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A good way to "replenish qi and remove blood stasis"!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

A good way to "replenish qi and remove blood stasis"!
It is said that chloasma is related to blood stasis, but how to remove the blood stasis on the face without damaging the righteousness is a difficult problem.

If there are not many spots and girls who like to be angry can choose some roses and Chinese roses to soak in water every day, which can soothe the liver and regulate qi and promote blood circulation and improve color; if the spots are shaped like butterflies with blurred borders and gradually deepen from the edge to the middle, this Frequent stains are mostly related to the spleen not controlling the blood and internal accumulation of blood stasis. It is also a good idea to take Ginseng Jianpi Pills daily and apply some Panax notoginseng powder externally;

However, there are still some people who have a lot of spots and are also weak and weak like Sister Lin. For example, postpartum mothers not only have blood stasis, but are prone to headaches, abdominal pain, and low back pain. They are also very weak and simply choose external application. The blood-activating method is slightly insufficient, so what should this kind of people do?

It is okay to drink some safflower soaked in water, but the method that is more powerful in "removing blood stasis and removing spots" than using safflower alone, and also has the effect of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, is the "Buyang Huanwu Decoction" In the past year since the outbreak of COVID-19, many people have suffered from facial paralysis, tinnitus, cavity obstruction and other problems. These problems are more or less related to "blood stasis after illness". Today we will talk about this song A famous prescription that can "replenish qi, nourish blood, and remove blood stasis".

Buyang Huanwu Decoction

Many movies and TV dramas have hinted: "Safflower can cause abortion, and regular consumption can cause infertility." This is probably a misunderstanding of "safflower and saffron". Saffron is derived from the Iris plant, which has strong blood-activating effect, while saffron is just the dried flower of the safflower of the Asteraceae family, which was once the representative of ancient rouge. "Introduction to Medicine" records: "The flowers are red and the leaves are blue. Today, those dyed red for rouge are commonly known as safflower." It can be seen that the "safflower" used in medicine is not what is described in movies and TV shows.

Honghua is not its original name. It was introduced to China with Zhang Qian. "Natural History" says: "When Zhang Qian returned to the Western Regions, he had to pack pomegranates, garlic, walnuts, coriander, sweet apples, alfalfa, shallots, and yellow and blue, which can be used as Yanzhi." The "yellow and blue" here means red. flower.

This substance is particularly good at activating blood circulation, regulating menstruation, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. It also appears in the "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" written by the medical sage. The book states: "The sixty-two kinds of wind in women are caused by the tingling of blood and gas in the abdomen, caused by red and blue flower wine." ", and later doctors used to call it "red and blue flower" or "red orchid", later referred to as "safflower".

The reason why so many words are used to speak for "safflower" is because the combination of "safflower and peach kernel" is exactly the representative of "activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis" in "Yilin Correction", just like Zhang Zhongjing's Guizhi , the same as Zhang Xichun’s yam.

The composition of Buyang Huanwu Decoction is:

120g raw astragalus, 6g angelica tail, 4.5g red peony root, 3g earthworm, 3g chuanxiong, 3g safflower, 3g peach kernel.

1 Promotes blood circulation and moisturizes dryness

Before Wang Qing took office, most miscellaneous diseases were based on phlegm, drinking water and dampness. There were many methods to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, but few methods to replenish qi and activate blood circulation. If a woman suffered from blood stasis and abdominal pain, she would use Chuanxiong, red peony root, motherwort, angelica peony decoction, and cassia twig. Poria Pills; if this method of regulating qi and promoting blood circulation is not enough, then there are "heavyweight" methods such as Dahuang Zingchong Pills, Xia Yuxue Decoction, and Taohe Chengqi Decoction to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

Obviously, such a system of "removing blood stasis" has gaps in the middle, which is difficult for people who are weak and have blood stasis for a long time.

Of course Wang Qingren discovered the problem, so after dissecting and observing a large number of corpses, he created a series of classic prescriptions for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. "Peach kernel with safflower" is placed at the top of many prescriptions.

