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The weather is getting warmer, so hurry up moxibustion for Yang-deficiency constitution!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

The weather is getting warmer, so hurry up moxibustion for Yang-deficiency constitution!
Now that the weather is getting warmer, the flowers, plants and trees outside are also full of new vitality. The scenery outside is just right, and many people will go out to play at this time, but some people are afraid of the wind and cold, wear too much clothes, lack of energy, and lack of energy. Fatigue and other symptoms, and there are many inconveniences when going out, but such friends usually have no abnormal indicators in various system inspections. The condition of this type of person is the yang-deficiency constitution that I will introduce to you today.

Yang-deficiency constitution refers to the deficiency of Yang Qi in the human body, which leads to a biased constitution. The body is not warm, manifested as chills, cold hands and feet, hot diet, pale lips, easy sweating, loose stools, etc. as the main symptoms. Most of the characteristics are white and fat body, soft muscles, and weak flesh. The onset is mostly cold syndrome, or it is easy to change from cold. Yang-deficiency constitution is a constitutional state dominated by weakness of Yang-qi, and is the constitutional basis of many diseases.

The change of physique is related to diet and nutrition, daily life, mental emotion, exercise, social environment, natural environment and other factors. Yang deficiency constitution.

So, everyone has to ask, how can we improve our Yang-deficiency constitution?

In fact, in this increasingly warm season, it is a very good choice to use moxibustion to improve the physical condition of yang deficiency. Moxibustion can be applied to the following points:


On the outer side of the calf, 3 cun below Du's nose, 1 finger horizontally outside the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting Du's nose and Jiexi. Zusanli is an important acupoint for strength and health care. It has a good curative effect on various syndromes of asthenia and fatigue, and it is also a commonly used acupoint for daily health care. In addition to using moxa stick moxibustion, you can also use moxa cone scar moxibustion, which is very effective for people who are weak and prone to colds, but scar moxibustion will damage the skin of the body, so it should be used with caution.

Shenque point

in the center of the navel. Acupuncture is prohibited here. Moxibustion with moxa sticks separated by salt or moxa sticks suspended from moxibustion is often used. It has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold. This acupoint is also used in many of the moxibustion conditioning methods introduced to you.

Guanyuan point

In the lower abdomen, 3 cun below the middle of the navel, on the front midline. This acupoint has a good strengthening effect, and is a commonly used point for health care. It has a good effect of nourishing yang, and has a good therapeutic effect on yang deficiency, syndrome loss, fatigue and weakness, and reproductive system diseases.


In the spinal column area, under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. Back-shu acupoints are partially tonic, and the deficiency of the corresponding viscera can be treated with the corresponding back-shu acupoints. The warming effect of kidney yang is very important to the human body. People with kidney yang deficiency are very common. You can choose Guanyuan and Shenque , Shenshu, with moxibustion.

Mingmen point

In the spine area, in the depression under the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra, on the posterior midline, it has the effect of warming and tonifying kidney yang. The acupoints described above are all good tonifying points, among which the tonifying kidney yang is the main point.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books

Operation method:

Moxibustion at the above acupoints, moxibustion at each acupoint for 10-15 minutes, once a day, 6 days as a course of treatment, after the end, rest for a day before starting the next course of treatment. The curative effect was evaluated after 8 consecutive courses of treatment.

In addition, umbilical moxibustion can also be used to improve Yang-deficiency constitution. Let me share with you an experience:

Select Shenque acupoint as the moxibustion site. First mix the flour with warm boiled water to form a circle. The middle hole of the dough circle should be the same size as the patient's umbilical foramen (about 1.5 cm in diameter). Operation steps: take the patient in the supine position, expose the umbilicus, after routinely disinfecting the umbilical area with 75% ethanol, wrap the dough circle around the umbilicus, and then take about 10g of homemade umbilical moxibustion powder (medicinal cocklebur, atractylodes, cinnamon Wait for appropriate amount, grind into powder) to fill the umbilical hole, put moxa sticks (about 2.5 cm in diameter, about 2.5 cm in height) on the powdered medicine, and moxibustion continuously for 10 strong. After moxibustion, use medical adhesive tape to seal the umbilical herbal powder, remove it after 2 days, and wash the umbilicus with warm water. Umbilical moxibustion was performed twice a week for 3 consecutive months.

Umbilical moxibustion selects the acupoint Shenque, which belongs to the Ren channel, intersects with the Chong channel, communicates with the Du channel, communicates with the meridians of the whole body, and connects the internal organs, which plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of diseases. In addition, the umbilical cord is the last closure of the abdominal wall during the embryonic development process. The skin is very thin, and the drug is easy to penetrate. In addition, the subumbilical peritoneum has a rich network of veins, and there are small arterial branches. The blood vessels are rich, and the external drugs are easier to absorb. In the moxibustion powder used, cocklebur seeds are sweet and warm into the lung meridian to dispel cold; Cangzhu invigorates the spleen and dries dampness, and can also remove blood stasis; cinnamon warms and nourishes the kidney yang; The advantage of this therapy is that it can not only warm and nourish the spleen, lung and kidney, nourish the essence and marrow, but also warm the meridians and collaterals, promote qi and blood circulation.

*From "Acupuncture Research" in October 2012, Zhang Yongyan.

* "Acupuncture Research" is characterized by "basic experimental research, clinical research and reports", mainly reports new achievements in acupuncture clinical and experimental research, introduces the connection between clinical and experimental research; publicizes and encourages the extensive use of modern technology Methods and techniques, research and development of acupuncture and moxibustion medicine. It is the only publication in my country that focuses on the mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Yang-deficiency constitution is mainly clinically characterized by fear of cold and cold hands and feet, while moxibustion on acupoints, through the medicinal properties and thermal stimulation of moxa sticks, can warm the meridians and dispel cold, dredge the meridians, activate blood circulation and eliminate numbness, and tonify deficiency. The effect of supporting yang can have a good therapeutic effect. In daily life, it is also necessary to eat and live reasonably according to one's own situation, and prevent diseases first.
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