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Introducing Xiangsha Liujun Pills, the spleen and replenishes qi.

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Introducing Xiangsha Liujun Pills, the spleen and replenishes qi.
I passed by Tongrentang that day and saw the Chinese patent medicines in the cupboard and the familiar Xiangsha Liujun Pills. I suddenly remembered that this medicine has never been introduced to everyone. You must know that this is also a rare and well-established prescription. ah.

A man once asked me what he should do if he always had bloating after eating. Especially after dinner, my belly feels as bloated as a pregnant woman’s.

I said that this is because the spleen and stomach are weak and cannot be transported and transformed. People with heavy yin energy at night and insufficient yang energy in the spleen and stomach are more prone to abdominal distension. You can take it slowly and take Xiangsha Liujun Pills. If you insist on taking it, the righteousness will be sufficient and it will naturally be relieved. Later, when I met this person again, he happily told me that his symptoms had basically disappeared.

So, what is the origin of this Xiangsha Liujun Pill?

It is said that among the prescriptions of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a prescription called "Sijunzi Decoction". This prescription has a great origin. It is included in the famous prescription book "Taiping Huimin Hejiju Prescription" in the Song Dynasty. This prescription book was organized by the Song Dynasty government. It was compiled and collected many classic prescriptions from that time, which we still use a lot today, such as the famous Xiaoyaosan.

This Four Gentlemen Decoction consists of the following medicines: ginseng, atractylodes, poria, and licorice.

In the prescription, ginseng is sweet and warm, replenishing qi and nourishing the middle. Atractylodes strengthens the spleen and removes dampness. Combined with ginseng, it replenishes qi and strengthens the spleen. Poria cocos exudes dampness and strengthens the spleen as an assistant. Zhigancao is sweet and soothes the middle. The four flavors are all mild, warm but not dry, tonic but not harsh, so it is named Sijunzi Decoction to show that its medicinal taste is mild and moderate, and it can preside over and support righteousness, just like a gentleman (very meaningful, there is no picture of the Four Great Vajras, explaining The gentleness and stability of the medicinal properties).

The idea of ​​this prescription is actually in Zhang Zhongjing's book, but as soon as the name was called out, it was announced that the prescription was officially established. This composition is simply too classic. Later generations called this recipe the "ancestral recipe" for replenishing qi, which means that the starting recipe and the recipes for replenishing qi in later generations were mostly based on this recipe. subtracted.

So, what is the main function of this Four Gentlemen Soup?

It is mainly used to regulate the constitution of Qi deficiency, and its function is to replenish Qi and nourish the middle, warm and nourish the spleen and stomach. Treats deficiency of Yingwei Qi, weak internal organs, pale complexion, weakness of limbs, fullness of heart and belly, complete lack of appetite, bowel sounds and diarrhea, vomiting and vomiting. It is especially suitable for spleen and stomach Qi deficiency, which is characterized by pale complexion, weak speech, and shortness of breath. Lazy speech, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, fatigue and weakness, aggravation after physical activity, poor appetite and loose stools, weak limbs, pale tongue with thin white coating or tooth marks, thin and weak pulse, easy to catch a cold, etc.

After the Four Gentlemen Decoction came out, people became more and more comfortable with it in clinical practice, and they began to build buildings based on this prescription.

For example, if the symptoms of spleen and stomach qi deficiency are combined with epigastric distension and tightness, it is a combination of qi deficiency and qi stagnation, and it is necessary to add dried tangerine peel to regulate qi and resolve stagnation. This prescription is called Yigong Powder.

For example, if the symptoms of spleen and stomach qi deficiency include gastroptosis, prolapse, and long-lasting diarrhea, it is a sign of qi deficiency and subsidence. Sijunzi decoction is required to remove the poria and add astragalus, angelica, tangerine peel, cohosh, and bupleurum. It is called Buzhong Yiqi decoction. This floor It was built by Mr. Li Dongyuan in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties.

If the symptoms of qi deficiency are combined with blood deficiency (dizziness, palpitations, pale tongue, thin pulse), it is a deficiency of both qi and blood. Sijunzi Decoction plus Siwu Decoction (Shu Rehmannia glutinosa, white peony root, angelica root, Chuanxiong rhizome) are needed. The two prescriptions combined are called Bazhen. Soup; add astragalus and cinnamon, named Shiquan Dabu Tang.

