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unknowable illness response

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

unknowable illness response
Let me first show you a piece of text, which I wrote when I was running the column "Yangshengtang":

A letter from Aunt Dong who lives in Shijingshan District:

"I am sixty-five years old this year. I have had leg pain for more than 20 years, and it has become more and more serious. During this period, I have gone back and forth between Chinese and Western medicine, but it has not been effective. Especially after the Spring Festival last year, it became more serious and cost as much as 10,000 yuan. Just when I was with When your family members are in helplessness, you are the guest of "Yangshengtang" as the main lecture. The second lesson will be: Leg diseases that hurt from the bone seam are mostly blood stasis. You can take Sanqi powder every day to remove the stasis from the deep... Immediately, I felt that this was my disease, and I was very excited. I looked forward to buying Sanqi powder the next day and taking it according to the prescription. After taking it for a week, my head and shoulders responded—pain. Two weeks later, my knees hurt outwards , the surface is cold, the skin is grayish blue, after acupuncture and cupping, the blood color is black and purple, and the pain relieved after several times, and it has been more than 20 days. Although it has not recovered, it gave me hope and felt the power of Zhang Xichun's medical ethics and medical skills. Reappearance. I have seen many doctors, directors, experts, etc., but none of them diagnosed blood stasis, and they all treated it according to rheumatism.

I don't have computer skills, and I don't know how to post, so I can only use this primitive letter method, sorry. Thanks! "

After I received the letter, I made a call back according to the phone number on the letter, because any letter that wrote "Beijing TV Station" would be delivered to the old station in Suzhou Bridge, and then transferred to the new station in China World Trade Center. It took nearly three weeks during this period time, so this is a letter written by the old man a few weeks ago. After I called back, Aunt Dong told me that the leg pain has basically recovered now. She said: Dr. Luo, I want to bow to you. I have been ill for twenty years, and I am cured so quickly. Thank you very much!

This matter has been going on for many years, and I will bring it up this time to tell you what is the expulsion reaction.

I don’t know if you have noticed, but when Aunt Dong just took Panax notoginseng powder, she had a head and shoulder pain reaction. Two weeks later, her knees hurt outwards, her skin was cold, and her skin turned gray. Then, take it again, and finally the leg pain of 20 years will be cured in just four weeks.

Most of the people I have seen, if they take Panax notoginseng powder and see such a reaction, the pain will get worse, and they will start to doubt, why do they start to hurt? Why did the skin color change? Why is the skin cool? Is it wrong?

In fact, this is where there is stasis in the body, and Panax notoginseng is encouraging righteousness, and starts to activate blood and dredge the collaterals to dredge the stasis. At this time, there will be a reaction in the place where the stasis is severe. Once the final dredging is successful, qi and blood will pass through normally , the stasis will disappear, and the disease will be cured.

This kind of response during unblocking is a kind of "disease elimination reaction", everyone should understand it, otherwise, every time it comes to a critical moment, when the battle to repair the body begins, you order the withdrawal of troops, so the body will be difficult. There is a chance of recovery.

So, what exactly is a "disorder reaction"?

The so-called disease-expelling reaction refers to the normal reaction produced by traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage, qigong and other treatment methods to stimulate the body's defense function and self-repair function to eliminate pathogenic factors. The disease elimination response is a benign adjustment response of our body, which is beneficial to our body.

The ancients once recorded such a reaction, and they even said it was more serious. For example, in the ancient book "Shangshu", it was said: "If the medicine will not make you dizzy, you will not recover from the disease", which means that after taking the medicine , If there is no reaction such as dizziness, the disease will not be cured. The implication is that the power of the medicine oscillates in the body, which will cause a reaction. If there is no such reaction, it should be that the medicine is not strong enough, and the body will not recover.

It is estimated that everyone will feel dizzy when they read this sentence. Do you feel dizzy after taking traditional Chinese medicine? In fact, this statement is a bit absolute, but the normal disease-expelling reaction does exist widely.

So, what are the possible discharge reactions?

Let's talk a little bit.

1. In the process of promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals, the pain and other sensations of the limbs appear.

This kind of situation is what I see the most. We know that our body is distributed with meridians, and these meridians are connected with the internal organs. If a certain meridian is not smooth, it will even affect the function of the viscera connected by the meridian. Therefore, it is very important to keep the meridian unobstructed. However, many times, we don't know where we are not smooth. When people take traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, such as taking Sanqi powder, they will experience pain in some limbs. This is often the place where the stasis is blocked. Take it to dissolve this place, so that it is very good for the smooth flow of meridians.

In the past, among the qigong practitioners, some people experienced pain in a certain part after they started to practice. This is called "Qi rush disease sign", which means that righteousness begins to try to clear the stasis, and it is the same as what I said earlier. .

