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Let’s talk about ways to “warm up” your body!

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Let’s talk about ways to “warm up” your body!
The day before yesterday, I heard from the doctor in the emergency department that children in their 20s have had a high fever of 40 degrees Celsius recently, and it is very difficult. They used antipyretics, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and hormones to finally get it down to 38 degrees. The next morning, they had fever again. It's back to 40 degrees, and it's not an isolated case. It's particularly difficult to deal with.

Therefore, here is a reminder to all my friends. From last year to now, you may have experienced "one yang", "two yang" and "three yang" without knowing it. Every time from infection to recovery. A drain on the body's health. Looking at the mycoplasma infection that has become very popular this year, the reason why it is so serious and cannot be cured after a long period of treatment is actually inseparable from the consumption of righteousness.

During the alternation of autumn and winter, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is very large. Everyone must do a good job in keeping warm, especially those who are "afraid of the cold". Don't look at how much others wear, whether they wear a hat, or whether they wear cotton-padded clothes, because being afraid of the cold is like Being upset is just like a person knowing whether drinking water is warm or cold.

Today, let’s talk about some supplement methods suitable for autumn and winter, so that the body’s qi and blood can circulate and no longer be afraid of the cold.

low energy

The main cause of "fear of cold" is low vitality function. On the one hand, anemia, postpartum, postoperative, hypothyroidism, etc. lead to insufficient qi and blood in the body, and there are few raw materials for producing heat. On the other hand, the residual cold itself is not cleared, and the cold evil is absorbed. Introduction, this type of cold sensitivity often has obvious local cold sensation and pain.

For the first situation, of course, it is to supplement. Modern medicine talks about supplementing iron and vitamins, and traditional Chinese medicine talks about supplementing qi and blood. The principle is the same. Now that the frost has passed and the beginning of winter is approaching, it is the time to supplement with "angelica, ginger and mutton".

"Golden Chamber Synopsis: Abdominal Fullness, Cold Hernia, Food Pulse Syndrome and Treatment No. 10": "For cold hernia, abdominal pain, and hypochondriac tenesmus, Angelica Ginger and Mutton Decoction is the main treatment... If it is cold and more ginger is added, the pain will be severe and vomiting will occur. Otherwise, add orange peel and atractylodes."

"The Synopsis of the Golden Chamber·Combined Treatment of Postpartum Pulse and Syndrome in Women No. 21" says: "For postpartum abdominal pain, Danggui, Ginger and Mutton Decoction is the main treatment; it can also treat abdominal cold, hernia, and deficiency due to fatigue."

Angelica, ginger and mutton soup consists of: 12 grams of angelica, 20 grams of ginger, and 500 grams of mutton.

This recipe comes from the "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" written by the medical sage. It is a recipe for nourishing deficiency and nourishing blood, dispersing cold and relieving pain. It was originally used to treat cold hernia abdominal pain, postpartum abdominal discomfort and fatigue. At present, many of us fall into the category of "fatigued and deficient". If you have such symptoms, you can give it a try.

Although this prescription can treat cold hernia and abdominal pain, the cold evil is a shallow type, and the root of the problem is mainly insufficient qi and blood. The flank ribs are dominated by the liver and spleen. If the spleen is insufficient, the liver blood is deficient, and the flank ribs are not warm and nourished, there will naturally be some traction discomfort, especially before and after menstruation. However, the pain is mild and shallow. Generally, some warm ironing and hot compresses are used Most of the moxibustion methods can relieve the cold, but people are more sensitive to cold than others. It is not just cold feet and knees, but the whole body is more sensitive to cold. The tongue is pale, the tongue is fat, there are tooth marks, and the pulse is stringy and weak. Yes, this type of people is very suitable to use the angelica, ginger and mutton soup for more than ten days during the period before and after the "Beginning of Winter" to nourish qi and blood, warm yang and dispel cold.

We often say that when a person is in good condition, we say: "Full of energy." So, how can we replenish our energy and energy?

