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The ancients used "Orange and Yusheng" to relieve dryness.

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

The ancients used "Orange and Yusheng" to relieve dryness.
Recently, there was a delicious dish called "Orange Yusheng" in the Yomiyama family. I was attracted by the good name at first. After reading carefully, I found out that it is mainly pears, supplemented by oranges, and seasoned with soy sauce, vinegar and salt. I am very happy. A slight sense of "weirdness". I then carefully investigated the secrets of this combination - it is moisturizing and antipyretic, sobering up and promoting body fluids, and it also has some magic properties of resolving phlegm and cough. It is a side dish that can relieve dryness and heat, produce body fluids, and relieve hangover and drunkenness. Then I imitated the ancient taste and tasted the refreshing and comfortable taste of "a ball of ice in the belly", which has a unique flavor.

I think of Dr. Luo's book "Food Therapy for Four Seasons". In the winter months, for friends with yang deficiency, you can add a little yellow rice wine with some shredded ginger, a prune, and a handful of wolfberry. Warm it and drink it, so as to "remove the cold and warm it up." "Warming and clearing the meridians.

Presumably many of my friends will also drink a moderate amount in winter in order to warm up the body and activate blood circulation. If you drink in a small amount and drink it lightly, you can drink it with this sweet and refreshing side dish to protect you from overdosing and drinking in moderation. , especially for those who eat heavy food in winter and accumulate heat in the body, wouldn’t it be wonderful to feel comfortable in it.

For large Sydney pears, peel and core them, and cut them into pieces as big as a dice. Then use rhubarb and ripe orange, remove the core, mash it, add a little salt, mix it with vinegar and sauce, and serve it with wine. Ge Tianmin's poem "Tasting North Pears" goes: "Every year, I feel the splendor of things, and I taste new pears to the wild people's homes. They are sweet and sour with the original taste, but the spring breeze does not see the flowers." Although they are not flavored pears, I love them every time. There is "Millet" "Li" sighed, so I reached it. If you chant about snow pears, it is not as good as Zhang Douye Yun's sentence "Three inches of brown cover the body, and a ball of ice is stored in the belly." Those who are pregnant with jade have a chance to get it. ——Quoted from "Shanjia Qinggong".

Let us follow the video to taste this "icy clear and jade-rich" flavor.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" believes that "pear can moisten the lungs and clear the heart, eliminate phlegm and reduce fire, and relieve sores and alcohol poisoning."

"Compendium of Materia Medica Tongxuan" mentioned: "(Pear) when raw clears the heat of the six internal organs, and when ripe it nourishes the yin of the five internal organs." Eating pears raw can clear away heat and purge the six internal organs; eating ripe pears can nourish yin and nourish the five internal organs.

Pears are known as the "father of all fruits" because they are tender, juicy, sweet and sour, and are also known as "natural mineral water". The protagonist of Cheng Yusheng is this pear. Pears are not only suitable in autumn, but also in winter when it is dry and internally hot. It is wonderful to "store a ball of ice in the abdomen" when you have a hot cough. However, remember that it is not suitable when you have a cough with a lot of phlegm.

Modern research believes that acidic substances such as malic acid and tannic acid in pears can help relieve the damage caused by alcohol to the liver and other organs; the fructose in pears can provide energy for the liver to relieve hangover; the vitamins in pears can assist in protecting the liver and can Reduce the damage caused by alcohol to the liver; pears are rich in water, and proper consumption can promote metabolism and help the elimination of alcohol. Therefore, it can be paired with wine.

The pulp of oranges is cool in nature, clears away heat from the lungs, and nourishes yin and fluids. Not only is it rich in a variety of vitamins, but the fiber it contains can promote intestinal peristalsis, help clear the intestines and expel harmful substances from the body. The orange meridians between orange peel and orange flesh have functions such as unblocking collaterals, regulating qi, and resolving phlegm.

Therefore, when imitating the ancient taste of orange yusheng, remove the orange peel and spread it on the bottom of the plate, steam it with the orange flesh, making full use of the effects of the orange peel, orange veins, and orange flesh, while balancing the warmth and coolness of the ingredients (for those with a weak spleen and stomach) Friends can also put three or two slices of ginger and steam them together).

Summary of practice

step one

Wash the skin of the orange with salt.

Step 2

Peel off the orange peel, place it on the bottom of the plate, put the orange flesh on top, put it in a pot with cold water, and steam for 40 minutes.

Step 3

Remove the steamed oranges and peel them.

Step 4

Mash orange pulp with juice.

Step 5

Peel and core the pears, and cut into dice pieces.

Step 6

Mix the orange pulp and pear pieces, add a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of vinegar, and an appropriate amount of salt.

Step 7

Stir evenly and serve.


It is not suitable for people with colds, coughs with excessive phlegm, and diarrhea.

Thousands of miles in the mountains and fields, the rest of my life is slow. At sunset, I have a glass of wine and a light meal, and I just taste it. Even if the winter is cold and locked in the greenhouse, with just the right food and drink, it is like the fragrant spring willows swaying with the fragrance of flowers, and the cicadas chirping into the deep alleys.

Tasting oranges and jade is not the same as "orange". I admire the ancients who embody feelings in things and generate joy by themselves. Even if they are poor, they are talented and have a peaceful mind. Use life to heal life and make yourself clear and relieved.

That’s it for this issue. We have tasted the ancient people’s way of relieving anxiety. Have you learned to relieve yourself from anxiety? Let’s meet again in the next issue to meet good food, bye.
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