For example, if the heart and spleen are deficient and the qi and blood are insufficient, the symptoms include palpitations, forgetfulness, insomnia, dreaminess, dizziness, spontaneous sweating, less food, loose stools, yellow face, thin muscles, fatigue and fatigue, the Poria cocos in Sijunzi Decoction needs to be modified. Fushen, plus astragalus, longan meat, jujube seed, woody, angelica, polygala, ginger, jujube, named Guipi Decoction, Guipi Decoction can also treat hematemesis, epistaxis, hematochezia, and metrorrhagia caused by spleen not controlling blood. Lack of menstrual flow, irregular menstruation, etc. caused by lack of Qi and blood.

Then, we come to the part we need to understand, such as spleen and stomach qi deficiency combined with cough, phlegm, white and thin phlegm, and shortness of breath. .

This Liujunzi Decoction contains more tangerine peel and pinellia ternata than Four Gentlemen. The effect of this prescription on promoting qi and reducing phlegm is instantly increased.

Yu Tuan, a famous doctor in Yiwu during the Ming Dynasty, once studied medicine under Zhu Danxi. In his book "The True Story of Medicine", he said Liujunzi Decoction:

"Replenishing qi and invigorating the middle, invigorating the spleen and nourishing the stomach, promoting qi and dissolving stagnation, drying dampness and eliminating phlegm, regulating qi and reducing adverse events. It is in charge of weak spleen and stomach, qi inverse and phlegm stagnation. Less food and loose stools, cough with phlegm, white and thin, shortness of breath Fullness, nausea and hiccups, acid regurgitation, sallow complexion, fatigue of limbs; as well as spleen deficiency and swelling, external ulcers for a long time and ulceration, lack of food and weak stomach; hemorrhoids, pulse rate and astringent, diet decreases day by day, limbs become more tired, all insufficiency Symptoms: Stomach qi deficiency and heat, sores on the mouth and tongue; disharmony of middle qi, vaginal discharge from time to time."

The sore mouth and tongue here is based on Zhu Danxi's mind. Generally speaking, sore mouth and tongue are mostly caused by fire in the spleen and stomach. However, for the long-term sore tongue, if the tongue is pale, you should consider Whether it is a deficiency of spleen and stomach qi, Zhu Danxi once discussed this. This is an expert. He thinks carefully, has seen many cases, and thinks a lot. Clinically proven, indeed.

Wu Kun, a famous doctor from the south of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty, said in "Test of Medical Prescriptions":

"A strong person will heal when the qi moves, and a cowardly person will become sick. The soil in the southeast is low and damp, and everyone has phlegm. However, for those who are not sick, the qi is strong enough to move the phlegm. If the middle qi is weak, it is not enough to transport phlegm. And the phlegm syndrome is seen. It is the prescription, ginseng, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, licorice, the first four gentlemen, so they invigorate qi; Pinellia is used to dry dampness to control phlegm, and dried tangerine peel is used to sharpen qi to relieve phlegm. The name is six Gentleman, the Pinellia ternata is non-toxic and the tangerine peel is powerful, it can be compared with ginseng, lingcos, shu, and grass!"

And I think that the one who knows how to use this Liujunzi soup the most is Zhu Danxi, one of the four Jinyuan masters mentioned above. Eat food, dryness in the upper part and coldness in the lower part, and those who can’t take hot medicine.” Here he mentioned the symptom of “dryness in the upper part and coldness in the lower part”, which is what we call today heat in the upper part and cold in the lower part. Some people’s spleen and stomach qi cannot move up and down. If the clear qi does not rise and the turbid qi does not fall, the heart fire will be on the top, and if it cannot be lowered, the upper jiao will become hotter and hotter, and the kidney water will not be able to carry it up, and the lower jiao will become colder and colder. For the kidney, the upper part of the mouth is bubbling and gets angry, but if you take the heat-clearing medicine, the lower coke will be colder, and you are helpless. Mr. Zhu Danxi's meaning is very clear. At this time, you can take Liujunzi Decoction to communicate up and down, so that the spleen and stomach Qi can go up and down If it is unobstructed, it will not be hot at the top and not cool at the bottom. Zhu Danxi also has a better way of taking it: "Add 3 slices of ginger and 1 jujube, decoct it in water and take it."

Many people think that Zhu Danxi is a Yin-nourishing school, so they attack him vigorously. However, this is because they have never really read other people's books. If you read his books carefully, people use warming medicines, and that is the real expert . Although Huang Yuanyu of the later Qing Dynasty was not so respectful to Mr. Zhu Danxi, his prescriptions of ups and downs are very clear in Zhu Danxi's discussion. Zhigancao, pinellia, and tangerine peel are all here.

