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Soothes liver qi and nourishes kidney essence

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   11 minute read

Soothes liver qi and nourishes kidney essence
There are many class cadres in every class, including the squad leader, school committee member, and league secretary who are coveted by everyone, the life committee member who is responsible for health details, and the sports committee member who strives to be a model for sports... And let me say, among these classified class cadres What I like most are those "class representatives" who are more representative of children's specific talents.

Discovering "interests" and exploring "advantages" is not an easy thing for adults. If you don’t believe it, give yourself a few minutes now to think about a question in your mind: “Compared to your friends and colleagues around you, what are your more outstanding characteristics?”

First of all, there must be an answer to this question, because everyone is different and wonderful in their own way. I can’t answer it just because it is difficult to answer. After all, treasures are always hidden in places that are difficult to find, and today we are here Let’s talk about a “treasure recipe” that has clear advantages.

If the class representative for "kidney-tonifying prescriptions" is Liuwei Dihuang Wan, and the classic "soothing liver qi and regulating qi" is Xiaoyao Wan, then the prescription to be introduced today is undoubtedly the one for "soothing liver qi and nourishing kidney essence" Representative, this prescription was written by Fu Qingzhu, a famous gynecological doctor. Contemporary doctors mostly use this prescription as a basis to treat common problems such as premature ovarian failure and polycystic ovary syndrome. Let’s talk about this menstruation-fixing decoction.

Dingjing Decoction

In the past, life was simple, material conditions were poor, people had not enough to eat, and they did not wear warm clothes. Most illnesses were caused by wind, cold, and dampness, which resulted in overworked heart and blood, and less energy and energy consumption. Nowadays, material conditions have improved, but life seems to have turned on "3 times speed", amplifying the pressure infinitely. Work is tense, study is tense, and interpersonal communication is tense. How can we relieve this "insecurity"?

Of course, you can only run hard with "full" horsepower, and humans are just like horses and cheetahs. You can get good gains by turning on full horsepower in an instant, but if you always put the "gear of life" on "max", That is undoubtedly consuming kidney essence, and in today's society more and more women are experiencing problems of light menstruation and amenorrhea, which illustrates this point.

Dingjing Decoction comes from the chapter "Regulation of Menstruation·Seventeen Menstrual Waters with Unresolved Periods" in the first volume of "Fu Qingzhu Nvke":

Dingjing Decoction: 30 grams of dodder, 30 grams of white peony root, 30 grams of angelica root, 15 grams of rehmannia glutinosa, 15 grams of yam, 9 grams of white poria, 6 grams of mustard seed, and 1.5 grams of bupleurum.

"Nei Jing" says: "When a woman is seven years old, her kidney energy is strong and her teeth become longer... Seventy-seven means that the Ren pulse is weak, the Taichong pulse is weak, the Tiangui is exhausted, and the tunnel is blocked, so the shape is bad and she has no children." If the kidney qi is sufficient, the sky will be up, and if the kidney qi is weak, the menstrual water will be insufficient. Women are born with the liver, and the kidneys are the mother of the liver. The liver is responsible for storing blood and dispersing. For women, stagnation of liver qi, deficiency of liver blood, and insufficient kidney essence will lead to light menstruation, amenorrhea, or irregular menstruation. Below, we will Let’s take a look at Fu Qingzhu’s different ideas on “tonifying the kidneys and soothing the liver”.

1. Strengthen the foundation and nourish the kidneys

Since kidney deficiency is the key to the elusiveness of menstruation, the first part of regulating menstruation is of course "kidney nourishing", the key medicinal flavors of which are rehmannia glutinosa, dodder seed and yam.

