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The best ingredients to prepare for the New Year

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

The best ingredients to prepare for the New Year
If you saw the title click here, you must be gearing up to prepare for the New Year. What are you preparing for the New Year shopping list?

Let me guess: chicken and duck stew is indispensable, pork knuckles are scratched with chicken hands, health pancakes are the staple food, and wine is required after the meal.

Do you think this preparation is okay?

Strengthen the spleen and appetizer - green duck soup

Green duck soup comes from the book "Yinshan Zhengyao" written by Hu Sihui, the royal physician of the Yuan Dynasty. This book can be regarded as the earliest extant traditional Chinese medicine nutrition book. The recipes recorded in it are also authentic palace medicated diets. In the "strong New Year flavor" atmosphere, let's start by cooking a bowl of teal duck soup to wish you a healthy spleen and an appetizing meal.

Ingredients: 1 blue-headed duck, 5 grass fruits, 250 grams of adzuki beans.


1. After slaughtering the blue-headed duck, remove the feathers and internal organs, wash and set aside. Rinse with cold water several times to remove the fishy smell of the duck;

2. Wash adzuki beans, soak them for 2 hours and set aside;

3. Put adzuki beans and grass nuts into the belly of the duck;

4. Put the whole duck into a casserole with cold water, add an appropriate amount of water, and stew;

5. Add salt to taste, green onions and serve.

Health Tips: Duck meat is specially formulated for the spleen and stomach. It can not only nourish the spleen and stomach, but also dilute water and reduce swelling. It is the best choice for New Year’s Eve dinner. Pair it with some spicy herbs and fruits that can dry out dampness and strengthen the spleen, which not only improves the quality of the dish, but also improves the quality of the dish. It can relieve bloating.

As for the nature and flavor of green-headed duck, I believe most people would say it is cold, so it needs to be roasted over fire and boiled in soup to remove its cold nature. But I think this is not entirely true. "Materia Medica Seeking Truth" says: "Duck meat has a sweet and warm smell. It is produced by forcing fire and shà by water." Because ducks belong to fire in their bodies, they are not afraid of ice and snow, and prefer to play in water. It also makes sense.

The book also says that "females are slightly warm and males are slightly cold." You can choose according to your own circumstances.

Crying in the wind - rock sugar pig's trotters

Winter is here, and everyone is wrapped up tightly, but there is still one place that has to be exposed, yes, that is our eyes. In fact, our eyes are also afraid of the cold, especially the elderly. When the little north wind blows, tears will flow unconsciously, which not only affects vision, but also causes misunderstandings among family members.

So during the Chinese New Year, how about Xiangzhi teach you a little recipe to cure your tearful eyes? The soup has been prepared, and the main course is coming——

Ingredients: 1 pig hind hoof, 50 grams of rock sugar, no salt.

Preparation: Take an appropriate amount of water and boil the pig's trotters until tender. It is best to use a casserole. "Rock sugar pig's trotters" is cooked without adding salt and will taste a bit greasy, so it should be eaten twice in the morning and evening, with soup and meat, for a week.

Health tips: Tears in the wind in older people are mostly caused by liver wind caused by kidney deficiency. In winter, it is cold and windy, which is more likely to irritate the eyes. Pig's trotters are a traditional kidney-tonifying product, and paired with some sweet rock sugar, it is the root cause of the problem. Pig's trotters are rich in collagen, which can prevent skin dryness and wrinkles and enhance skin elasticity. It is also a good player in the beauty industry!

It is better to go to a good home and have "Lotus Root"

The slightly fat father has duck soup, and the healthy mother eats pig's feet. What can we prepare for the "young generation advocating light foodism"?

"Returning to the boat late after all the excitement, I strayed into the depths of lotus flowers. Fighting for the crossing, fighting for the crossing, startled a group of gulls and herons."