In "Shou Shi Bao Yuan" written by Gong Tingxian, an imperial doctor in the Ming Dynasty and known as "the number one doctor in the medical field", there is a medical record in which he used this prescription to treat diseases:

"A woman swallowed acid and rotted, vomited phlegm, and her complexion was pure white. Using Erchen, Coptis chinensis, Citrus aurantii, etc., to increase fever and make her thirsty, her belly is full. I said: This spleen and stomach is deficient, and it is finally passed on to cold. If you don't believe it, Still treated with fire, the limbs were swollen like a gu. I used Liujun plus aconite and woody fragrance to treat it. The stomach qi gradually awakened, the diet gradually improved, and the deficiency fire returned to its original state. Take it together and heal.”

What was treated in this medical case was vomiting acid water. The doctor treated it with cold and cold medicine as if there was fire. As a result, the disease became more and more serious, and finally cured with Liujunzi decoction.

It can be seen that this prescription has a better effect on the deficiency of spleen and stomach yang and stagnation of phlegm and dampness. Compared with Sijunzi Decoction, this six gentlemen not only invigorates qi, but also has the effect of regulating qi and reducing phlegm. Can be called a classic.

Then, on the basis of Liujunzi Decoction, doctors continued to build the building, and it became today's Xiangsha Liujun Pills.

In this recipe, the two medicinal herbs of Koxiang and Amomum villosum are added.

This prescription is mainly used to invigorate Qi, invigorate the spleen, and harmonize the stomach. Indications of spleen and stomach qi deficiency, phlegm obstruction and stagnation of qi syndrome. Symptoms include vomiting, constipation, no desire to eat, abdominal distension and pain, weight loss and fatigue, or qi deficiency, swelling and distension.

Regarding this recipe, Ke Qin, a master of typhoid fever in the Qing Dynasty, said:

"The scriptures say: A strong person will heal when the qi moves, and a cowardly person will become sick. Because people are in the midst of qi exchange, they are born of qi, and anger is always based on stomach qi. If the spleen and stomach are not in harmony, the qi will be cured. Stagnation, nausea, vomit, or phlegm retention, so you don’t think about eating, your muscles become emaciated, and all symptoms arise and your breath disappears. The general formula of the four gentleman’s qi is also the general prescription of the four gentlemen’s qi. Ginseng causes the harmonious qi, and Baizhu Peizhong Palace, Poria cocos Qing Zhi Festival, licorice to adjust the five Zang, stomach qi is cured, the disease is safe and never, but it can't be cured by doing nothing, and it must be supplemented with products that promote qi. The tonic is not the same as the mud, so it is added Tangerine peel is used to benefit the adverse qi of the lung and metal, pinellia is used to relieve the dampness of the spleen and soil, and phlegm can be removed, and woody fragrance is added to promote the stagnant qi of the triple burner, and sand is reduced to clear the vitality of the spleen and kidney, and stagnation of the spleen can be opened That is, if you have four assistants, your power will be doubled; if you have four assistants, your vitality will be greatly boosted. They complement each other and complement each other."

I will not translate this discussion for you. Its general idea is that if the Qi of the spleen and stomach is weak, various diseases will appear. Therefore, Sijunzi Decoction is very important. Chenpi can regulate lung Qi, pinellia can dry dampness and reduce phlegm, The scent of wood stimulates the Qi of the triple burner, and Amomum villosum astringes the Qi of the spleen and kidneys. These four herbs are very powerful in assisting the Four Gentlemen.

This is a famous exposition, concise and comprehensive. In clinical practice, this recipe is indeed effective.

This Xiangsha Liujun Pill, compared to Liujunzi, has a stronger effect in regulating qi. It is more effective for people with spleen and stomach qi deficiency that leads to qi stagnation.

But there are two points we need to pay attention to:

One is that this prescription is not very suitable for people with yin deficiency, because after all, there are mostly warm medicines.

Second, there is no shortcut in the kingly way. When righteousness is deficient, it must not take a day or two. Therefore, when nourishing, there is also a process. You can’t expect to eat today and see results tomorrow. Generally, if the symptoms are right, you can take it slowly, and the spleen and stomach Qi will be gradually replenished. If the Qi is sufficient, righteousness will come naturally.

For pregnant women with children, this prescription must be used under the guidance of a local doctor.

When we see a small box of medicines in the window of a pharmacy, have you ever thought that it has a long history? The little medicine is exactly the right medicine.

Knowing some knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine may be more helpful when you are confused about your illness.
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