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Traditional Chinese Medicine: Mystery and Mystery, the Gate of All Mysteries

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Mystery and Mystery, the Gate of All Mysteries
I have always wanted to share my experience in regulating the body with Chinese medicine but was too lazy to write. Now, wanting to get Dr. Luo's autographed book became the motivation for writing this time.

My health has been in such bad shape over the past few years that I even feel a little disgusted with myself. Congenitally deficient and acquired, the wear and tear is too great. Before middle age, the body is already so weak that even washing clothes by hand is a problem. Because of long-term poor health, work is always not smooth. A frustrated life can naturally better appreciate the warmth and warmth of human relationships in the world.

Fortunately, I accidentally followed "Luo Dalun Channel" and "Dalun Academy" last summer. I fell in love with Chinese medicine and started listening to the "Tao Te Ching". I also thought about using Chinese medicine to regulate the body. After taking Chinese medicine for more than half a year, I feel that my body is gradually returning to normal.

At the beginning, based on the content of Dr. Luo's article, I formulated an idea for myself to regulate my body: first, let the catharsis flow. Dredge liver qi, remove dampness and cold, and then replenish the spleen. After conditioning the spleen and stomach, it can replenish the liver and kidneys. Because of the lack of knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, I encountered many problems during the conditioning process.

My body is too weak and I dare not vent directly. So I took Buzhong Yiqi Pills in the morning, Xiaoyao Pills at noon, and Guipi Pills in the evening. I felt that my digestion was getting worse and worse. I always felt that the middle burner was blocked, and the food I ate was sitting in my stomach and I couldn't go down. I pressed it with my hands. The abdomen is also hard. Someone around me suggested that I use Simo Decoction, but after taking the three medicines, not only did my body not function properly, but I became even more weak. I was so weak that I developed fever, sweating, and my breathing problems got worse (I used the prescription I prepared. red ginseng and agarwood), quickly boil water with cornus and Chinese yam to drink. After that, I went to see a Chinese medicine doctor, who prescribed me five pills to relieve liver qi stagnation. On the third day after taking it, the lump in my abdomen could be pushed away, and the spots on my face quickly faded, but my face became darker and darker, and I was always frightened when I slept. , there is a feeling that the soul is about to leave the body, and naturally it is insomnia until dawn. I had no choice but to switch to a traditional Chinese medicine doctor, who prescribed tonic medicine for me. After taking two pairs, I caught a cold, and then I suffered from severe indigestion. My stomach felt bloated every time I ate. Combining the content of Luo Dalun's channel, I understand that people with weak bodies should take medicine in a way that relieves diarrhea and supplements it, and supplements it with relief, and the amount should be small, so that it can have the effect of lifting a thousand pounds.

If you can't ask for help from others, you have to ask for help yourself. I calmed down and read Dr. Luo's TCM articles and audios over and over again, and also listened to the Tao Te Ching. I started taking Yuling Paste for a while. After my face turned red, I soaked my feet in Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, and then took it again at noon. After taking Xiaoyao Wan, I found that my sleep became very good, and I slept until dawn every night. My bowel movements are normal, my back is no longer so sore, and many of the discomforts during the menstrual period have disappeared. I feel like life is really beautiful.

Unfortunately, some time ago I got into a fight with my family, and I was angry and angry for several days. I realized that this was doing too much harm to my body, so I listened to the "Diamond Sutra" explained by Nan Huaijin every night while listening to the "Tao Te Ching". I happened to see Yueju Baohe Pills written by Dr. Luo, so I took them for three days to relieve depression, and then drank yam water and Liuwei Dihuang Pills to replenish the deficiency. It happened to be the Chinese New Year, so I didn’t dare to eat or drink too much. I always ate very lightly. I also exercised moderately every day. My mood became calmer and my body felt much better.

Of course, a frail person like me will inevitably catch a cold, and this has happened since I was a child. After using Dr. Luo's method of treating colds, I have never caught a cold again. At least I can nip the cold in the cradle every time.

As soon as the first rain in autumn last year hit, my nose became like a faucet that couldn't be turned off. I kept running runny nose, sneezing and stuffy. You'll feel better as soon as you take the cold medicine, but you'll get sick again if you stop taking it. I switched to Yupingfeng Powder, which was effective for the first two days, but not effective after that. I then remembered that Dr. Luo said that the modified Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills can remove the dampness and cold in the middle burns. As a result, I got better after one day of taking it, and fully recovered after three days. In the past, this kind of cold would take about 20 days to recover from. I summarized it by myself. At that time, summer had just passed, my body was heavy with dampness and cold, and my health qi was not solid and the middle qi was insufficient. The autumn wind and autumn rain would cause disturbances. This was the first time I tasted the sweetness of traditional Chinese medicine through Dr. Luo.

In late autumn, I caught a cold again. This time, in addition to the symptoms last time, I also had throat discomfort. Taking Huoxiang Zhengqi Pills again had no effect, so I kept searching for the content of Luo Dalun's channel in my mind, and then I drank some perilla leaves, which made me feel better. It's just that my throat is dry and itchy at night, which is very uncomfortable. I know that pharyngitis will soon turn into a respiratory infection, and then I will cough and wheeze for 20 days, because it has always been like this before. After lying in bed and thinking about it for a while, I realized that my body had been suffering from yin deficiency, so I swallowed a handful of Liuwei Dihuang Pills. An hour later, my throat felt better. I took it again the next night, and then my cold was gone and my throat was healed. But I developed a dry cough, so I ate the licorice tablets I had soaked for three days. Once again I felt the incredible power of Chinese medicine.

The last colds occurred during widespread influenza. My nose is so blocked that I have to open my mouth to breathe when I sleep. I grabbed some traditional Chinese medicine to clear my nose, but it didn't work. Just as Dr. Luo's article on treating influenza came, I quickly cooked some Chinese yam and drank it. After drinking it for two days, the cold was gone. Seeing so many people around me taking medicine to reduce fevers and burning money, but my suggestions were not credible to them, I sighed in my heart for several days.

The second person around me who has benefited from traditional Chinese medicine is my mother. She still trusts me. At my suggestion, I followed Dr. Luo's method and gave her Suizaoren Decoction for three days, followed by Buzhong Yiqi Pills in the morning, Liuwei Dihuang Pills in the evening, and Guipi Pills in the evening. She had been suffering from insomnia, constipation and fatigue for many years. My sore throat is gone.

She also caught a cold during the flu period, and the cough and asthma after the cold lasted for a long time. When drinking licorice water was ineffective, she drank 2 bottles of Xiabanlu. I thought it must be because she was too weak, so I bought her two boxes of Bailing capsules, and she was already feeling better the next day after taking them. Because I saw the Cordyceps Flower introduced by Dr. Luo before, I thought that Bailing Capsules are Cordyceps mycelium, which is easier to be absorbed by the body, nourishes the lungs and kidneys, and is affordable. I didn’t expect the effect to be so good.

Perhaps to a person who understands traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine is nothing more than differentiation of yin and yang, judgment of deficiency and excess, and methods of replenishing laxatives. But to a frail and ignorant person, traditional Chinese medicine is another magical and mysterious world.

Thank you Dr. Luo, thank you to the staff of Luo Dalun Channel and Dalun Academy for your selfless dedication and hard work, so that everyone who has the chance to meet you will benefit from body to soul.
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