Many friends saw that their limbs began to ache, and thought to themselves that I didn't have any pain at first, so why did the pain increase? Don't eat! Everyone, if you stop dredging at this time, it is wrong. This is to protect the stasis and keep the body running at a low level. In the long run, it is irresponsible to the body.

2. Eliminate dirt through the skin.

This kind of situation is also relatively common. For example, some people start to have some rashes on the body surface after taking Fuzheng traditional Chinese medicine. Most people will stop taking the medicine at this time, thinking that this is a drug rash and a manifestation of allergies. In fact, there is a principle in Chinese medicine, that is, if the disease develops inwardly, it is a bad sign, and if it develops outwardly, it is a good sign. The rash itself does not cause too much harm, it just feels uncomfortable. In fact, most of the rashes I have seen after taking the medicine are the body's self-adjustment, and the stasis and pollution are eliminated through the channel of the skin, and the medicine is often continued , then the overall state of the body will be greatly improved in the end. But modern people are more delicate, once they have a rash, they are often surprised and annoyed, so they stop taking the medicine. As a result, the opportunity for optimal conditioning is missed.

Similarly, there are situations such as molting. In addition, there are some sticky sweat, etc., which are also the products of the body's dirty discharge.

Some patients, in the process of getting rid of the wind and cold, will feel the cold air coming out of the body surface and go out, which is also a way of getting rid of the disease. It's just a feeling, and there is no discharge of objects that we see with the naked eye.

3. Diarrhea is also eliminating stagnant dirt.

This is also very common. For example, when doing moxibustion for people with yang deficiency, they often moxibustion abdominal acupoints. Before moxibustion, remind the other party: After moxibustion, some people will have diarrhea, which is a normal phenomenon.

Why is this? Because such patients have been cold and cold for a long time, and there is a lot of stagnation, but they don't know it. Once the yang energy is stimulated and the intestinal qi and blood start to function normally, the first thing to do is to remove the garbage. During this process, there will be diarrhea.

In addition, for example, some children have accumulated food for a long time, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract is slow, and there is more stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract. At this time, they take the medicine for digestion and stagnation, and then assist the righteousness. At this time, some children will have diarrhea or increase the number of stools , The smell of stool is very strong. why? This is also the body starting to clear the stagnation, and it is a normal reaction to clean up the "garbage" in the body.

Therefore, when many people see diarrhea, they think that I don't have diarrhea at first, why do I start to have diarrhea? Is the direction wrong? So the drug is stopped, and in this way, it is often given up halfway, and the result is that the stagnation stays in the body.

In addition to diarrhea, sometimes vomiting is also a reaction to eliminate pathogenic factors. In the past, there were three methods of sweating, vomiting, and diarrhea in the treatment of diseases, referring to eliminating pathogenic factors through these three channels. So sometimes, to treat a disease, it is even necessary to deliberately "probe" or "vomit". When Zhu Danxi treated his teacher's serious illness, he used the method of vomiting. In the end, he spit out a lot of viscous and dirty sputum, and then his body recovered.

However, because modern people are more delicate and react more strongly to this, few people use this method.

4. Women's menstruation.

Women have a special physiological phenomenon, which is menstruation. And menstruation is also a channel to get rid of stasis. Many women find that their menstruation starts to become heavy after taking traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The color of menstruation is dark and there are blood clots. This is actually the body going through menstruation to get rid of the accumulation in the body. I once saw an old Chinese doctor who practiced medicine in the United States. He said that he found that if patients with blood stasis, using traditional Chinese medicine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis during menstruation can eliminate the blood stasis that is usually difficult to eliminate. He has some cases, such as The blood stasis caused by the car accident was difficult to remove, but it was removed by this method. These discussions inspired me a lot.

Above I just briefly talked about the reaction to expel the disease. Strictly speaking, there are still many mysteries in it. In the order of , Shaoyang, Yangming, and Taitai meridians, various reactions appear in sequence, and some of the reactions are disease-expelling reactions. Because my article is not a theoretical exploration, it is just a brief talk.

So why bother with this question? The main reason is that I saw many people’s expulsion reaction, and the patients themselves were very worried, so they stopped taking the medicine. I think everyone must know that there is such a situation, called the expulsion reaction, which is a normal reaction of the human body.

What needs to be understood is that this disease-dispelling reaction is different from the adverse side effects of traditional Chinese medicine, and there is an essential difference between the two. When we have time, we will talk about the differences between the two in detail.

The mysteries of traditional Chinese medicine are endless, and there are too many contents in it, which need us to grasp and figure out a little bit, let us work together!
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