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The reasons why you are afraid of the cold are summarized here

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

The reasons why you are afraid of the cold are summarized here
Many people said to me: "Why am I always afraid of the cold? How can I make up for it?" Indeed, in life, many people feel afraid of the cold. So, what are the reasons for the fear of the cold? We will tell you the reasons for it today, and you can see if you can match the number.

01 People with yang deficiency will be afraid of cold

This is the most important reason. The so-called yang deficiency means that the fire of life in the human body is insufficient. The reason may be the constitution inherited from the parents, the yang qi was injured due to eating cold and cold, or the yang was injured by taking too much cold and cold medicine, and excessive consumption.
In short, such a person is afraid of the cold all over his body, his limbs are cold all year round, he catches cold when the wind blows and the grass moves, his body always feels tired and sleepy, his face is pale or dark, his urine is clear and long, his stool is easy to loose, his libido and sexual function are reduced, The body of the tongue is pale and white, and the pulse is slow and weak.

In modern society, there are many people with yang deficiency, because people are always prone to excessive consumption (such as indulgence), eat all kinds of cold food, and there are many people who blow the cold air of the air conditioner, so there are many people with yang deficiency. However, it is not difficult to identify people with pure yang deficiency. The most difficult thing to deal with is the kind of people who are mixed with other conditions. For example, some people are hot at the top and cold at the bottom, some people are cold inside and hot outside, and some people are obviously yang deficient, but they get angry when they supplement yang. Therefore, at this time, supplementing yang requires skills. For example, sometimes you need to open the spleen and stomach first, take some medicines that can relieve food stagnation and unblock the qi, and then warm the yang, it will be smoother. I have read the book written by the Sichuan Lu family of the Vulcan School before. In the case, many medical cases often use medicines such as southern hawthorn at the beginning. This is what I often talk about to open the way, open the channel, and then warm the sun.

Sometimes, hot medicine is needed to be eaten cold, which is called the method of dark storage. Sometimes, it is necessary to go straight to Huanglong, that is, let the medicine directly reach the lower Jiao.
However, as long as people with yang deficiency need to persist in warming yang, my opinion is that even if there is a fire, it is an illusion. If you persist, you will find that the fire will go down by itself. Nowadays, people are often more delicate. Once they feel a little uncomfortable, they immediately reflect: Did I eat something wrong? In fact, after symptomatic treatment, sometimes it is necessary to persist.

For people with yang deficiency, you can consult a doctor for medication, use some prescriptions such as Sini Decoction, Jinkuishenqi Pills, etc., self-medication, you can use some ginger candies, etc., it is all possible.

It needs to be said that moxibustion has a prominent effect on Yang-deficiency constitution.

02 People with blood deficiency are also afraid of cold

This is what many people don't think of. Blood deficiency will also be afraid of cold, because the blood circulates through the body with temperature, which has the effect of warming the body. If the blood is insufficient, the limbs will easily become cold.

Many women suffer from severe loss of qi and blood during childbirth (or even miscarriage), and fail to make up for it, resulting in blood deficiency. Then, symptoms of fear of cold appear, and no matter how to replenish yang, there is no effect. In such a situation, as long as Nourishing blood, the body will recover immediately.

When blood is deficient, it is accompanied by warm hands and feet in summer and cold hands and feet in winter, which is different from cold hands and feet in summer with yang deficiency. At the same time, people with blood deficiency are prone to insomnia, especially the insomnia after giving birth. I will use it as an important basis for judging blood deficiency.

At the same time, people with blood deficiency are prone to dizziness, palpitations, and fatigue after fatigue. Originally, women like to go shopping. Women with blood deficiency will feel weak and exhausted after walking a street.
People with blood deficiency are prone to pale or dull yellow complexion. The most important thing is to squat on the ground to look for things, and when you stand up in a minute, you will feel dizzy instantly and your eyes will go dark.

After squatting for half an hour, it is normal to get dizzy when you stand up. If you squat for a minute or two, your eyes will turn black when you stand up. This is anemia.

The causes of blood deficiency are relatively simple. One is that the spleen and stomach are not good, and the absorption of nutrients is insufficient. Another thing is that women do not take good care of themselves, especially after giving birth, and if they do not take good care of themselves during menstruation, they are prone to blood deficiency.

Blood deficiency requires nourishing blood, but in the process of nourishing blood, there will be some problems, because blood deficiency is often mixed with other factors, such as liver qi discomfort, such as phlegm dampness, so I suggest that if there is liver qi In the case of discomfort, the shape of the tongue is pointed, so it is necessary to use the prescription of soothing the liver and regulating qi for a few days, and then nourish the blood. If there is phlegm dampness, you can first eliminate the phlegm dampness for a few days, then nourish the blood, and then remove the phlegm dampness after a few days, and then nourish the blood, so gradually increase the proportion of nourishing blood, and finally become all blood nourishing.

