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Type 2 for 13 years, experience is well known to everyone at 6 points

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Type 2 for 13 years, experience is well known to everyone at 6 points
I am Peng Peng from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. I was suspected of having diabetes in 2005, and it has been 13 and a half years now. Now my blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipid indicators have all reached the standard, but in fact, my sugar control journey has not been smooth, but has taken a long detour.

I resisted for the first five years and then started medication.

It was not until the physical examination at the work unit in August 2014 that it was found that the protein in the urine was 2+ and the occult blood in the urine was 2+. The urine microalbumin was checked at the hospital and was 200 mg/L (the reference value is less than 20 mg/L). Oh my god, this result was like a thunderbolt, and I was completely crushed! The doctor sent me to the nephrology department. Only then did I know that my kidneys had been affected by long-term high blood sugar. At this time, I was really scared.

Finally got on the right track in 2014

Since 2014, I have learned a lot about diabetes. At this time, WeChat communication was more convenient. I began to exchange experiences with many diabetics about diet, exercise, medicine, blood sugar monitoring, psychological adjustment, etc.

I am learning and exploring slowly. From 2014 to 2018, my blood sugar has been under better and better control, my glycation is getting better every time, and my health is getting better and better. I used to often catch colds, but now my health is great and nothing is wrong.

Fortunately, the urinary microalbumin used to be 2+ and then 1+. The urine routine test just last month showed that the urinary protein was normal. At that time, the nephrologist said that my control was very good, which was all due to my careful sugar control.

These are my 6 points of experience, everyone can do it

Reflecting on the past 13 years, I have never accepted diabetes, then only took medicine to control blood sugar, and then fully accepted the five pillars. I am very lucky, because I did not control it well in the previous 9 years, and it is still fine now. This is not worth learning. I hope that everyone will start controlling sugar seriously as soon as they discover diabetes, so that they can live healthier and healthier lives.

I would like to share my current experience with you:

1. Be relaxed. Now when chatting with many people with diabetes (especially those who have just been diagnosed), I have to say one thing: Diabetes is not that scary. It may be a little troublesome to eat, but what does it matter? Healthy people should also pay attention to maintaining their health. We just maintain our health a little earlier than healthy people.

2. Many people with diabetes have this misunderstanding. What kind of medicine and plan are good for others, but I also use this plan. This is wrong. When it comes to controlling blood sugar, you cannot copy other people’s medication plans, and besides medication, diet is very important. Grasp the amount and combination of staple food well, and if you eat the staple food well, blood sugar control will be half successful.

Usually, you should read more information about diet. In order to balance food and health, I specially took the nutritionist certificate and often combine it with some meals. This is very effective. I also work hard to control sugar!

In the past five years, my cooking skills have improved greatly. My family eats well, eats happily, and is in good health. My family is getting healthier. I am very happy.

In addition, I have seen that some people with diabetes like to use sugar-free foods as snacks, but I suggest that sugar-free foods should be controlled to about 25 grams even as snacks. And snack foods should not be limited to one type of sugar-free food. You can choose more categories, such as half an apple, kiwi fruit, milk, eggs, yogurt, milk powder, etc.

3. Exercise. Exercise must be regular. You cannot fish for three days and dry the nets for two days, or go out when the weather is good and stay at home when the weather is bad. Exercise is divided into aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is basically done outdoors, and it is best to exercise for half an hour after three meals.

Anaerobic exercise is also necessary, such as dumbbell exercises, planks, etc. If conditions permit, you can go to the gym to practice.

If it’s a rainy day, you can practice Baduanjin, Tai Chi, radio gymnastics, etc. at home, which will help your body’s coordination.

Some people with diabetes say that they are busy with work and cannot be so regular. Then adjust it yourself. If you don’t have time to exercise, eat less. The diet can be divided into meals. For example, if you eat 150 grams of staple food in one meal, you can eat 100 grams in this meal and leave 50 grams for a snack.

In short, you must combine diet and exercise. If you have time to exercise, eat more; if you don’t have time to exercise, eat less.

Some people with diabetes think that the more exercise, the better. This view is also wrong. In addition to regular exercise, people with diabetes should also exercise moderately. My exercise requires my body to sweat slightly, so I just need to control it to about 40 minutes. Do not cause hypoglycemia. Large fluctuations in blood sugar can harm our eyes and kidneys. So exercise moderately.

For people with diabetes who have large blood sugar fluctuations, it is recommended to put some candy cubes, biscuits and boiled water when going out, just in case of hypoglycemia to replenish sugar in time.

4. Blood glucose monitoring. Some people with diabetes are happy when they test their blood sugar and see that the result is normal, but they are disappointed when it is not normal. In fact, monitoring blood sugar should not only look at the blood sugar results, but also record what you eat, how long you exercise, what medicines you take, etc. You must slowly and slowly know what you are doing.

Blood glucose analysis is important. If we continue to keep a sugar control diary for half a year, record blood sugar, and also record what we eat, how many grams of staple food, how long we exercise, what kind of exercises we do, such as radio exercises, walking, etc., what our blood sugar is, what we should eat and what we think about ourselves after half a year. You will know how much to eat and which exercise is more suitable for you, and your blood sugar will be easily controlled.

5. Do not change treatment plans frequently. I suggest that as long as you find a regular treatment institution, the treatment plan must be combined with diet and exercise. Everyone should understand a truth: the best doctor is yourself, and the best hospital is the kitchen. Therefore, we need to learn knowledge about diabetes and explore our own blood sugar fluctuation patterns through blood sugar monitoring.

6. The Internet is very developed, so don’t believe in the cure for diabetes. Although "radical cure" is our best wish, as long as I see an article with the word "radical cure" in the title, I will simply ignore it. We need to read professional books on diet and sugar control. The more you learn, the more successful you will be in controlling your sugar.

In the past five years, I have not felt that living with diabetes has made me uncomfortable. On the contrary, I feel that the quality of my life has improved. I have met many people with diabetes through sharing my experience, and we often communicate with each other. We influence each other invisibly, and I feel very happy.

I didn’t like to exercise before, but now I have developed the habit of walking for half an hour an hour after three meals a day. I encountered beautiful scenery on the way, and everyone praised me for taking beautiful photos. I was very happy. I like a saying very much: Be calm when you gain, be calm when you lose, let nature take its course, and strive for the inevitable.

Attachment: My non-repeated breakfast seven days a week includes homemade yogurt, dumplings, and homemade burgers

Below are some snack mooncakes, purple sweet potato cakes, and purple sweet potato cakes that I made using xylitol as sugar substitute after I learned baking.

Having diabetes doesn't mean you can't eat anything. As long as you eat carefully, you can eat healthily and happily.
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