Then go for "lotus root"! There are three reasons for my recommendation:

First, Meng Shen (shēn), an apprentice of Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine, said: "You should avoid raw and cold food after childbirth, but not lotus root alone. It is said that it can disperse blood stasis." Therefore, the first reason for recommendation is that it is good for the health of pregnant women.

Secondly, "It is sweet and warm when cooked, nourishes the stomach and heart, and makes people happy after taking it for a long time." Therefore, the second reason for recommendation is that eating it can make you happy, so there is no reason not to choose it.

Third, "its roots reach all the orifices and connect all the meridians, making it the best product for regulating body fluids." Therefore, the recommended reason is three. If you want to stay young and rehydrate, choose it.

As for how to cook, there are Xiaoqiaoliushui's "Osmanthus Glutinous Rice Lotus Root" and "Powder Steamed Lotus Root"; there are also simple "Cold Lotus Root Slices" and "Assorted Lotus Root Dice"; there are even Shuxiang-style "Sauce-flavored Lotus Root"... Guang As I write this, Xiang Zhi has already begun to swallow his saliva. How should I cook it? I think everyone can think about it as much as they want.

What to do if you have heel pain - with alcohol

"One hundred and eighty cups of palace jade liquor, how about this wine? Listen to me blowing it to you, look at my mouth, one cup will make you appetizing, I will call you "beautiful", two cups, your kidneys will not be damaged, and you will still be beautiful..."

"Erguotou boiled water" is of course not palace jade liquor, but we can also brew a cup of New Year's wine ourselves that will "keep your kidneys healthy". Look at the time, get ready now, maybe you can have a drink in time for the Lantern Festival

Materials: It is advisable to use glass bottles or earthen jars (do not use metal containers), 50 grams of Acanthopanax bark, 50 grams of Angelica sinensis, 50 grams of Achyranthes bidentata, and 500 ml of sorghum liquor.

Soaking: There are two main ways to make tonic medicinal wine: cold soaking and hot soaking. Cold soaking is to cut the prepared medicine into pieces or coarse particles, put it into a gauze bag and place it in a bottle or can, add an appropriate amount of wine to seal and soak. Hot soaking is to put the medicinal materials and wine in gauze bags into a container, simmer and heat them in water, and then seal and soak them. Hot soaking can easily extract the active ingredients of the drug and shorten the soaking time. The soaking temperature is controlled at 50-60°C, which can reduce the volatilization of wine.

Soaking: Cold soaking takes about 1 month, hot soaking takes about 15 days. If the appearance is not considered, the medicinal materials can be chopped and soaked, and the brewing time can also be shortened.

Drinking: About 15ml at a time, not excessive drinking. It can be consumed with food or after meals, because the medicinal wine is usually soaked in high-strength liquor. Drinking it on an empty stomach can irritate the stomach. If you drink it before going to bed, it will affect your sleep.

Health Tips:

✿This medicinal wine has the effects of dispelling wind and removing dampness, tonifying the liver and kidneys, strengthening muscles and bones, and diuresis. The wine is used as an agent to increase its functions of relaxing muscles, dehumidifying, unblocking meridians, and strengthening muscles and bones. It is especially suitable for pain in lower limb muscles and bones. Whichever is appropriate.

✿If there are other medicinal wine recipes, you can refer to the brewing ratio. The ratio of medicinal materials: wine is 1:10. Because if there is too much wine but too little medicine, the drug concentration will be low, and the corresponding medicinal effect will be compromised; if there is too little wine and too many medicines, the drug concentration will be too high, which will not meet the "sustaining tonic" characteristics of medicinal wine.

✿ Regarding storage and placement, the medicinal wine after brewing should be stored in a dry and ventilated place and kept airtight. It is best to drink it as soon as possible. Brewing medicinal wine is a secondary process. Unlike brewing wine, self-brewed medicinal wine has poor sealing properties and the storage time is too long, so the quality of the wine cannot be guaranteed.

With wine and meat, both meat and vegetables, Xiangzhi can only help you so far. How to prepare this healthy New Year’s Eve dinner, the rest is up to you!
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