufficient kidney yang, weak Mingmen fire, cold palace, deficiency of lower yuan, and rising deficient yang. Palpitations etc. Guizhi is longer than dispelling external cold, and is used to treat wind-cold external syndromes; it can also help yang transform qi, and is used to treat phlegm retention and water storage syndromes.
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