Some friends reported getting angry when nourishing blood. In fact, I think getting angry is a good thing, which means that it is nourishing, and it is a normal reaction.
For the treatment of blood deficiency, I always recommend that you take the "Yu Ling Ointment" created by Wang Mengying, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty. Since I learned Yu Ling Ointment from Wang Mengying's book, I seldom use other methods to nourish blood, because this formula is very effective , and it is a diet therapy method, which is easier for everyone to accept.
A long time ago, I saw a case in a Chinese medicine forum. After going to the United States, a woman became extremely afraid of the cold. She covered two quilts and wore many socks every day. In the end, everyone gave it to Wen Yang, and went to a famous Chinese medicine doctor in the United States at that time. He used a lot of aconite, but it didn't work. The famous doctor also felt strange.
She recorded the entire diagnosis and treatment process, and asked for help from the Internet. I think everyone's ideas are also Wen Yang. In fact, as long as such a woman nourishes blood, her body will recover, but everyone ignores it. Later, I treated some overseas Chinese with such symptoms, and they were all treated with Yuling Ointment. It seems that in the air-conditioned environment abroad, the symptoms of blood deficiency and fear of cold will be more prominent. However, it is precisely because foreign air conditioners are cold that many people mistakenly think that the cold is caused by air conditioners.

03 If the liver qi is uncomfortable, you will also be afraid of the cold

Everyone will find it strange, but it is true. Many people who reported cold limbs thought it was Yang deficiency, but when they met, they found it was liver qi discomfort. Discomfort of liver qi will lead to poor qi movement, retaining yang qi in the middle palace, and the extremities will be cold. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is also called Sini, and the famous "Sini San" is used to treat this disease.
Such people with uncomfortable liver qi often have pointed or fat tongues. At the same time, there are often people who like to sigh, feel bitter in the mouth, dry mouth, dry eyes, dizziness, bloating and stomach pain, easy diarrhea when emotionally stressed, upset, irritable, easy nausea, vomiting acid water, belching, chest tightness and palpitations, and rib pain place, insomnia, dreaminess.
These symptoms, if there are two or three, are consistent with the tongue image. I think the possibility of liver qi discomfort is relatively high.

For the conditioning of liver qi, I have written a prescription for soaking feet before. You can try it. This prescription really has the effect of relieving depression and will help everyone. (Yun Shao has something to say: You can enter keywords in any search bar of the menu: liver qi discomfort)

04 Blood stasis can also be afraid of cold

People with blood stasis are afraid of the cold, and everyone will feel strange, but if I explain the truth clearly, everyone will understand. Blood stasis will cause Qi and blood to run poorly and block, so sometimes, when blocked in a specific place, there will be fever, such as a local lump, and even cause fever. However, if the blood stasis is systemic, the whole body's Qi and blood will run slowly, which will also cause the Qi and blood to be unable to warm the limbs, so it will also lead to fear of cold.

For example, people with blood stasis will feel much more afraid of the cold than others in winter. And often after being exposed to cold, the color of the limbs will turn blue, and even the veins will show a very dark color, and the lips will easily turn purple from the cold.

At this time, it is necessary to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, so that Qi and blood can flow smoothly, and the body will slowly recover.

When my mother suffered from chronic nephritis, she was very afraid of the cold and wore thick woolen trousers in summer. Most people would think, this is kidney yang deficiency, right? But at that time, I just went to Beijing to learn the experience of old Mr. Zhao Shaoqin. I knew that kidney disease is mostly caused by stasis of the kidney meridian, and being afraid of cold is just an illusion, so I insisted on cooling blood and promoting blood circulation. Using the method of cooling blood and promoting blood circulation can relieve the symptoms of fear of cold, which can only be done under the theoretical guidance of traditional Chinese medicine.

05 Fear of cold caused by external evils

This is a special situation. People with yang deficiency are usually afraid of the cold. In Chinese medicine, it is called chills, which means that if you wear more clothes, you will not be afraid of the cold. And the fear of cold caused by exogenous pathogenic factors is called aversion to cold in Chinese medicine, and wearing clothes will not work.

This kind of aversion to cold will appear no matter it is attacked by cold evil or heat evil. There is a sub-symptom."

In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between cold and heat, and carefully eliminate the external pathogens. When the external pathogens are eliminated, the symptoms of fear of cold will disappear.
Well, today I told you about being afraid of the cold, I guess everyone knows it by heart, right? In the symptom of being afraid of cold, apart from yang deficiency, there are actually many illusions. As long as we are careful, experience it carefully, and consult local Chinese medicine practitioners, we believe that we will find out the truth.
You must know your own body well!

Some friends will say: "Why do I feel that I have all these factors?"

I have to answer: oh my god, how bad have you been to your body before? ! Hanging so many time bomb pictures on your body! Now, you need to remove bombs one by one. The general order of removal is: soothe the liver, nourish the blood, warm the yang, and remove blood stasis!

Well, just write here in one breath, let me drink my saliva first.
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