In fact, peach kernels and safflower have a very long history of being used as medicine, but they both exist independently. The "wheel" is the same as the "pedal". During the Warring States Period, there were round wheels, and when there were looms, There were pedals, but it wasn’t until the 18th century that someone combined the two and invented the bicycle.

Safflower is pungent and warm, and is good at removing blood stasis and eliminating spots. For example, "Danggui Honghua Drink" in "Ma Ke Living Book" and the patent medicine "Honghua Xiaoyao Pill" are all based on its ability to remove blood stasis and eliminate spots; peach kernels are moist in texture and good at removing freckles. Promoting blood circulation and eliminating carbuncle. Carbuncle is an "infection or mass" in a deep part of the skin. For example, intestinal carbuncle includes acute appendicitis, and mastitis mostly refers to mastitis.

Safflower can eliminate blood stasis on the outside, and peach kernel can eliminate blood stasis on the inside. The two medicines are combined to activate blood circulation and moisturize the body. Together with Chuanxiong, which is "activating blood circulation and promoting qi", pungent, warm and pleasing to the skin, and "dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain" and "cold and cooling blood". The red peony root is really a combination of balancing cold and temperature, removing blood stasis and moisturizing dryness.

2. Replenish qi and nourish blood

There are two shortcomings in removing blood stasis. If it is passed through, it will "deplete Qi", and the pungent powder will easily "increase dryness". Wang Qingren certainly knows this, so he added a much higher amount of "Astragalus" in this prescription than the total amount of other drugs. , to replenish the qi of the spleen and lungs, and the Bu Yang Huan Wu Decoction was originally created to treat problems such as "numbness of the skin, partial body posture, drooling, crooked mouth and eyes, and strong tongue due to stroke". Do not use too much is related to "qi deficiency and blood stagnation, muscle and arteries malnutrition", so a large dose of astragalus is used to "replenish qi and promote blood flow".

Among them, angelica is also a very important medicine. Angelica sinensis has a moist texture, can nourish blood and moisturize skin, promote blood circulation and remove freckles. It is mostly used for blood deficiency, chlorosis, irregular menstruation, etc. Gui Shen is more nourishing, while Gui Wei is more effective at activating blood. This prescription uses the tail of Angelica sinensis as medicine, and it is also used in nourishing blood. Added the power of vitality.

3 Earth Dragon

Dilong is the dried body of earthworms used as medicine. You may not come into contact with it much. In fact, it belongs to the same kind of medicine as "antelope horn", "bezoar", "pearl", "gastrodia" and "zombie". It is especially good at "clearing away heat and calming convulsions". .

After the COVID-19, many people are left with the problem of dry and itchy throats and difficult-to-heal coughs. This is related to the "deficiency of righteousness and evil love". To solve such coughs, "zombie silkworms", "earth dragons" and other substances are often used. "Asthma", such as the patent medicines "Suhuang Zhike Capsules" and "Pediatric Huanglong Zhike Granules".

When choosing Dilong in the prescription, you must take advantage of its "traveling" property. A little Dilong can relieve the numbness and stiffness of the limbs caused by blood stasis, circulate the blood vessels, help the vitality flow around, and make the menstrual qi flow smoothly. The "gap" appears again.

In this way, all the medicines are combined, which is Wang Qingren's Bu Yang Huan Wu Decoction for "tonifying qi and removing blood stasis".

Suitable for the crowd

Buyang Huanwu Decoction was created by Wang Qingren when he saw that people in the world were unable to use their bodies after strokes and there was no useful prescription. "Yi Lin Gai Cuo" says: "This prescription can treat hemiplegia, squinting mouth and eyes, slurred speech, drooling at the corners of the mouth, weakness of the lower limbs, frequent urination, and incontinence of enuresis."

In fact, the usefulness of this prescription goes far beyond that. Buyang Huanwu Decoction is the representative of "tonifying qi and activating blood circulation" and is suitable for many uncomfortable symptoms caused by "qi deficiency and blood stasis".

