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How to regulate cold phlegm and phlegm heat?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   8 minute read

How to regulate cold phlegm and phlegm heat?
The day before yesterday we talked about phlegm-damp constitution. Many friends exclaimed that they had been shot, and they had all the symptoms. It seems that we need to pay attention to this!

In modern society, there are a lot of people with phlegm-damp constitution, so we need to talk more about it.

First of all, let’s review again, the symptoms of phlegm-dampness constitution are:

Here, what needs to be distinguished is: ordinary phlegm dampness, cold phlegm, and phlegm heat. In these three situations, the thinking of conditioning may be slightly different.

The first is ordinary phlegm dampness
What we call ordinary phlegm-dampness means that phlegm-dampness has already formed, but it does not develop in the direction of cold or heat.

At this time, the tongue coating is thick and greasy, white, and there is more saliva on the tongue coating.

As for the symptoms, people with phlegm dampness at this time have the basic characteristics of phlegm dampness mentioned above.

So, how to adjust it?

At this time, you can soak your feet with Wendan Decoction, and you can take it if you are instructed by a doctor.

The prescription of Wendan Decoction has been debated by the ancients. Is this prescription warming gallbladder or cooling gallbladder? From the inside of the prescription, it is the ancestral prescription Erchen Decoction that reduces phlegm, and the Erchen Decoction itself is warm. However, Zhuru is added in the prescription, which is a cold medicine, while Citrus aurantium is slightly cold. .

From the perspective of the whole prescription, it is a combination of cold and heat, so it is more balanced and has a better effect on reducing phlegm. When boiling the medicine, add ginger and jujube.

In general, if it is just ordinary phlegm dampness, I would suggest adding ginger when using it. The ancients said: "phlegm is not warm but not melting", but if it is phlegm heat, ginger is not added. This is the difference.

When removing ordinary phlegm dampness, I often recommend adding Huoxiang and Peilan to the prescription, which means "aroma to remove filth". Generally, phlegm and dampness have accumulated filth and filth, and aromatic medicines can remove filth and help resolve phlegm and dampness. This is the experience of febrile disease experts in the Qing Dynasty.
In this way, the formula becomes like this:
Six grams of Huoxiang, six grams of Peilan, thirty grams of Poria cocos, nine grams of tangerine peel, six grams of Fapinia, six grams of roasted licorice, six grams of Zhuru, six grams of aurantium, and three slices of ginger.

The method to use is to boil water, then pour the concoction into warm water, use this water to soak the feet, twice a day, for 20 minutes each time, the water does not need to be too hot, the amount of water is enough to submerge the ankles. Generally, after soaking for a few days, the phlegm dampness will gradually loosen and the tongue coating will become thinner, so there is no need to soak again.

Let's talk about cold phlegm

Patients with cold phlegm often have insufficient righteousness and deficiency of spleen and kidney yang. As a result, they feel the external cold, which leads to the accumulation of yin and cold in the body and the condensation of cold phlegm.

People with this kind of cold phlegm will have all the manifestations of yang deficiency. At the same time, they will also have symptoms of poor meridians in the limbs. There will be chronic cold accumulation in certain parts, and even condense into phlegm nuclei, blocking the operation of meridians.

People with cold phlegm will have unformed stools and constipation. This kind of constipation is caused by the coagulation of yin and cold. It is inappropriate to use rhubarb and other cold medicines, but it is more appropriate to use warming methods.

People with cold phlegm in the body, the tongue is often pale, without blood, and there are also lavender, indicating that the blood stasis is caused by cold phlegm. For such a tongue, the tongue coating is often snow-white, or even white. The whole tongue Like the snow in winter, there is still saliva on it, which is relatively moist. This is the tongue phenomenon of cold phlegm.

Therefore, in the audio article of "Don't be a middle-aged greasy man", the photos of the tongue with cold phlegm posted, in fact, strictly speaking, can be classified as ordinary phlegm dampness, and if what you see is The white tongue coating is strictly cold phlegm.

