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Unlocking the Healing Power of Song: The Therapeutic Harmony of Traditional Chinese Medicine

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Incredible Singing Cure Traditional Chinese Medicine
Before, I played a few songs I sang on my WeChat official account (Yun Shao’s tip: the link is at the end of the article). I didn’t sing well, but my friends praised me without hesitation. I know this is encouragement. As for me, thank you all!

So why do I love singing so much? Because, I have always believed that singing is one of the means of health preservation.

Let me tell you a story about singing and healing.

In the autumn of the year before last, our family was about to move to Hainan. When we were about to leave, we heard that a friend in our community who was very close to my mother had a lung problem with her husband, Mr. Z. The first symptom was breathing. Difficulty, always wheezing, difficult to walk, after the cold weather, constant lung infection, even unable to leave the room.

After examination, he had pulmonary fibrosis. This is a difficult disease, and many patients will end up in danger of life.

It was originally an appointment. After I returned to Shenyang, I went to help him take a look, but because he suddenly developed a lung infection, he was directly hospitalized. Then, we moved and never met.

I think, this winter, his life should be more difficult, because such a disease is not easy to recover in the cold winter.

As a result, after we came back from Hainan in the spring, my mother said that his health was recovering very well. He didn't look sick at all. He was just like a normal person. He went out for dinner parties with everyone and was very happy. It was very different from what he had in the autumn. If there are two people.

I was also curious, so I asked why the recovery was so good?

Mother said: "Sing and sing!"

I was taken aback and hurriedly asked why. It turned out that he went to our local Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University to see a doctor. Of course, he saw Western medicine. The Western medicine doctor prescribed him some hormonal drugs called methylprednisolone tablets and the Chinese patent medicine Bailing capsules. Then, this strange The doctor told him that it is best to practice singing, which can adjust breathing and train to improve the breathing function of the lungs.

Thus, Mr. Z started his singing career. He sang karaoke on his home stereo every day at home and practiced every day. As a result, his singing became better and better, his breathing became easier and smoother, and his body became more and more energetic. Gradually, he felt that the disease was far away from him, and he began to live like a normal person.

Before, he was panting when he walked, but now he goes out every day without any problems, and he is in a very good state physically and emotionally.

That day, some friends from our hospital came back to meet my mother. They went to a restaurant outside to have dinner. My mother said that Mr. Z sang loudly during the dinner. He sang with great energy and artistic style, and won unanimous applause from everyone.

Of course, it is very likely that drugs played a certain role, but the role of breathing training brought by singing cannot be underestimated. Therefore, I think the person who treated me was a good doctor.

Then, some friends will ask: Does singing really have such a big effect?

My answer is: Singing is indeed a very good means of keeping in good health.

I have written a similar article before to explain the principles of Chinese medicine, and I will write more today.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the lungs have many functions. In addition to controlling breathing, they also "chao baimai". In fact, this "chao baimai" should be "chao baimai". This means: the lungs exhale and inhale. , promote the Qi in the meridians, and flow rhythmically in the meridians like a tide.

Therefore, Chinese medicine believes that lung qi drives the movement of qi in the meridians. Therefore, the classic Chinese medicine "Difficult Sutra" says: "When a person exhales, the pulse moves three cun, and when he inhales, the pulse moves three cun." The ancients did not say that the pulse moves when the heart beats. How much, but refers to how much the lungs exhale and inhale, and how much the pulse moves, which is very interesting.

When we adjust our breathing, we are actually adjusting the rhythm of the meridians.

In addition, in our meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, there is a theory called Ziwu Liuzhu. This theory believes that the meridian qi of the human body infuses different meridians according to the time of day. Starting from the chen hour every morning, first of all, the qi flow of the meridians Inject the lung meridian, and the lung meridian is used in due course to start our day's qi and blood circulation.

When diagnosing the pulse, we also need to press the position of the lung meridian on the wrist. This is called the Cunkou pulse method. We use the strength of the lung meridian qi to judge the rise and fall of the patient's righteousness.

It can be seen how much the breathing of the lungs can promote the qi of the body's meridians.

In this way, we will understand that when we practice Qigong, yoga, Tai Chi, etc., an important skill is to practice regulating breathing. When some people practice Qigong, they can sweat all over just by regulating breathing. The reason why the qi of the meridians runs smoothly.

Then, friends, think about it again, what kind of process is singing?

When singing, as long as you are not singing "Uneasy" by Gong Linna, we sing ordinary songs with obvious rhythm, in 3/4 and 2/4 time, which have a strong sense of rhythm, so when singing , we breathe hard and with rhythm. In such a process, our breathing function is gradually exercised.

In addition, I think singing has a great effect on regulating emotions.

Generally, when we sing, we are more happy, so we call singing an entertainment activity. The ancients said: "The sound of the liver is the cry, and the sound of the spleen is the song." When we sing, it can soothe the liver and regulate the spleen, which is probably what everyone has never thought of.

When my mother was in Hainan, in addition to dancing in the square for an hour every night, after the dance, she also joined the senior citizens' choir and sang along with everyone. These seniors sang happily together, beaming with joy, and bringing joy every day. Feeling better, go home to sleep, I think this works better than any health supplements.

Mr. Z from our hometown used to be in a very depressed mood and felt a little pessimistic, but now he is happy and joyful. I think the happiness brought by singing also played a big role in his recovery. When singing, the desire for life, the yearning for life, and the relaxed state of mind can help people break away from accumulation and enter a happy state.

My current habit is that after a tiring period of work, I will either make an appointment with friends or go to Karaoke by myself to sing for an hour or two. The fatigue will soon disappear and joy will return to my heart.

Some friends will say: Dr. Luo, your habit is so extravagant! It costs a lot of money!

I said no, those mass-market karaokes hardly attract young people during the day, so the prices are very cheap. That day I went to a karaoke, asked questions, sang for three hours, and the private room fee was only 18 yuan! Oh my God, I'm scared, it's so cheap, and I even get two bottles of mineral water. I immediately went in and sang for an hour. As a result, I heard that the surrounding rooms were full, and they were all singing songs like "Red Lake Water Waves". I was very curious, and peeked in from the door. They were all old people.

Later, when I was leaving, I met an aunt who had just sung in the elevator, and I asked, "Do you come here often?"

The aunt said: "We have a monthly ticket, 300 yuan a month, and it ends at 5 pm. We come every afternoon, just to have fun!"

Look, these elderly friends don't know why, they have already practiced singing to keep healthy, and they have also occupied the position of karaoke!

So, my friends, how long has it been since you sang? Come on, don't care if you sing well or badly, participation is success, find some free time, and sing!

Or, do we have time for a song contest?
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