"Huangdi Neijing" says: "If the body is deficient, warm it with Qi; if the essence is deficient, use flavor to make up for it."

The state presented by insufficient form is the "cold" phenomenon, where the person is afraid of the cold and curls up and does not like to move. And how to make up for the shape? "Materia Medica Seeking Truth" says: "Mutton, specially enters the spleen, has a sweet and warm smell. Dongyuanzai can nourish the body." In fact, some people often say that Angelica Ginger Mutton Soup is a nourishing prescription for confinement. This is definitely an underestimation of this prescription. . If it is only for nourishing after confinement, you can choose hens, but this recipe uses mutton, which focuses on warming yang, dispersing cold, and replenishing the spleen and lungs.

Then add Angelica sinensis, which has the characteristics of "tonifying blood, regulating menstruation", "activating blood circulation and good at relieving pain", "and having sweet, warm and moisturizing properties" to replenish qi and blood. Finally, add some ginger to warm the middle Jiao and dispel cold, so as to relieve nausea and vomiting. . Go straight to the goal and show the strength of the Medical Saint without complicated combinations.

Although Angelica, Ginger and Mutton Soup is a "famous prescription", it also has therapeutic properties. Just like "Three Beans Drink" and "Yuling Paste", you can drink the soup and eat meat, and it is also very simple to make.

Angelica ginger mutton soup

1. After cleaning the angelica, soak it for about 20 minutes;

2. Cut the mutton into pieces, blanch in boiling water to remove the blood, remove, wash and drain;

3. Wash the ginger, slice or flatten it;

4. Put the mutton, ginger, and angelica root into the pot at the same time, and add the water for soaking the angelica root together, then add enough water to drink the soup, and then simmer over low heat for about 2 hours. Do not add salt or other condiments during this period. , after cooking, you can add a little salt according to personal taste just like adjusting the haggis soup.

People who are afraid of cold in winter, postpartum, postoperative or anemic can stew 1 to 2 times a week from now on. It can nourish qi and blood, dispel cold and relieve pain. It can not only regulate the body but also resist the attack of cold evil.

Hands and feet feel cooler

In addition to the general fear of cold, there are also some "chill" symptoms that need to be treated, that is, local fear of cold, such as cold hands and feet, cramps in the calves, cold knees, pain in the lymph nodes behind the ears when going out to blow dry, cold lower belly, frequent urination at night, etc. The causes of these symptoms are mostly related to "blockage of Qi and blood".

The word "ni" is opposite to "shun", and has the meaning of opposite and conflict. When the feeling of "cold, cramp, and pain" appears in the originally warm and soft parts of the body, it is "ni". There are "three" prescriptions with the word "ni" in the scriptures, which can regulate the disorder of temperature sensation in local parts of the body, namely Sini Powder, Sini Decoction, and Danggui Sini Decoction.

Although there is only one word difference in the names of these three prescriptions, the compatibility and syndrome differentiation methods are different. Just like "Coptis Rhizoma Coptidis and Coptidis Coptidis", they are completely unrelated Chinese medicines. Sini Powder is biased towards regulating qi and soothing the liver. , I will have the opportunity to talk about this prescription alone in the future.

"Treatise on Febrile Diseases" says: "It is self-interested and not thirsty. It belongs to Taiyin. Because it contains cold, it should be warmed. It is advisable to take the four adverse generations." And the "four adverse generations" refer to those who have the ability to warm the body and dispel cold. The merit of Sini Decoction and Danggui Sini Decoction.

Danggui Sini Decoction: 12 grams of Angelica sinensis, 9 grams of Guizhi, 9 grams of peony root, 15 grams of Asarum, 5 grams of Zhigancao, 3 grams of Tongcao, and 9 jujubes (break open).

Sini Decoction: 9 grams of aconite, 9 grams of dried ginger, and 9 grams of Zhigancao. First fry the aconite for 60 minutes, add the remaining medicine and fry together, take the juice and drink it warmly.

