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Use moxibustion to get rid of the troubles of phlegm-damp constitution!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Use moxibustion to get rid of the troubles of phlegm-damp constitution!
Physique has a lot to do with our health. The ideal is a peaceful physique. However, due to the influence of various factors such as congenital, diet, daily life, emotions, and daily life, our physique will gradually change and develop. Biased. "Su Wen Shu Wu Guo Lun Pian" said:

"The sage's treatment is also... Calm down on human affairs, to understand the scriptures, high and low, rich and poor, with different morals; ask the young and old, the principles of courage and cowardice, judge in the branch, and know the root of the disease."

It is to emphasize that the diagnosis of a disease must first be based on syndrome differentiation and constitution.

Today, we will introduce to you the moxibustion treatment methods corresponding to phlegm-dampness constitution.

First of all, let's take a look at the phlegm-damp constitution!

Phlegm-dampness constitution refers to the physical state characterized by stickiness and heavy turbidity due to stagnation of water in the body and accumulation of phlegm-dampness. The characteristics are mostly obesity, plump and soft abdomen; common facial skin is more oily, sweaty and sticky, chest tightness, phlegm, or pale yellow and dark complexion, slightly floating eye cells; easy to sleepy, usually fat and white tongue coating Greasy, sticky or sweet mouth, heavy body, fond of fat, sweet and sticky food; normal or irregular stool, little or slightly cloudy urine; poor adaptability to humid environment.

Phlegm-damp constitution is mostly closely related to the gradual decline of kidney qi, spleen and kidney yang deficiency, spleen deficiency and dampness, water dampness and phlegm resolving, etc., and is closely related to the lungs, spleen and kidneys. And because the phlegm-dampness constitution has phlegm-dampness in the body, its incidence tends to be phlegm-dampness-related diseases and syndromes. Searching literature and clinical research shows that phlegm-dampness constitution is related to hypertension, cerebrovascular accident, coronary heart disease, diabetes, Metabolic syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome and other diseases related. Its tendency to cause serious harm to human health should be intervened as soon as possible. The conditioning of phlegm-damp constitution should be based on the principle of adapting measures to individual conditions and taking into account both specimens.

Then, people with phlegm-damp constitution can use moxibustion at the following points for conditioning:

Shenque point

in the center of the navel. Acupuncture is prohibited here. Moxibustion with moxa sticks separated by salt or moxa sticks suspended from moxibustion is often used, which has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold. People can moxibustion on Shenque to warm and tonify temper.

Guanyuan point

In the lower abdomen, 3 cun below the middle of the navel, on the front midline. This point has a good strengthening effect, is a commonly used point for health care, and has a good effect of nourishing yang.

Zhongwan point

It is Renmai point, 4 inches above the navel. It has the effects of warming the stomach to stop vomiting, dispelling cold and relieving pain, harmonizing the stomach and invigorating the spleen, dredging the meridians and invigorating the yang energy. It is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach.

water hole

On the upper abdomen, one inch above the navel, on the front midline. The function of this acupoint is related to its name. In addition to abdominal diseases, it has a good effect on edema, dysuria and other water-dampness-stop-gathering diseases.

Yinling Spring

On the inner side of the calf, when selecting acupuncture points, you can feel a depression with your fingers under the medial condyle of the tibia (kē: the protrusion on the bone, how long it grows at both ends of the bone, also refers to the thighbone or kneecap). This depression is the Yin Lingquan, Yinlingquan and Fenglong below are commonly used points and special effect points for eliminating phlegm and dampness. Yinlingquan also treats water-dampness diseases such as abdominal distension and edema.

Fenglong point

On the outside of the calf, 8 inches above the tip of the lateral malleolus, the outer edge of the tibialis anterior muscle, and one inch away from the opening of the bar (the opening of the bar: the outside of the calf, 8 inches below the nose of the calf, on the line connecting the nose of the calf and Xiexi). Fenglong is an important acupoint for removing phlegm and dampness, and it is often used together with Yinlingquan.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books

People with spleen deficiency and kidney deficiency can add spleen Shu and Shenshu.

Operation method:

The therapist takes the supine position, fully exposes the treatment points, and adjusts the height of the moxa sticks so that the moxibustion site is warm and comfortable, without burning sensation, and can be tolerated. Moxibustion on the above acupoints was performed for 20 minutes each time, once a week, 8 times as a course of treatment, and the effect was observed after 3 courses of treatment.

At the same time as moxibustion treatment, people with phlegm-damp constitution should also pay attention to the following points in daily life:

1 People with phlegm-damp constitution should eat less fatty meat and sweet, sticky, greasy food that hinders the digestion of the spleen and stomach. You can eat more fragrant and refreshing foods such as onions, garlic, kumquats, and mustard, as well as foods that reduce phlegm and dampness, such as radishes, seaweed, kelp, wax gourd, and barley.

2 Appropriate physical exercise is helpful for the transportation and transformation of the spleen, but people with phlegm-dampness constitution are often obese and prone to sleepiness, so people with phlegm-dampness constitution should carry out physical exercise according to their specific conditions, such as walking, jogging, swimming, Sports like Wu Qin Xi are very good. The amount of exercise should not be too large at the beginning, but should be done step by step and persist for a long time.

3 Phlegm-dampness is a pathological product formed by stopping the aggregation of water in the body. People with phlegm-dampness constitution should keep a calm state of mind, eliminate bad emotions in time, control great joy and sorrow, learn to develop hobbies and divert attention, so as to regulate the Qi mechanism and normal water metabolism.

4. People with phlegm-damp constitution should preferably live in a dry environment, and often bask in the sun or sunbathe, and usually do more outdoor activities. In wet and cold weather, outdoor activities should be reduced to avoid exposure to cold and rain. Don't be greedy for the bed, to avoid stagnation of phlegm and dampness caused by poor Qi and blood.

In addition to the different types of physique, there are also different physical states, such as men and women, old and young, strong and weak, etc. Therefore, the regulation of phlegm-damp constitution should also emphasize the rational use of The method of conditioning is aimed at regulating the body without harming the body. Adapting measures to individual conditions is the basic principle of regulating phlegm-dampness constitution, and the same is true for everyone's application of moxibustion. You should use moxibustion reasonably according to your actual situation, and you should not pursue the time of moxibustion too much and ignore your body's tolerance.

In addition, although the effect of moxibustion is good, everyone should try to avoid smoke and burns when using moxibustion. Smoke is unavoidable when using moxa stick moxibustion. It is necessary to adopt a suitable body position and pay attention to ventilation in the room. Moxibustion in the room to avoid too much smoke, which will have adverse effects on the body.
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