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Change these habits and your blood sugar will improve immediately!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Change these habits and your blood sugar will improve immediately!
Many people with diabetes wish to ideally control their blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids overnight. However, you should not rush to control diabetes. You must take your time and work slowly, as haste makes waste!

1. People with diabetes should get rid of bad habits:

Make a plan, such as 40 minutes after a meal, going to bed at 10 p.m., going out for dinner no more than twice a week, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, etc., and follow it over time. After three months, you will develop good habits that will help control your health. Once a good habit of blood sugar is formed, blood sugar control will become twice the result with half the effort!

2. People with diabetes should develop good blood sugar monitoring habits:

Having suffered from diabetes for so many years, I have never bought a blood glucose meter and never measured my blood sugar regularly. I only go to the hospital to test my blood sugar when I am happy, and only fasting blood sugar, not postprandial blood sugar. Some people don’t know when their blood sugar is not good. For example, if you find that your fasting blood sugar is high or your blood sugar is high after a meal, you need to measure your blood sugar at five points. You need to develop the habit of measuring your blood sugar at five points. This will help. Find out where your high blood sugar problem is:

7.2 before a meal, 7.8 after a meal, 8.9 after dinner, 4.3 before going to bed, 5.5. This is the normal value of blood sugar at five o'clock. You need to use this to determine where your problem is.

3. People with diabetes should have regular treatment habits:

Some diabetic patients often have illusions after getting diabetes. They either believe in folk remedies or use medicine casually to feel good. They have not developed the habit of regular treatment and scientific medication. They casually test their blood sugar. One look, oh, my blood sugar is high. , I just took medicine. After a while, I saw that my blood sugar dropped and I stopped taking it. He does not take the medicine honestly according to the instructions given by the doctor, but takes whatever he wants according to his own feeling, and stops when he wants; many people do not take the medicine prescribed by the doctor honestly, and they always It is the fantasy that there is some kind of miraculous drug in this world. It does not require diet control, exercise, restoration of pancreatic islet function, or scientific medication. There is some miraculous drug. After taking it, diabetes will be cured immediately. This habit is definitely wrong and must be changed!

4. People with diabetes should develop self-management habits:

In fact, the most critical thing about diabetes is your self-management. What to manage? Manage your diet, manage your exercise, manage your medication, and at the same time, find ways to restore pancreatic islets, just these four aspects. How to manage this matter well? You need to learn to monitor your blood sugar. Therefore, as long as you do these five things well, including diet management, exercise management, monitoring blood sugar, restoring pancreatic islets, and rational use of medication, your blood sugar will be under control.

You don’t need to rely desperately on any drugs. You only need to use drugs rationally, scientifically, and in small amounts to control your blood sugar very well.

5. People with diabetes should develop the habit of comprehensive treatment:

In the treatment of diabetes, blood sugar must be well controlled, and if you want to prevent complications, you must develop the habit of looking at the overall situation. Generally, patients with diabetes have experienced high blood sugar, high blood pressure, and high blood lipids when they are discovered. It has been a long time since I was diagnosed with diabetes. If I still only focus on blood sugar and never care about blood pressure and blood lipids, it will be very troublesome because blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids interact with each other. If I only control blood sugar, I will not care about the other two. , blood sugar will also be affected, causing it to go up and down, making it difficult to lower blood sugar. And over time, acute and chronic complications may occur, so it is necessary to check all three and control the three indicators at the same time.

6. To treat diabetes, change the habit of just seeing a doctor:

Diabetes and its complications are multidisciplinary diseases. Including how to help patients learn self-management and improve their ability to care for diabetes, how to teach patients to self-monitor blood sugar, blood pressure, and foot examinations, as well as how to perform insulin injections, handle high blood sugar, hypoglycemia, or other cognition and handling of emergencies... ...etc. and a series of education, so to treat diabetes, you can't just see a doctor, but also need the assistance of nurses, nutritionists, sportsmen, psychologists, etc. to provide "integrated" care as a team. That is to say, in addition to physician diagnosis and treatment, diabetes care also requires the cooperation of other medical teams such as health education, examinations, complication screening and treatment, etc., and can only be carried out through a team of "doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, exercise therapists, and nurses" Diabetes Integrity Team Care.

First of all, diabetes is a chronic disease, and many of the causes are related to your own living habits, and changing your living habits does not take a day. People with diabetes can learn more about diabetes, develop good living habits, and monitor blood sugar well, so that diabetes can reach the standard!
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