Rehmannia glutinosa is made from raw Rehmannia glutinosa after nine steaming and nine drying. It has a sweet taste, warm nature, and soft texture. It enters the liver and kidney meridian, and is good at nourishing yin and blood, filling the essence and replenishing the marrow. "Compendium of Materia Medica" records that "Rehmannia glutinosa fills bone marrow, grows muscles, produces sperm and blood, nourishes the five internal organs, relieves internal injuries, unblocks blood vessels, sharpens the ears and sun, blackens beard and hair, causes five types of fatigue and seven injuries in men, leakage of cells due to injuries in women, and irregular menstruation. It can cure all kinds of fetal diseases." Rehmannia glutinosa has a sweet taste and can greatly replenish the deficient Chongren blood. It is an important medicine for nourishing liver and kidney yin and blood. The famous doctor Zhang Jingyue often uses large doses of Rehmannia glutinosa to treat deficiency of essence and blood.

Yam is familiar to everyone. It is sweet in taste and neutral in nature. It enters the lung, spleen and kidney meridians. It can replenish qi and nourish yin, nourish the lungs, spleen and kidneys, consolidate essence and stop vaginal discharge. The quality of this product is sticky and moist, nourishing kidney qi and nourishing kidney yin. It is especially suitable for those with both spleen and kidney deficiency. It can nourish the congenital and acquired diseases at the same time.

The third kidney-tonifying medicine is dodder. This medicine is also very "Fu's characteristic" and deserves a few words. Cuscuta is also called rootless grass and bean parasitism. This plant not only has "no roots", but also does not have "leaves". It does not perform photosynthesis, and the nutrients it obtains come from the entangled host, so it is called holoparasitism. Plants, and the mulberry that "tonifies the liver and kidneys, strengthens the muscles and bones" is only a semi-parasitic plant.

Cuscuta japonica is mild in nature, sweet in taste, and has a "spicy" taste. In addition to its ability to nourish the kidneys and liver, it is also a medicine that warms the spleen and helps the stomach. It is tonic but not harsh, warm but not dry. But this kind of "Cuscutus" cannot be used in all situations. Pharmacological experiments show that "a single decoction of Cuscuta can significantly increase the number of matings of Drosophila melanogaster." Traditional Chinese medicine says that Cuscuta "tonifies kidney essence and promotes improvement." , therefore, Fu often combines dodder in the "seed prescription" and "fixing the fetus prescription".

Not only that, Cuscuta seeds can also moisturize the eyes ("Zhujing Wan" to nourish the liver and kidneys) and tonify yin and yang. Therefore, many doctors advocate that "single-flavored Cuscuta seeds ground into powder can help quench thirst due to kidney deficiency."

Moreover, Cuscuta seeds have a "spicy" taste. "The Classic" says, "The kidneys are bitter and dry. Eat pungent foods quickly to moisten them. Cuscuta seeds belong to this category." It lifts, is also very moisturizing, and matches a woman's physical characteristics very well.

The three medicines can be combined into the kidneys to replenish essence and marrow, into the liver to regulate qi and blood, into the spleen and stomach to replenish the acquired nature, replenish the kidney essence and nourish the Chongren, so that the kidney essence is abundant, the essence and blood are sufficient, the liver and kidneys are strong, and the qi and blood are regulated. , water comes regularly.

2. Nourish blood and regulate liver

When the kidney essence is sufficient, menstrual blood can be produced. As long as the road is clear, menstruation will come on time. Fu Qingzhu said, "A woman's menstruation is intermittent, with irregular periods before and after. People think she has a deficiency of qi and blood, but who knows it is stagnation of liver qi!" If liver stagnation means "the child is sick, the mother will be concerned about recovery." , "The water from the menstrual flow comes out of the kidneys, and the liver is the son of the kidneys. If the liver is depressed, the kidneys will also be depressed." Therefore, soothing the liver and regulating qi is the second step.

Of course, Fu Qingzhu did not just use Bupleurum, Cyperus rotunda, Tangerine aurantium and Citron as soon as he saw the method of soothing the liver and regulating Qi. Judging from the drug ratio, angelica and white peony root, which nourish the liver and blood, are the heaviest. Why?