"Shaoyin is a disease with a fine and fine pulse." A fine pulse indicates that there is insufficient nutrition and health. The condition is just like the situation in the 1980s and 1990s before the faucet at home was cut off. The reason for this may be that the water pipe outside the door is "frozen." ", or it may be "lack of water, stop drinking water", just like the body's "depletion of vitality fire" and "deficiency of blood and Qi" will lead to cold limbs, numbness and discomfort in the hands and feet, and this is also the difference between choosing Aconite and Angelica.

Danggui Sini Decoction is made of "Guizhi Decoction" as the base, and then uses Angelica sinensis as a base to warm and nourish blood, remove ginger, and add asarum and Tongcao. Asarum is poisonous, but its ability to "dispel cold" is also Other medicines cannot replace it. Asarum is a "numbing and spicy" medicine that is more exciting than Sichuan peppercorns and chili peppers when chewed. It can penetrate deep into the kidney meridian and remove the cold of Shaoyin. Tongcao, in ancient times, used Akebia acuta, but in modern times, non-toxic Tongcao is used instead. What is sought is a "tong", which is equivalent to a fast road, delivering "medicine" directly to the destination.

This is Danggui Sini Decoction. This prescription is suitable for people with insufficient blood vessels. They are not thirsty, their hands and feet are not warm, or their calves are afraid of cold and cramps, or their knees are cold, their shoulders are cold, and their distal limbs are afraid of cold and are uncomfortable. It is a medicine. Take out three bowls of water and drink it three times in the morning, noon and evening. This prescription does not need to be taken for a long time, usually 3 to 5 days, up to 7 days, in order to warm the meridians and dispel cold. After the cold evil has been eliminated and the blood vessels are unblocked, you need to take Donkey-hide gelatin, longan meat, Yuling paste, Bazhen soup, etc. nourish qi and blood.

Danggui Sini Decoction nourishes blood and unblocks the meridians, while Sini Decoction "directly adds a handful of firewood to the weak body."

Sini Decoction takes Aconite as the king, restores Yang and saves Ni, replenishes the weak fire gate of life, breaks down Yin and expels cold, and circulates the twelve meridians, which is the "dry firewood", and the "dried ginger" here is equivalent to a handful "Lighter", after all, aconite will not be hot without dry ginger, so the fire will start. However, if it burns too fiercely, it may damage the yin fluid. Therefore, burnt licorice should be used to replenish the qi and soothe the middle, and control the poison of aconite. , relieve ginger and Fu Zhijun.

Therefore, the cold treated by Sini Decoction is deeper. Not only the hands and feet are cold, but also the cold evil has invaded the middle burner. Not only are these people not thirsty, but they also often have stomachache, pain and diarrhea, and most of them are shapeless, and they are even prone to cold symptoms at the slightest movement. Cold sweats, lack of energy, and easy drowsiness. Generally, Sini Decoction is consumed twice in the morning and evening. Within five servings are enough to dispel the cold and warm the body. After the cold evil is eliminated, you can take Jingui Shenqi Pills (for those with cold back and lower limbs) or Lizhong Pills (for those with stomachache and irregular stools). To deal with the aftermath.

I still remember that many years ago, I had a winter flu. I was busy at the time and didn’t take it seriously. Later, it got worse day by day, so much so that I would cough every few minutes. It happened to be the annual meeting at this time, and I also wanted to save face. , thinking that it would be too embarrassing to meet last year, so I drank a bowl of "Ma Fu Xin" that night. It was really just one bowl. The next day, even the table next door didn't notice that I had a cold.

What I want to say is that although Aconite is poisonous, one thing can defeat another. When you encounter a difficult "opponent", you need a "strong general" like Aconite to conquer the city.

Well, that’s all for today.

The weather is getting cold, so everyone should take good care of themselves, and also remind their families to add an extra layer of clothes and wear a hat when going out. When your heart is warm, your body will be warm too.

See you next time~
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