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Talk about the famous recipe of Guizhi Soup through the ages

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Talk about the famous recipe of Guizhi Soup through the ages
I haven't talked with you about this Guizhi soup, because this prescription contains too many meanings, so it's hard to talk about it. Now I think, anyway, it is to popularize the knowledge of Chinese medicine for everyone, so we don't have to ask for details. Let's talk slowly and share Say it a few times!

In "Treatise on Febrile Diseases" written by the medical sage Zhang Zhongjing, Guizhi Decoction is the first prescription. This prescription contains many ideas for curing diseases, and it is listed at the first place. It can be seen that Zhang Zhongjing also attaches great importance to it. Later generations even called it This prescription is the first prescription for typhoid fever.

So, what is the secret of this formula? What type of cold does it have to do with us?

Let's take a look at the original text of Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on Febrile Diseases"!

Article 12: "Taiyang stroke, yang floating and yin weak, yang floating, heat spontaneously; Lord."
Article 13: "Taiyang disease, headache and fever, sweating and bad wind, Guizhi Decoction is the main one."

Some friends are not familiar with ancient Chinese, and they will feel dizzy when they see these. It doesn't matter, we will analyze it in current words for everyone!

First of all, it must be clear that: under normal circumstances, Guizhi Decoction is the initial stage of treating exogenous wind and cold. Zhang Zhongjing emphasized that it is "sun disease". Ming, Shaoyang, Taiyin, Shaoyin, Jueyin. This is the template given to us by Zhang Zhongjing, using typhoid fever as an example to describe the six lines of defense for the human body when encountering external evils, and the sun is the first.

Of course, Guizhi Decoction is also used in the treatment of many other diseases, but generally speaking, when treating exogenous wind and cold, Guizhi Decoction is often used in the initial stage, when the external pathogens are on the body surface.

Then, I hope everyone pays attention to these few symptoms, which are the dialectical points of mastering Guizhi Decoction. First of all, the first thing to pay attention to is "sweating".

The exogenous pathogenic factor treated by Guizhi Decoction is the type of lack of righteousness. We call it "exterior deficiency syndrome". In addition, there is another kind of "external evidence", which is dominated by Mahuang Decoction, which is righteousness and struggling, and it is high fever and no sweat.

This "sweating" is the key for us to judge whether it is the syndrome of Guizhi Decoction. In fact, such a person does not only sweat when suffering from exogenous pathogenic factors, but also often sweats spontaneously even in normal times.

We often talk about physique. There is a kind of constitution called qi deficiency. Such people always have pale complexion, weak limbs, low voice, mental fatigue, weak spleen and stomach, shortness of breath after a little exercise, and then spontaneous sweating.

Let’s see, you usually have qi deficiency and sweat a lot. Then, once you feel the wind and cold and the invasion of external evils, the body needs to organize resistance, and the qi and blood start to flow. At this time, you will get fever. Zhang Zhongjing described that at this time, the yang is floating and the yin is weak. This kind of qi and blood The state of accelerated running is positive and floating, so what about yin and weak? Zhang Zhongjing said that people with weak yin sweat spontaneously. The weak yin at this time is not due to the lack of yin, but the weak ability to control yin. If the strength of restraint is not enough, the sweat will lose control and flow out continuously. This is the "sweating" of Guizhi Decoction syndrome.

Therefore, the patients treated by Guizhi Decoction must be those who are usually weak in spleen and stomach, lack of righteousness, and then infected with exogenous pathogens.

Then, the symptoms we should pay attention to are: "bad sweat" and "bad wind". This is the symptom of being afraid of cold and wind after we suffer from wind-cold. This is a common feature of exogenous wind-cold, so we won't talk about it.

In addition, the symptom mentioned incidentally is "nasal whining and retching". Many people say that this sneezing is sneezing. It's sneezing. Zhang Zhongjing of the Han Dynasty can write the word sneeze directly. This snoring is actually a state of nasal congestion. When the nasal cavity is blocked, there is mucus in it. Sometimes we feel stuffy, and occasionally we will exert force at the back of the nasal cavity and spray air out, trying to open a channel. There will be a sharp snorting sound. If you experience it carefully when you have a cold, you will know this state. It was when I was studying that I caught a cold and had this sound repeatedly, and then I suddenly realized what Zhang Zhongjing said about snorting, which is a state of blocked nasal cavity and nasal mucus.

The so-called retching means that the nasal cavity is not smooth at this time, and the throat connected to the nasal cavity is also uncomfortable. It often occurs when there is an exogenous cold.

So, let's discuss again, what should the tongue image look like at this time? Because of this kind of qi deficiency, there are often tooth marks, the tongue tends to be fat and big, the tongue coating is white, and tends to be full. The color of the tongue must be pale, not bright red.

The pulse at this time should be a floating number, and the pressure is weak.

So, what medicines are Guizhi Decoction composed of?

In fact, it is very simple and I wrote it to everyone.

Three liang of cassia twigs, three liang of white peony root, two liang of roasted licorice, three liang of ginger, twelve pieces of jujube.

This is Zhang Zhongjing's serving size. I usually use this amount: 30 grams of cassia twigs, 30 grams of white peony root, 20 grams of roasted licorice, five slices of ginger, and seven pieces of jujube.

However, it should be noted that I did not drink it all at once after the boil was finished. The amount written by Zhang Zhongjing did not drink it all at once, but drank it a little bit. As long as I sweated a little, the following medicine would not drank.