01 Replenish qi and activate blood circulation, improve circulation

“In epidemiological surveys of people in different countries and regions, the average salt intake of patients with hypertension is much higher than that of people with normal blood pressure.” Taking our own country as an example, the population with stroke and sequelae in Northeast China is far higher than that of people with normal blood pressure. higher than other regions in the country. Modern medicine explains that abnormal sodium excretion can lead to fluid overload, increased blood pressure, and then cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

In everything, "too much is not enough". The spleen likes sweetness, but eating too much "sweet" food can easily make you greasy and affect digestion. Similarly, salty food enters the kidneys. Moderate salty food can nourish kidney qi, while "too salty" food can damage kidney essence. , "Insufficient kidney essence" means the inability to transform qi and produce blood, less blood and stagnant blood flow, and the menstrual qi is not connected smoothly, so "holes and gaps" appear, that is, our muscles are "swollen, numb, painful, and unused." " place, in fact, at this time you can choose Bu Yang Huan Wu Decoction to replenish qi and remove blood stasis and improve circulation.

If you have not paid attention to it, then the blood stasis affects the movement of Yang Qi, and the Yang Qi of the human body travels half on the left and right sides. If one side is blocked, it will merge with the other side. At this time, "a crooked mouth, slanted eyes, and half-sided mouth corners" will appear. Problems such as drooling, difficulty in using one side of the body, and difficulty in speaking with a hard tongue are the "people whom Wang Qingren set up this prescription to treat."

02 The medicinal properties are on the high side

Buyang Huanwu Decoction is originally a prescription for replenishing qi and removing blood stasis, and the prescription is combined with a large dose of astragalus. A small dose of astragalus can increase blood pressure, such as Huangqi Shengmai Yin, while a large dose can lower blood pressure, activate blood circulation, and be a diuretic. Astragalus is tonic. It has strong potency and upward properties, so it is very suitable for "blood stasis" problems on the face and eyes;

Moreover, the combination of "Astragalus and Earthworm" has a good effect of "digesting water and reducing swelling". It can not only improve the water metabolism problem of patients with high blood pressure, but also improve the perennial dark circles, chloasma or eyelid weakness. Problems such as ptosis, eyelid edema, etc. In fact, some published in-hospital preparations for treating diabetic retinopathy, ophthalmoplegia, and glaucoma are mostly Buyang Huanwu Decoction.

03Remove blood stasis and nourish blood

In addition, due to the high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, aspirin has become a must-have drug for many families. However, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have advantages but also have accompanying problems. The long-term use of aspirin will " The gastric mucosa may be damaged, and even gastric ulcers may occur. In severe cases, there may be a risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.”

However, Buyang Huanwu Decoction can improve the problem of peptic tract ulcers when used together with aspirin. Many modern doctors are still studying why such results occur. Some say: "Buyang Huanwu Decoction affects the species of intestinal flora. Richness and diversity to improve digestive tract damage", and also said: "Buyang Huanwu Decoction can inhibit the expression of PAF cytokines and increase the expression of the cytokine EGF, thus protecting the gastric mucosa."

It is relatively easy to understand this issue from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. There is a good way to treat sprained muscles and bones called "Stewed Chicken Leg Bones with Panax notoginseng". So, do you think the Panax notoginseng here is "activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis, or is it stopping bleeding and repairing it"? In fact, it should be said that it has both. This is the "two-way adjustment of Panax notoginseng", which is also called removing blood stasis without damaging the body and stopping bleeding without leaving blood stasis.

The same principle applies to Buyang Huanwu Decoction. It nourishes blood and removes blood stasis at the same time. In the process of two-way regulation, it makes up for the bleeding risk that aspirin may bring.

That’s all for today.

I hope that this song "Buyang Huanwu Decoction" can help everyone face the problem of "blood stasis" with more ease. I also hope that everyone can see through "Buyang Huanwu Decoction" that less salt and sugar can be used in daily life to replenish qi. The importance of nourishing blood is to replenish nourishment between meals and cups, and moisturize things silently, so that this prescription is only in the heart and is not used urgently.

Okay, see you next time.
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