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It’s hot and hot, what should we pay attention to?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

It’s hot and hot, what should we pay attention to?
Recently, high temperatures have been constant all over the country. Even my hometown has experienced a rare high temperature that has not been seen in decades. Hospitals are overcrowded every day, and they are all receiving heatstroke patients, and some people have even died from it. There is still half of the dog days left. In this hot and scorching environment, everyone must be vigilant and protect their health.

In addition to heat stroke, what other problems do we need to pay attention to in this hot day?

1. Skin problems

First of all, many friends have some skin problems on their bodies, often red rashes. I received several phone calls with similar problems in various parts of the body. When I heard about it, I understood that this is this kind of problem. The weather is the most likely problem.

The weather is hot right now and generally humid. Sometimes it rains, but after the rain it doesn’t cool down much, and then it gets hot again immediately, and the moisture vaporizes in the air, which creates dampness and heat. At this time, we are easily invaded by this evil of dampness and heat. These red rashes on the skin are often caused by damp heat.

At this time, it can be treated with diet therapy. A better way is to boil mung bean and red bean soup to relieve summer heat and dampness.

This mung bean is the most common medicine and food in Chinese medicine. Two days ago, I talked about Zhang Jingyue during my lecture, and I introduced mung beans casually. In fact, Zhang Jingyue's medical prescription includes a recipe called "mung bean drink." This recipe is just mung beans, "no matter how much or how little." Boil the soup and drink it freely, and Zhang Jingyue also said that it should be "slightly boiled and half-cooked, and the clear soup should be drunk cold".

Zhang Jingyue believes that mung beans “are sweet in taste and cool in nature, can clear away fire, clear phlegm and relieve qi, relieve irritability and heat, quench thirst, soothe the spirit, replenish the yin energy of the five internal organs, remove stomach fire, vomiting, vomiting blood and epistaxis, blood in urine and stool, and diarrhea due to damp heat. Swelling, diuresis, treating erysipelas and rubella, dry skin, constipation, eliminating carbuncle, swelling and pox, decoction, fire and pain, detoxification of alcohol poisoning, detoxification of various medicines."

You may think that no matter how you look at it, Zhang Jingyue is praising mung beans, but have you noticed? The indications mentioned by Zhang Jingyue are all heat syndrome, because mung bean is cool in nature and its main function is to dispel heat and clear away heat, so it is only suitable when people have heat syndrome. Zhang Jingyue did not say that the spleen and stomach are deficient. Time to drink mung bean soup.

This is the principle of Chinese medicine, use cold medicine for heat syndrome, and use hot medicine for cold syndrome, everyone must remember this, only in this way can we not misunderstand Chinese medicine.

We don't have any misunderstandings about mung beans now. On hot days, it is still a good thing for clearing away heat and relieving summer heat.

My advice to my friends with skin troubles these hot days:

You can use mung beans and adzuki beans together, in any amount, just a few dozen grams. Make a soup, then add some rock sugar and drink it as a drink. I have mentioned adzuki beans in a previous blog post. They are not as cool as mung beans, but they have detoxification effects. At the same time, it also removes dampness. These two beans together have a good dehumidification effect and can improve the skin rash on hot days.

If the skin problem is a little more serious, you can use Danggui Kushen Pills to relieve the heat toxin. If it still doesn’t work, you may have to go to the hospital for treatment.

2. Greedy for coolness

In addition, one thing you need to pay attention to in hot and humid days is not to be greedy for cold weather.

At this time, many friends had spleen and stomach problems. As soon as I understood, it was caused by greed for cold. I ate a lot of cold things and drank a lot of cold drinks, which directly led to severe cold and dampness in the spleen and stomach, often with white tongue coating. Thick and greasy, vomiting and diarrhea, and discomfort in the spleen and stomach. Because it was a hot day, many people described their illness clearly, which gave the doctor the wrong impression, thinking that it was a bacterial infection caused by eating rotten food. So I used a lot of antipyretic toxins. In fact, it was not heat toxin, but cold and dampness. It was caused by the patient's unnatural eating habits.

Therefore, at this time, the patient himself needs to analyze the cause of the disease, whether it is caused by cold evil or heat evil. Often the patient himself knows these things best, and doctors can easily make mistakes if they are not careful.

I am also easily confused by the illusions described by patients, but after asking carefully, I found out that the truth was caused by drinking too many cold drinks.

Friends who are not sick should also pay attention to this kind of problem. It may be better to drink some room temperature drinks instead of cold drinks. Although we all know that drinking cold drinks on a hot day is very satisfying, but from an objective point of view, it is often not very satisfying. It will hurt your body.

3. Air conditioning disease

Also, what you need to pay attention to this day is the air conditioner.

Recently, several friends have asked me about low back pain. If I were in normal times, I would analyze many possibilities. However, recently my thoughts have been very focused. One of the main problems with low back pain now is the air conditioner blowing on when I sleep at night.

Because the weather is hot, many people sleep with the air conditioner on at night. However, everyone should know that you are asleep, but the air conditioner is blowing like that. This is almost the same as sleeping without a quilt in the winter. It will be fine at first, but the time As time goes by, Qi and blood begin to stagnate. Many people begin to feel pain in their waists after one night, and some are even so painful that they cannot go to work.

This is also a problem that needs our attention. When there is a problem with the body, we must consider the cause and effect. It is not that what appears on a hot day is a heat syndrome. Now our conditions are too good, and the result is a hot day. What often appears is a cold syndrome.

When you have low back pain due to blowing the air conditioner, the most suitable prescription is Zhang Zhongjing’s Kidney Soup. In this prescription, the main medicine is dried ginger. Use dried ginger to warm the body, and then Zhang Zhongjing added licorice to it. , Atractylodes macrocephala, and Poria cocos can expel moisture and restore yang energy. This prescription is also called "Glycyrrhizae Dried Ginger Poria Atractylodes Soup", which is very simple, but the effect is very good.

If it is inconvenient for us to find a doctor temporarily and encounter such problems, we can temporarily use dried ginger to boil water and drink soup, and then be careful not to let the wind blow, sweat a little, and generally the condition will be relieved quickly.

The weather will continue to get hotter, so take care, everyone, and pay attention to preventing heatstroke. Don't get injured by the heat, and don't get sick by being greedy for coolness while avoiding the heat.
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