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Today is the beginning of winter, the best time to nourish the kidneys has arrived

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Today is the beginning of winter, the best time to nourish the kidneys has arrived
Today I will continue to introduce to you the health-preserving methods that have been passed down from ancient times to the present. Traditional Chinese medicine has many good health-preserving methods, which are simple and easy to use, but few people know about them. I hope more people can know these methods!

Today I will introduce Cuogu Road. Have you heard of Cuogu Road?

The Cuogu Dao is the current levitation exercise. Don’t underestimate this ani levitation exercise. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty was a health expert and was the longest-lived emperor in history. Historical records record that Qianlong’s health regimen included the Cuogu Dao.

Cuogu Road

Next, let’s learn about the history of Cuogu Road.

Cuogu Dao, originally called "Xīzhou", originated from the medical book "Tianxia Zhidao Tan" unearthed in Mawangdui. This book mentioned this movement many times when discussing "Seven Loss and Eight Benefits".

It is recorded in the book, "Once you stand up, straighten your spine, open your jiu (kāo, the end of the spine), Xizhou, suppress it, it is said to control the qi. Eat and drink, hang your jiri, straighten your spine, Xizhou, it is said It causes foam. It softens the spine and suppresses it, which is called accumulating qi."

To control qi, you need to get up early in the morning and sit upright with your legs stretched out, your chest straight and your spine straight, relax your anus and buttocks muscles, continuously do levator movements, and use your mind to guide the qi downwards. Foaming involves swallowing the body fluid in the mouth, drooping the buttocks, straightening the back, continuing the levator movement, and guiding the essence to the front vagina with thoughts. To store Qi, you need to relax your back, perform levator movements, and guide Qi downward.

"Xi" means closure and convergence; "zhou" means a residence near or in the water, which by extension means a settlement with walls or walls. Traditional Chinese medicine uses it to describe the bladder and anus, the organs that prevent and control fluids. For example, "the bladder is the official of the state." "Xizhou" means the contraction door, which is the levator movement.

It shows that we have adopted this method for health care more than 2,300 years ago.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, Taoism was relatively fashionable, and "Jizhou" was gradually popularized through word of mouth among the people, and the common name "Valley Road" appeared.

After the Ming Dynasty, health practitioners and Taoists mostly used the "Guogu Dao" for health preservation and cultivation. For example, Cao Shiheng's "Secrets of Preserving Life" of the Ming Dynasty recorded many kinds of guidance methods, including Cuogu Dao, "Sit still, rub the palms of your hands and feet to feel extremely hot , still rub the two Yingxiang points with your big knuckles to unblock the lungs, calm down and hold your breath for a while, and then rub the palms of your hands to rub the navel chakra. According to the four seasons, vomit the old and take in the new, turn from the Xuanyong orifice down to the Dantian, and hold your breath Once, gather the valley road, tighten the tail gate, raise the Niwan, go down to the Jiang Palace, and restore the sea of qi, once every week, so seven or seven, the body and mind let go of half a fragrance...the swelling is gone, and it is sent for repeated inspections, which is wonderful and enchanting." . It records the use of grain pinching to eliminate bloating.

The Ming Dynasty's "Essentials of Lei Xiu" records that "when sucking the lower abdomen, you must use force and rub the inner part of the valley tightly to lift it up."

When talking about health preservation in the Ming Dynasty, we have to think of Leng Qian, a very famous health expert who was good at Daoyin. In his famous health preservation book "Essentials of Age Cultivation", he proposed a sixteen-character formula for health preservation: "As soon as you inhale, lift it up, and the Qi will return to the navel. "Swallow as soon as you mention it, water and fire meet."

He himself commented that this method is "the most simple and easy method." This sixteen-character method is a method of maintaining health by combining water and fire. This health-preserving theory is the kidney-vital water-fire theory in traditional Chinese medicine.

"As soon as you inhale, lift the anus (i.e., lift the anus), and the Qi will return to the navel." This is to use the method of guiding the levator anus to replenish the kidney life fire; "As soon as you lift the anus, swallow" (i.e., swallow body fluid) to nourish the kidney water. In this way, The kidney's destiny is "water and fire meet". This guides water to supplement the fire, regulates the yin and yang of the kidneys, and water and fire complement each other to keep the body in a balanced state of yin and yang.

