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Make good use of Chinese medicine skills and say goodbye to postpartum depression

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

Make good use of Chinese medicine skills and say goodbye to postpartum depression
Originally, I thought that postpartum depression would be very far away from me. You know, I was so inconvenient and out of breath with my big belly before giving birth, how eager I was to "unload the goods" quickly. I thought that after giving birth, I could finally relax, and I could put down my busy work and have a good rest. After a while, there will be a soft and pink little one in my arms, what a happy and expected thing! However, postpartum depression came unexpectedly.

Let me explain the background here: Because there were surgical indications during the trial production process, the amniotic fluid was polluted three times, and I was afraid of fetal hypoxia, so I urgently pushed the operating room to jump in line to have an autopsy. After two days of trial labor and emergency surgery, I felt tired after the operation. On the third day after the operation, I began to sweat profusely. When I was hospitalized, the doctors and nurses said that it was normal and that it was due to edema, and I did have severe edema during pregnancy. The calf was swollen like a leg, and there was a pit on the instep. I saw that the ankle became thinner after delivery, so I didn't think much about it; but the sweating became more and more serious: I could sweat two towels plus one every night. A piece of clothing (take off the sweat-proof towel on the chest and back when breastfeeding in the middle of the night, and change the clothes that are sweaty in the second half of the night in the morning, both of which can almost reach the level of a wet towel after being wrung out). It lasted for about two weeks, and it gradually got better in the third week. You just need to take off the towel in the morning. As for no sweat at all, it seems to be two months after delivery.

From about the eighth or ninth day after giving birth, I suddenly began to feel depressed. I often read birth knowledge before giving birth, and I have been popularized by science. Because the hormone levels in the body fluctuate greatly after giving birth, it is easy to get depressed, cry, and quarrel. Therefore, by this time, I also think it is normal to be depressed. In addition, I occasionally feel a dull pain in the left heart, but the electrocardiogram is fine. The confinement wife thinks it may be lactation pain, but I can't tell, because I can't find out why, and the pain is not strong, so I just Leave it alone. From the time I was discharged from the hospital to the confinement period, I drank yam paste every day, because I remembered that Dr. Luo said that the Chinese yam strengthened the body, and this period was also the time when colds were rampant. My family members and visitors who came to visit all had colds. I had some I was nervous, afraid that my cold would affect my child, but luckily I never got caught. It should be due to the yam paste to protect my body.

The real big problem occurs about 18 to 20 days after delivery. Although I have already recovered in various aspects, my mobility is getting stronger and stronger, and my incision has begun to improve, but my emotions are gradually out of control, and I have developed into crying every day.

To be honest, during my confinement period, the family atmosphere was very good. My mother came to accompany me every day, my mother-in-law thought about ways to cook food, my husband cared about me very much, and my confinement wife was also very helpful. I don’t need to worry about the baby’s well-organized management. There is nothing substantive to bother me, but I am still immersed in my sad emotions every day, and I even add a lot of cranky thoughts. The emotions have developed from simply being unmotivated and depressed to grief and panic. . It was autumn when I was in confinement. I looked at the fallen leaves and the lingering autumn rain outside the window in the house. Looking at the raindrops outside the window, I felt suffocated all over my body, and I felt sad for no reason, and I felt extremely uncomfortable if I didn't cry, and I didn't feel happy after crying. In addition, irrelevant things will bring me fear (yes, it is fear, and I am a very optimistic person), to give a few examples: a news about children's accidental injury is broadcast on TV, I will feel The baby will also be in danger, and then all kinds of horror scenes will linger in his mind, and he will be in panic all day long; Mom and Dad went to climb the mountain, and when they came back, they laughed casually and said that they might not be able to climb in ten years, and I will enter it soon The picture of my parents getting old and senile, and then weeping loudly for fear that my parents will leave me; in this way, maybe a certain sentence from my family or even a TV show will stimulate me, and then I will immediately enter a dead end I imagined. Washing the face, persuasion, and comfort can play a little role at the time, but after half a day and a day, a new round of depression will start.