For people with cold phlegm, warming methods can be used, such as white mustard seed, tangerine peel, Pinellia and other medicines can be warmed, but we must be clear, why there is cold phlegm? It is because one's own yang qi is insufficient and unable to eliminate phlegm dampness, so there is such a problem. Therefore, warming and tonifying yang qi is the correct treatment.
Therefore, if you really encounter cold phlegm, the effect of using Wendan Decoction is not good. At this time, you can use Chinese patent medicine Fuzi Lizhong Pills and other prescriptions that warm and invigorate the spleen and kidney yang, such as the "Vulcan Decoction" of the TCM school of warming and tonifying. The idea of "pai" can be used at this time. At this time, if you can do moxibustion for conditioning, the effect will be very good.

So how to regulate phlegm heat?
The situation of phlegm heat is like the firewood in the countryside. If it is left for a long time, it will become hot. The fat, sweet and delicious food we eat, the accumulation of phlegm and dampness, after a long time, if the internal environment is suitable, such as internal Fire accumulates, and when the two conditions meet together, it will become stagnant and turn into heat. This is phlegm heat.

In modern society, because everyone's diet is so good, and the pressure of work and life is high, there are many people who have heart fire, so there are also many people with phlegm-heat constitution. Such people tend to get angry easily, have a hot constitution, like cold, are afraid of heat, and can hardly bear it when it is slightly hot. Often tempered, irritable, easily impulsive.
Such people, in severe cases, often feel that their face will be redder and their stools will be dry.

The tongue of people with phlegm heat is often red, and the redder it is, the hotter it is, and the tongue coating of such people is thick and greasy, and it often has different degrees of yellow. Generally, it is slightly yellowish and the heat is light Some, if the yellow is obvious, the heat is relatively heavy.

However, what needs to be reminded is: when observing the tongue coating, the subject must be reminded not to take colored drinks such as orange juice and coffee, otherwise the tongue coating will be stained yellow, which is actually an illusion. For those who smoke regularly, the tongue coating will also be stained yellow. This needs to be asked in advance, otherwise it is easy to make a wrong judgment.

At this time, you can use Wendan Decoction to adjust the flavor. The ancients once said that the so-called Wendan Decoction is actually Liangdan Decoction. In fact, it all depends on the change of the proportion of the medicine in the prescription. .

For the case of phlegm heat, I recommend such a prescription to soak the feet:

Thirty grams of Poria cocos, six grams of tangerine peel, six grams of Fapinia, six grams of roasted licorice, nine grams of Zhuru, nine grams of Citrus aurantium, nine grams of whole melon, and nine grams of Fritillaria.
In this recipe, the amount of cold medicine has been increased, and ginger is not used. It has a better effect on eliminating phlegm heat. It can be boiled and then mixed with warm water to soak the feet. The method is the same as before.

What needs to be reminded is: the prescriptions I mentioned can all be taken orally, but it is best to be supervised and guided by a doctor, and it is better to add or subtract according to the situation. Pregnant women should not use it.

There is an old saying in traditional Chinese medicine that "all strange diseases are cured from phlegm", or similar sayings, "all diseases are all from phlegm", "all stubborn diseases are from phlegm", etc. In fact, this is true. Weird diseases are often caused by meridians being blocked by phlegm-dampness. Therefore, if the symptoms of the tongue match and the phlegm-dampness can be eliminated, the chances of recovery must be great.
In the conditioning of phlegm, the general idea of traditional Chinese medicine is what I introduced above. Among them, there are many prescriptions. Those who were good at treating phlegm in ancient times can tailor them as they please and adapt to the situation. For example, Wang Mengying, a famous febrile disease expert in the Qing Dynasty, had a lot of experience in resolving phlegm in his medical records. I remember that when I was just learning Chinese medicine, the first book on medical records I read was "Wang Mengying's Medical Records". The technique of resolving phlegm is admirable and impressive. Therefore, everyone should know that I am just giving a general introduction. Traditional Chinese medicine has many ways to deal with it. If your phlegm dampness is heavy, you can ask a nearby Chinese medicine doctor to treat the symptoms, which will be more effective.

In addition, it needs to be pointed out that all the treatment methods are doing remedial work. In fact, the most fundamental reason is that there is a problem with one's own living habits. Therefore, if you can exercise more, eat a reasonable diet, and maintain an optimistic mood, your body will adjust itself so that phlegm dampness will not condense. Therefore, we must have a clear understanding of this problem. If a person is fat, sweet and delicious every day, he considers himself a foodie all day long, drives a car when he goes out at the same time, and never exercises, but expects a famous doctor to prescribe a prescription that can eliminate phlegm and dampness. I think it is basically impossible to make myself less ill!
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