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Summer Nourishing Heart Series - Chinese Proprietary Medicine Tianwang Buxin Pills

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   10 minute read

Summer Nourishing Heart Series - Chinese Proprietary Medicine Tianwang Buxin Pills
In summer, you need to nourish your heart, because the five internal organs correspond to the four seasons, and summer corresponds to the heart. In summer, the heart fire is relatively strong. If a person’s internal environment is not stable enough, such as yin deficiency, yang deficiency, etc., the person with yang deficiency will have a better time in summer because the weather is warmer and feels more comfortable; People are prone to problems in summer, most likely in the heart, so many heart disease patients, heart and lung diseases are most afraid of summer.

Before, I introduced a prescription called Zhusha Anshen Pill. Zhusha Anshen Pill is caused by lack of heart yin, and then there is fire. At this time, the mind begins to appear manic and disordered. Nourishing the heart and yin, this prescription is very good. For the kind of mind that starts to have problems, such as panic, fear, irritability, insomnia, etc., I usually let him take Zhusha Anshen Pill for a day or two, but Zhusha Anshen Pill cannot be used more, because it uses cinnabar as the main ingredient. Lord, calm down, calm down the state of panic, fear, and fear, and then start to mend and nourish the mind.

Next, I will introduce a prescription for nourishing the heart, called Tianwang Buxin Pill. This prescription was originally called Tianwang Buxin Pill. I usually take cinnabar calming pills for one day, and then take Tianwang Buxin Dan for a few days. The ideas of these two prescriptions are roughly the same, but Tianwang Buxin Dan has more medicines for nourishing yin, and it mainly focuses on nourishing yin.

This prescription was created by Xue Lizhai, a famous Chinese medicine doctor in the Ming Dynasty. He was an imperial physician, the director of the imperial hospital, and treated the emperor. Xue Lizhai wrote a book called "Scholarly Notes on Good Prescriptions for Women". His book was based on "Women's Complete Prescriptions" written by Chen Ziming, a famous doctor in the Song Dynasty. So, he expanded and analyzed it, so the book he wrote is called "Xiaozhu Women's Good Prescriptions". In this book, there is Tianwang Buxin Pill.

What does Tianwang Buxin Dan cure? It nourishes yin and nourishes blood, and it specializes in the treatment of restlessness caused by deficiency of yin, various problems of the heart, and various problems of emotion and consciousness caused by it. This kind of situation is mainly the deficiency of heart and kidney yin, and the deficiency of yin and blood, so what symptoms will it cause?

First of all, insomnia caused by deficiency of heart yin, this kind of insomnia is called vexation and insomnia. Heart palpitations, the heart will beat wildly, and it will stop silently. You feel that the rhythm of the heart is not right, and you feel that the heart is beating wildly again. Today we say that it has something to do with premature beats. There is also forgetfulness, this kind of forgetfulness is caused by the lack of heart yin, and the mental ability begins to decline, so the experience at this time is that this kind of person usually has a good memory, you may not be able to remember now, and you can usually think about it , you can't think about it.

I once said that I had such symptoms, and I told you that you only know about many diseases after you experience them. This kind of lack of mind leads to mental problems like this. For example, when you usually speak a sentence, you can speak it fluently. When you are lack of mind, you find yourself bickering and unable to keep up with the conversation. Usually you can speak very well, but when you are lacking in mind, you will stutter and your thinking will be interrupted. You don’t know why. I am familiar with this thing. One of the important manifestations is forgetfulness, easy to forget things, can't remember familiar things, and men will also have wet dreams.

There are also palpitations, that is, the feeling that the heart is always flustered. This feeling is the same as cinnabar tranquilizing pills. For example, the room is very quiet, someone suddenly pats the table, and everyone else is fine, and you murmur in your heart: "My God, I'm so scared to death, can you lighten up? Lighten up..." This is panic in your heart. flustered. Why suddenly, when others are fine, you will be frightened? It is caused by your lack of energy and lack of mind. So this is all a problem with the Heart Sutra, which leads to a problem with the mind. In this case, the person's tongue should be bright red, red, with a thin coating on it, and you may even see red particles on it. The tongue of this kind of person must not be pale white, but should be red with a thin coating and a fast pulse.

The most important medicine in this prescription is raw ground. When I talked about Zhigancao soup, I added a lot of raw ground, and the amount of raw ground in this prescription is also large. Rehmannia tonifies kidney yin, and kidney water can help the heart fire, so the heart fire will not be overactive. That is to say, rehmannia is the most important medicine for nourishing yin, which can reduce the deficiency fire. Then add some Scrophulariaceae, Scrophulariaceae is cold, and it helps to strengthen the water to cure the fire. Because Chinese medicine believes that the heart belongs to fire, the kidney belongs to water, and fire and water should be in harmony with each other. The fire is not too hot, how can it not be too hot? The kidney is supported by water, and the water cools it so that it will not be too hot. The heart fire goes down, so that the kidney water is not too cold, this is a normal person, it is called water and fire, this is an ancient term, this is the best pattern.

At this time, if the heart fire is particularly strong due to insufficient yin and kidney water, it is necessary to replenish heart yin. The medicinal effect of Scrophulariae Scrophulariae can draw up the kidney water, which is its particularity. Therefore, when treating throat diseases, if you find yin deficiency or yin deficiency, add some crocodile scrophulariaceae while tonifying kidney yin, it can draw the kidney water upwards and let it enter the throat, so that you will not be too dry on the top. This is moistening dryness, nourishing yin and dispelling fire, which is the contribution of Scrophularia scrophulariae.

