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The Benefits of Vegetarian Soup: Harmonizing the Spleen and Stomach

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

The Benefits of Vegetarian Soup: Harmonizing the Spleen and Stomach
We made two delicious nourishing broths in a row before, and many friends who are only vegetarians are anxious, asking when will the soups for vegetarians be available? So this week, we recommend a soup suitable for everyone—vegetarian stewed corn soup. Whether you are a vegetarian or have poor spleen and stomach function, you can enjoy this recommended soup with confidence.

Let's take a look at how this soup is made:

First, you need to prepare these ingredients: corn kernels, pea kernels, tomatoes, mushrooms, cooking oil, ginger slices, salt, chicken essence, sugar, and pepper. The amount of ingredients can be prepared according to the number of people serving.

The dried shiitake mushrooms bought by Yun Shao should be washed with clean water, and then soaked for about 2 to 3 hours. If it is fresh shiitake mushrooms, clean them and remove the stalks.

Wash the corn kernels and peas and pour them into the pot, add some water and cook them.

Take it out after cooking, put it in clean water to cool, and take it out after soaking for later use.

Boil the water, put the cleaned tomatoes into the boiling water and roll a few times.

Turn off the fire after a few turns, and you will find that the tomatoes are peeling by themselves~ Although I feel inexplicably cruel to tomatoes, this is indeed a quick way to peel tomatoes.

Tomatoes peeled and cut into small pieces~

Cut the soaked mushrooms into small pieces.

Next, add a little cooking oil to the pan and heat it up.

After the oil is hot, add ginger slices and sauté until fragrant.

After the fragrance comes out, add an appropriate amount of water and boil.

After the water boils, add all the prepared corn kernels, pea kernels, tomato cubes, and shiitake mushrooms into the pot, bring to a boil on high heat, then turn to low heat and cook slowly.

After 20 minutes, add an appropriate amount of salt, and then add an appropriate amount of sugar according to personal taste to reconcile the sour taste of the tomatoes. You can choose to add a little chicken essence to enhance the freshness, and finally sprinkle some pepper.

Stir well and cook for another 5 minutes or so.

Done~you can enjoy it! The aroma of the ingredients is overflowing, the entrance is slightly sweet and sour, and the overall taste is light. Both the elderly and children will like it very much~

The recipe of this soup is very simple, everyone must have learned it. Next, let’s talk about the benefits of drinking this soup.

The ingredients in this soup are all that we often eat in our lives, and the corn in it is recognized as a "golden crop" all over the world. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that corn is flat in nature, sweet in taste, and light in taste; it belongs to the spleen and stomach meridian. It has the effects of nourishing the lungs and calming the heart, invigorating the spleen and whetting the appetite, and diuresis for stranguria. It is especially suitable for people with spleen and stomach qi deficiency and coronary heart disease. It has a good conditioning effect on constipation and shapeless stools. Modern medicine has also confirmed that corn has a very high cellulose content, which can promote gastrointestinal motility and prevent constipation, enteritis and other diseases.

The shiitake mushrooms in the soup are mild in nature and sweet in taste; enter the liver and stomach meridians, can strengthen the body and nourish the deficiency, invigorate the spleen and appetizers, resolve phlegm and regulate qi, suitable for people with loss of appetite, lack of righteousness, and gastrointestinal discomfort. Peas are also a very peaceful ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine. It enters the spleen and stomach meridians, benefits the middle qi, relieves diarrhea and dysentery, and regulates health.

Tomatoes can produce body fluids and quench thirst, cool blood and calm the liver. Although it is slightly cold in nature, it can be eaten safely after being cooked, and both tomatoes and corn have a good effect of reducing three highs. Therefore, if this soup does not contain sugar, It is also very suitable for friends with diabetes and high blood pressure to drink.

Today’s vegetarian stewed corn soup is introduced here. It can be said that this is a very peaceful soup that is suitable for everyone, and it also has a certain tonic effect. It’s the weekend again, and our vegetarian friends can make it yourself. ~
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