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Traditional Chinese medicine has adjusted my complex constitution

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

Traditional Chinese medicine has adjusted my complex constitution
Using traditional Chinese medicine to cure the disease that Western medicine can't do anything about

For a long time, I have read Dr. Luo's books, browsed the Luo Dalun channel on the official account, and listened to Dr. Luo's voice. I have benefited a lot. I have a deeper understanding of Chinese medicine and have more confidence in regulating my body.

Let me talk about myself first, I am 40 years old this year, and I have never seriously worried about my body before the age of 38, including the bronchitis that has been frequent since 2006. Medicine injections are fine. It wasn't until 2014 when I left my job and went home due to work pressure that I seriously felt the physical problem. When walking uphill or brisk walking, my left chest, left arm, left shoulder, and sometimes my left jaw would feel tired or stuffy. After checking the symptoms on the Internet, I felt that something was wrong with my heart, so I hurried to a local tertiary hospital Seeing a doctor in Cardiovascular Medicine.

I still remember the day I went there, it was raining lightly, I seemed to have a bad feeling, but I went to the hospital anyway, the doctor told me to measure my blood pressure, the high pressure was 180, and my heart was pounding suddenly, Why is blood pressure so high? Because my mother has been taking antihypertensive drugs since she was in her forties, I was worried that I would also have genetics. I told the doctor that I was very nervous. He was very surprised and said why I was so nervous, and I will measure it later. I was asked to do a color Doppler ultrasound of the heart. The doctor in the Doppler Doppler Doppler ultrasound room also gave me a tense atmosphere, saying that my heart muscle was thickened. The normal one is 9cm, but mine is 12cm. He suggested that I have a carotid artery doppler ultrasound. Now I became even more nervous. After sitting outside the clinic for half an hour, my blood pressure was measured, and it was still 180. The doctor immediately gave me a diagnosis: myocardium thickening caused by high blood pressure, and I was asked to take antihypertensive drugs.

From December 2015 to January 2016, from nifedipine to betaloc and finally to valsartan, the doctor said that if I can’t take it anymore, there is no medicine to take. In the past two months of taking the medicine, each medicine has different physical discomfort reactions such as skin allergies, dizziness, and general weakness. At the most serious time, it has reached my stomach and I can no longer eat. I felt a pang of gas swimming in my chest, I couldn't burp or fart, and finally I couldn't even eat a little porridge. I lost ten pounds within a week, and I often still feel terrified. I feel that I am about to die, but the only thing that is normal is my blood pressure, which is within the normal range no matter what time of day it is.

It just so happened that a colleague of the company had a classmate who was the director of the Cardiovascular Department of the local People’s Hospital. He introduced me to see a doctor. After reading my blood pressure records, he suggested that I stop the antihypertensive drugs. He thought that I was not related to the heart disease, but a mental illness—anxiety disorder. I followed his instructions and began to stop taking the medicine, but after stopping the medicine, my heart began to be chaotic, and I often suffered from palpitations and weakness. The Spring Festival of 2016 was the most uncomfortable Spring Festival in my 40 years of life, and my mother was also worried about me.

By chance, I found out that an old classmate of mine is a well-known doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Chengdu. He has treated me for more than a year. Since then, I have been exposed to traditional Chinese medicine, and only then did I know that I have heart, spleen-yang deficiency, phlegm-dampness and stasis. Blockage of the heart arteries, no matter how serious it is, is what Western medicine calls coronary heart disease.

For more than a year, I searched the efficacy of each medicine on Baidu for the prescriptions prescribed by my classmates (I found that aconite helped me the most), and began to observe my own tongue (there are red dots on the tip of the tongue), and I learned how to do moxibustion by myself. During the process of moxibustion, I cured myself of bronchitis for many years, but the symptoms of expelling the disease (blisters, itching) also made me suffer a lot, but I survived. Now I am still insisting on moxibustion, and my physique is much better. Now I seldom catch a cold. I only need a little cold medicine to solve it, and it will not prolong to cough. In addition, I also fell in love with Chen-style Taijiquan. I have been practicing for more than a year since May 2016. If it rains and I can't practice, I feel uncomfortable at home.

By reading Dr. Luo's "Manga Chinese Medicine", "Illustrated Tongue Diagnosis", "Life-saving Prescriptions", "Yin and Yang Adjustment and Elimination of All Diseases", I began to learn to regulate the body of myself and my family, knowing what to pay attention to in seasons, What to eat more, try to use less air conditioning in summer, do not eat frozen food, pay attention to the adjustment of mentality, and pay attention to making yourself peaceful and tranquil. Some time ago, my husband started to cough because he couldn’t take medicine because of a cold. He couldn’t bear the cough. Finally, he found an old Chinese doctor and prescribed five medicines. But he caught a cold again in the past few days, with a runny nose and sneezing. , I immediately thought of Dr. Luo's prescription, Su Ye soaked in water and Shuanghuanglian oral liquid. After two days of medicine, the cough was not too bad. I bought him yam powder and washed it with water. Now his condition has improved. Sincerely thank Dr. Luo, it's great to meet you!

Now I deeply feel that the health of the body is more important than anything in the world. We humans may not all live to be a hundred years old, but we should live with quality and not let our good times be spent in illness. However, there are still many people who are reluctant to contact Chinese medicine, thinking that the treatment is too slow, and the qualifications of Chinese medicine in regular hospitals like mine are untrustworthy. The local Chinese medicine hospital does not even do moxibustion treatment, which is really a pity. I am also recommending Dr. Luo's books and official accounts to friends and relatives around me, hoping that they, like me, can get in touch with Chinese medicine, enter Chinese medicine, and be the masters of their own health.
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