"First rinse the fluid in the mouth three or five times, stir the upper and lower palates with the tongue, still touch the upper palate with the tongue, fill the mouth with fluid, swallow it with fluid, and make a gurgling sound, then take a clear breath in the nose to understand When the mind is silent, send it directly to the primordial sea in the Dantian, one-third of an inch below the belly button, and keep it for a while, which is called inhalation. Then use the lower part gently as if holding a stool, lift it up with your mind, and bring it back to the navel, connecting it with Lift the Jiaji, Pun, and Kidney Gate all the way up to the top of the back to the Yuzhen Pass, and penetrate into the top of the Niwan (i.e., the mind). As it rises up, you will not notice the breath coming out, which is called one breath, one breath. One breath is called a breath... do it for a long time, and it will cure diseases and prolong life."

Wang Ang of the Qing Dynasty recorded in "Wu Yao Yuan Quan" that "Rubbing the valley road often" was one of the sixteen health benefits, and summarized it as the four-character formula of "suck, lick, pinch and castrate". Long-lived people in the Qing Dynasty will definitely think of Emperor Qianlong. Yes, Qianlong always insisted on this guidance technique.

Below we introduce the method of harvesting grains and translate it for everyone according to the version recorded by Leng Qian.


Stand with your whole body relaxed, your legs slightly bent (you can also sit or lie down), adjust your breathing, gather fluid in your mouth, draw in your abdomen and lift your anus, inhale slowly, pay attention, when inhaling, draw in your lower abdomen and lift your anus, as if you are holding a stool. , hold your breath, and at the same time use your thoughts to lift it up to the navel and abdomen; hold your breath to the extreme, open your mouth and exhale, when you exhale, it will drop to the anus, and swallow the fluid in your mouth. One lift and one release is an anal levitation exercise, and you should do it 20 to 30 times each time.

You can do it once in the morning when you wake up and before going to bed at night.

The above method seems difficult, and I don’t understand how to coordinate it with breathing. You can also practice a simplified version, that is, you don’t need to coordinate breathing and swallowing, and you only do levator movements. Although the effect is poor, it achieves the convenience of time and place. This simple method can shrink the anus at any time regardless of time and place.

It should be noted here that when the levator ani is inhaled, it rises together with the perineum, and when exhaled, it relaxes together.

Usually do not practice when you are nervous, hungry, tired, worried, or in a bad mood.


"Acupuncture and Moxibustion Dacheng" says: "The two underworlds originate from the Ren, Du, and Chong meridians. The Du passes from the perineum to the back, the Ren perineum passes to the abdomen, and the Chong passes from the perineum to the foot Shaoyin."

The Ren and Du Chong meridians both originate from the cell and come out of the perineum. The perineum is the common starting point of the three Ren and Du meridians. In addition, the Ren and Du meridians govern yin and the Du meridians govern yang. The Chong meridians are the sea of blood and the sea of internal organs. The sea of twelve meridians, the yin meridians, yang meridians, and internal organs of the human body can all converge into the perineum and be governed by it.

The Ren meridian is the sea of blood and is closely related to women’s menstruation and pregnancy, as well as men’s development and reproduction.

Cuigu Dao promotes the circulation of qi and blood in the three meridians of Ren and Duchong. Ren meridians govern reproduction. Therefore, Cuigu Dao can enhance kidney qi, strengthen the internal organs, balance yin and yang, and prolong life.

When practicing Cuigu Dao, the Huiyin point will rise, fall and beat accordingly, causing the Qi and blood to rise from the Weilu Pass along the Du Meridian of the spine into the brain, and then descend along the Ren Meridian into the abdomen. This will keep the meridians unobstructed, and all diseases will be difficult to invade if the meridians are unobstructed. .

During the Cui Gu Dao, the Changqiang point will also contract and relax. Changqiang point is the starting point of the Du meridian. The Du meridian is the "sea of yang meridians". It has the ability to regulate all yang meridians in the whole body and govern the yang energy of the whole body. If the yang energy is sufficient, the body will be healthy. healthy.

When practicing the Cuogu Dao health regimen, the chest and abdomen will inevitably contract, which is equivalent to giving a massage to the internal organs. When the five internal organs are harmonized, the qi and blood will be smooth, and it will be difficult for evil spirits to invade.

The "gu duct" is the anus, and the "gu duct" can obviously shrink the intestines, which is the organ that stores and discharges waste. The "gu tract" can improve constipation and hemorrhoids.

In the Ming Dynasty, He Liangjun's "Siyou Zhaicong Shuo" recorded that a colleague of Chen Shulin named Yu urinated twice in a quarter of an hour. This was caused by frequent urination. When asked if there was any guidance technique that could improve it, Chen Shulin said, "When lying down, hang your feet." Untie your clothes and hold your breath, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, look at the top of the door, and use your hands to rub the two Shenshu points one hundred and twenty times. The best is to do more, and then lie down." A colleague reported that "after ten days of walking, It’s amazing.” Digging the valley can also improve the frequency and urgency of urination.

That’s the end of today’s content, see you in the next issue!
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