Asparagus and Ophiopogon japonicus nourish the yin of the lungs and kidneys. These two herbs are also called asparagus and Ophiopogon japonicus, and they both nourish yin, especially nourishing lung yin. The lungs belong to metal, and too much fire will damage the metal, so patients like this often have insufficient lung yin, and when the lung yin is replenished, the lung qi goes down, and the heart fire also goes down, so the lung yin In the upper focus, it is also an important force to control the fire of the heart. Look at this prescription, the kidney water on the lower side nourishes you, and the upper side nourishes the lungs and yin to lower you, so this keeps the fire of the Heart Meridian from being too strong.

Then add some red sage root to nourish the blood and dredge the collaterals. On the one hand, the red sage root can nourish the blood. Because the heart fire is too strong and the yin is insufficient, the blood is also yin and can be injured, so it is used here with Danshen; Danshen can also promote blood circulation, because when the heart fire is too strong, it will hurt the yin fluid. When the yin fluid is insufficient, it is easy to Blood stasis occurs, so Danshen promotes blood circulation, and then combined with angelica, it also nourishes blood and nourishes blood, and also has the effect of promoting blood circulation.

Ginseng is also used here to replenish qi. When the blood and heart yin are insufficient, the heart qi will actually be injured. The kind of thing that makes you jump when you slap the table is often full of righteousness in your heart , the symptoms will disappear. Therefore, this prescription is very thoughtful. It not only nourishes yin, but also nourishes qi, which can also produce blood. Therefore, ginseng and poria cocos are added here. Poria cocos removes dampness, and ginseng plays a very important role here.

Then add Baiziren and Polygala to calm the mind and calm the mind. Baiziren nourishes the heart, and it is combined with polygala to nourish the heart and soothe the nerves. Many tranquilizing medicines contain these two herbs. Polygala can communicate with the heart and kidney, that is, when the heart fire and kidney water cannot communicate and do not circulate, Polygala can make them circulate, and it can also calm the nerves. Polygala is so well named. Bai Ziren and Yuanzhi are often paired together when we encounter mental system problems and people are restless.

Then there are schisandra and jujube kernels. Schisandra is nourishing the five internal organs, especially it has astringent effect, and Schisandra also has the effect of calming the nerves. If you feel tired and insomnia at night, you can get some Schisandra chinensis, which is very sour, boil water and drink it, it has the effect of restraining the mind, and you may fall asleep. The medicinal effect of Schisandra chinensis is very good, and it has the effect of nourishing the five internal organs. Suanzaoren nourishes blood, and another function is to soothe the nerves. It has a very good effect on calming the nerves. When you are tired and insomnia, boil some fried Suanzaoren powder, boil it and drink it, it can also soothe the nerves.

A friend once asked me, they read a book and said knocking the gallbladder meridian is good, so they followed it up, but after knocking the gallbladder meridian, they couldn’t fall asleep. The results were immediate, and they couldn’t sleep at night. It’s strange, why can’t they fall asleep after knocking the gallbladder meridian? Woolen cloth? This kind of person has insufficient liver blood. The liver blood is already insufficient. Once you knock on the meridian, you let it circulate again, so it is powerless. Therefore, this kind of person will suffer from insomnia, because his blood cannot Nourishment. What should we do at this time? I told him, you get some schisandra, mix it with some cornus and boil water, then use this water to drink the fried jujube seed powder, drink it, and nourish the blood and nourish the yin. Supplement the blood and yin, and there will be qi and blood flowing in the meridians, and you will be fine if you tap again. As soon as I drank it, the result was really good, and I was able to fall asleep immediately. Therefore, after understanding the principles of Chinese medicine, you can solve such problems in a very simple way.

In this prescription, some platycodon grandiflora is added, and platycodon grandiflora is loaded with medicine, which can bring the medicinal properties into the upper burner. Because this medicine ultimately treats the diseases of the upper Jiao Heart Meridian, it is mixed with Platycodon grandiflora to make the medicinal properties go up instead of down. After the medicine is ready, use a little cinnabar powder to wrap it outside, which also acts as a strong town. Take a look at this prescription together, nourishing yin and nourishing blood, plus some tonifying qi, soothe the nerves, after making the pills, wrap a layer of cinnabar on the outside, which is very calming for the mind.

Its overall direction is more yin-nourishing and more comprehensive than cinnabar tranquilizing pills. So generally I let patients take Zhusha Anshen Pill for a rest on the first day, and then they can take Tianwang Buxin Pill for a few days. What kind of patients? Please remember, people with yin deficiency and lack of heart yin, red tongue, thin coating, dry thirst, dry eyes, hot hands and feet, upset and insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitations, etc. caused by yin deficiency, all with yin deficiency For this kind of heart meridian problem and mind problem, you can refer to this prescription, it is called Tianwang Buxin Pill, and the patent medicine of this prescription is called Tianwang Buxin Pill, which is sold. It should be specially reminded that pregnant women should not take it lightly, but use it under the guidance of a doctor.

Everyone should know that this prescription is for curing diseases, not for health care. When there is a real problem, the heart will actually respond obviously. If this person cannot sleep, it will be very uncomfortable. This prescription can solve your problem. The problem of heart yin is slightly insufficient, but it is not that serious.

We will stop here today, and we will introduce more prescriptions to you in the future.
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