So far, I feel more and more painful to be "drowning" by being overwhelmed by negative emotions, unable to take care of myself, unable to care for my children, unwilling to have guests at home, and even unwilling to answer the phone. At the same time, I also found that my family was about to be affected by me. My mother was distressed, my husband was worried, my mother-in-law was depressed, and my confinement wife was anxious. At this time, I realized that there might be something wrong with my body itself, and I couldn't wait for "self-healing".

I didn’t want to go to the psychiatry department, so I re-discovered Dr. Luo’s books, and also called up the articles in the official account, while re-reviewing the stories of those famous ancient doctors, diverting my attention, and dispelling the inexplicable depression in my heart, while peeling off the cocoons. What is the problem with myself.

The first thing that troubled me was the problem of crying. The words "fragrance and depression" came to mind. Flowers and lotus leaves. Because it was postpartum, I removed the cool lotus leaves. I didn’t buy rose flowers. I soaked roses and tortoise flowers to drink. I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or it will be more obvious when it’s symptomatic. After soaking It smells so good! Smell the smell, and my heart is a little brighter (I used to drink roses occasionally when I was at work, and I didn't feel anything special). While drinking tea for a short while, the mood is relatively calm. So, I have been drinking it from the fourth week after giving birth until the baby is now four months old. For a period of time in the middle, I added dried longan, dried red dates and wolfberry on the basis of roses to help replenish blood, because I was prone to getting angry before pregnancy. , Now it's back to pure flowers.

Next, I considered that the blood loss of caesarean section will be more than that of normal delivery. I observed my tongue. It is fat and has tooth marks, and the tongue and lips are pale. Deficiency of qi and blood is also related, and when I think of my heart ache, could it also be caused by the blood not returning to my heart? I prepared Yuling ointment before delivery, because there has always been a lot of lochia, so I put it on while taking motherwort ointment. Now I feel that I need to start replenishing blood, so I started to take Yuling ointment from the fourth week after delivery, once in the morning and in the afternoon. After taking it for two weeks, the feeling of dull pain in the chest gradually disappeared, and the situation of crying uncontrollably decreased, from crying once a day to once crying every two or three days, and the mood was still low until the 42-day check-up Sitting outside the clinic, I was still very depressed.

Although the mothers-to-be who were waiting for the birth check-up at the same time envied me that I had finished "unloading" with great success, I was crying with a sad face. I went out of the door, slipped away from the corner, and went to the park. I was still depressed and panic surrounded me from time to time (to a lesser extent). I think the power of food alone is too small, so I consider adding some medicine. ——Originally because of breastfeeding, I thought I should not take medicine, but thinking about my negative emotions every day, isn’t milk also “toxic”? Besides, isn't there a saying in Chinese medicine that goes: "If you are sick, you will receive it, but if you are not sick, you will receive it." So he was heartbroken and took Guipi Pill and Xiaoyao Pill while taking Yuling Ointment. According to Dr. Luo’s Ziwu Liuzhu time, take Xiaoyao pills at noon and Guipi pills in the evening. I originally wanted to take Buzhong Yiqi pills in the morning, but the time always conflicts with Guanwa, so I just let it go), Guipi Pills nourish the spleen and blood, Xiaoyao pills nourish the blood and relieve depression, and at the same time, roses and tortoise flowers continue to replace tea throughout the day.

After eating three bottles of Yuling Ointment and two bottles of Guipi Pills and Xiaoyao Pills, I suddenly felt that I hadn’t cried for many days since then, and I didn’t feel the dull pain in my chest anymore. Managing the baby, changing diapers, taking a bath, playing with him, I can do a lot of things every day, and my attention is shifted to the changes in the baby's body odor (Before, because of my poor condition, it was all done by the confinement wife, for which confinement wife invited two month), the emotional haze has basically dissipated! Looking at myself in the mirror, the color of the lips has recovered, the tongue is no longer pale, the tooth marks are still there, and the tongue coating is thin and yellow. I am considering whether to drink some Shengmaiyin to replenish Qi, but I am afraid that the ginseng ingredients will be passed on to the children, so I am a little hesitant.
My regret now is that I was depressed two months after giving birth, and I didn’t take much care of the child, and I didn’t even take many photos. I missed many moments of children’s growth. The mother’s emotions are really important to raising children! I hope to use my experience to help pregnant mothers and new mothers to have a comfortable postpartum time!
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