The original text written by Zhang Zhongjing is as follows:

"Take seven liters of water, boil three liters on low heat, remove the dregs, make it suitable for cold temperature, take one liter for a while, and sip the remaining one liter of hot gruel to help the medicine. It seems that those who sweat will benefit better, but don't let it drip like water, the disease will not be cured. If you sweat in one dose, the disease will worsen, stop taking it after you stop, you don't have to use up the dose. If you don't sweat, take it more according to the previous method. If you don't sweat, take it later During the short period of time, take three doses for about half a day. If you are seriously ill, take it one day and one night, and watch it every week. After taking one dose, if the symptoms are still there, take it even more. If you don’t sweat, take it until Two or three doses. Raw and cold, sticky and slippery, meat noodles, five spices, wine cheese, and bad smells are prohibited."

This passage is very important, as it contains a lot of ideas, and later generations of Chinese medicine practitioners have learned too many truths from it. Let's talk a little bit:

01 First of all, after so many medicines are boiled, you should not drink all of them, but drink a small part first to see if you sweat. If you sweat a little, it means that the Qi and blood are running smoothly. Once the Qi and blood are smooth, it means It means that this is the effective dose of your medicine, and you don’t need to take the following medicines. What Zhang Zhongjing said is "do not need to take all the medicines." Then, if you are not sweating, drink the remaining small portion, and so on until you sweat. This is where the science of traditional Chinese medicine comes in. This usage, when treating exogenous emergencies, allows patients to take a dose that is just right for their body and effective, so we have to admire the wisdom of the ancients ah!

02 Then, the most important thing about this Guizhi soup is to drink a bowl of hot porridge after taking the medicine.

This is the most brilliant place. What does Guizhi Decoction treat? In fact, the focus of Guizhi Decoction is to regulate the imbalance of viscera. It nourishes the spleen and stomach. In Zhang Zhongjing's words, it is "to help the medicinal power". On the one hand, it uses the heat of hot porridge to promote the dispelling of cold, and on the other hand, it uses the energy of grains to nourish the spleen and stomach.

03 warm cover. After taking this kind of medicine, you must not be blown by the cold wind, and it is best to lie down with a quilt. Some Chinese medicine practitioners have experience that it is even better to cover your face so that you can sweat. My experience is that at this time, improve the body and keep it warm. In addition, the main function of covering the face is to keep the nose warm. As long as the nose is kept warm, it is easier to sweat, because the nose is also an organ that senses temperature.

At this time, it is okay for us to put on an extra piece of clothing, the main thing is not to be blown by the wind. It is most inappropriate for someone to go out after drinking the medicinal soup.

04Another point worth noting is not to sweat profusely, but to sweat slightly. Slight sweating means unobstructed Qi and blood, and harmony of yin and yang. Slight sweating is just a result. We don't sweat for the sake of sweating. At this time The biggest contradiction is that the patient's righteousness is insufficient, the yang is floating and the yin is weak, and the yin and yang, Yingwei are not in harmony. If it is purely for sweating, wouldn't it be better to use ephedra? So Zhang Zhongjing said: "Don't let it flow like water, and the disease will never be cured."

05 Taboo. Zhang Zhongjing said: "It is forbidden to eat cold, sticky, meaty noodles, five spices, wine cheese, and bad smells."

Here, raw and cold food should be taboo, because it will affect the function of the spleen and stomach. It is from Zhang Zhongjing that later generations pay attention to this matter. Slippery, many people don’t pay attention to it. In fact, sticky food is very bad. Some Chinese medicine practitioners even believe that sticky food can lead to many diseases. I have heard such arguments, and some patients have responded. According to this statement, I will never eat it again. After sticking to food, my body is much better. I think this is mainly because people with weak spleen and stomach are unable to transport and transform. Patients with Guizhi Decoction syndrome are basically weak spleen and stomach. Of course, sticky food hinders transport and transformation, so they should not eat it.

As for the meat noodles, it’s okay to eat them at ordinary times, but not too much at this time, mainly to help dampness. Of course, I think it’s okay for you to eat steamed buns, which refers to wet noodles. As for the meat, of course it is light at this time. Eating meat will not only increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, reduce phlegm and generate dampness, but also greasy will hinder the absorption of medicines, so you should not eat too much greasy food.

The five spices refer to all kinds of spicy and spicy foods. In the past, Taoists listed leeks, scallions (xiè), garlic, xingqu, coriander and other five spices as fasting foods, while practitioners used small garlic, garlic, Five spices such as scallions, xingqu, and coriander are fasting. At this time, the patient’s yang energy is already floating, but the yin energy is still weak. The five spices will affect the circulation of qi and blood and hinder the harmony of the two. Those who really pay attention should avoid it. food.

What Zhang Zhongjing said: "wine cheese, odor, etc." actually mainly refers to fermented food, fermented things, and most of them are shady and cool. Even the wine in Zhang Zhongjing's era is not today's liquor. What is fermented is dried and fermented under the scorching sun. Fermentation requires humidity and shade, so it has the nature of shade. Nowadays, many people with yang deficiency feel cold and painful in the stomach after eating yogurt. This is the reason.

Of course, we can usually eat fermented food, but for people with weak spleen and stomach, when they feel exogenous diseases, they should pay attention to it, and it is best to avoid eating it.

The above are the precautions Zhang Zhongjing put forward on the method of taking Guizhi Decoction. Later, according to these contents, later generations of Chinese medicine extended the various taboos of taking Chinese medicine. When treating exogenous diseases, we must review Zhang Zhongjing's precautions. The truth of it is actually quite profound when explained, I just briefly write it down, and everyone can think about it and explain it.

Speaking of this, I only talked about the method of taking Guizhi Decoction. As for the medicines of Guizhi Decoction, what are they for? What is the effect, why can such a few simple medicines cure the disease? Why is it said that the application of Guizhi Decoction is far beyond the scope of treatment of exogenous diseases? There are so many questions that I cannot discuss in one article. We will talk to you later, please continue to pay attention to the following articles!
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