The liver stores blood and governs dispersion, and the body's yin uses yang. Therefore, it is not just about soothing or calming the liver, but on the premise of nourishing the liver blood, it is necessary to use some soothing products. Only in this way can the blood be strong and effective. , "The soldiers and horses move forward before the food and grass are moved."

Angelica sinensis enters the liver, heart and spleen meridian. It is sweet in taste and warm in nature. It can nourish blood. Its qi is light and pungent. It can not only nourish blood but also activate blood. It has the function of harmonizing blood. It has action in tonic and tonic in action. It is a holy medicine for tonifying blood. Because it activates and replenishes blood and is an important medicine for regulating menstruation, it is often used for irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, etc.

White peony root has a bitter-sour taste and slightly cold nature. It has the effects of nourishing blood and astringing yin, softening the liver and relieving pain. When combined with Rehmannia glutinosa and Angelica sinensis, it can astringe liver yin and nourish blood, nourish liver and kidney essence, regulate menstruation and relieve pain. On the basis of white peony root and angelica root nourishing the blood and softening the liver, Bupleurum and Schizonepeta are added to soothe the liver and relieve stagnation, so as to soothe the liver and nourish the liver.

The whole formula is carefully combined, as Fu Qingzhu himself said, "This prescription soothes the qi of the liver and kidneys, and is not a menstrual medicine; it nourishes the essence of the liver and kidneys, and is not a diuretic. The qi of the liver and kidneys is soothed and refined, and the essence of the liver and kidneys is Prosperity and water conservancy will prevent the disease from being cured, which is the most wonderful thing about curing.”

Since Dingjing Decoction is so highly regarded, who is it suitable for?

1. Irregular menstruation

Irregular menstruation means that a woman's menstruation comes and goes off, or has no pattern before or after.

In real life, many women have irregular menstruation, some are early and some are delayed. The early ones are mostly due to blood heat, while the delayed ones are mostly due to blood deficiency or cold. This irregular sequence is what Fu Qingzhu believes is kidney deficiency and liver stagnation. The front and back may be interrupted or continued, and the kidney qi may be unblocked or closed." The liver is the son of the kidneys. Stagnation of the liver qi leads to abnormal drainage, resulting in failure of the kidney qi to absorb and absorb. The kidney qi is sometimes unobstructed and sometimes blocked, so the menstrual cycle is manifested. of disorder.

The pace of life in modern society is fast. Women have to take care of their husbands, raise children, take care of the family, and work. The pressure is unprecedentedly huge, so they are prone to liver qi stagnation. The liver is the organ that stores blood. It is the main organ for dispersion and diarrhea, and the body's yin uses yang. If the emotions are depressed, the liver is depleted, or the yin and blood are depleted, and the liver body is out of nourishment, symptoms such as liver qi transgression, hypochondriac pain, dizziness, dizziness, breast swelling and pain, etc. may occur. Especially those who often drink milk tea and iced drinks or stay up late to watch TV dramas are particularly likely to damage liver yin and kidney yang. In addition, after giving birth, qi, blood, liver, kidney, and yin essence are depleted, which may lead to dry eyes, fatigue, backache, leg weakness, tinnitus, etc.

After liver stagnation and kidney deficiency, irregular menstruation is more likely to occur because the switch that controls menstruation is somewhat loose. Some come twice a month, and some come earlier this month and later next month. Use Dingjing Decoction to replenish the deficiency of kidney essence and soothe the stagnation of liver and kidney meridian. Once the stagnation of liver and kidney is relieved, the menstrual water can naturally return to its normal pattern.

2. Low menstrual flow

Since infrequent menstruation has become a sign of "premature ovarian failure", everyone has begun to pay attention to the impact of low menstruation.

Putting aside the topic of premature ovarian failure, just compare your previous menstrual periods. If you find that the amount of menstruation becomes less and less each time, this is definitely not a good thing. After all, when the body is functioning healthily, there should not be sudden changes in menstrual flow. If If there is an obvious decrease in menstruation, then one situation is that "the body's Qi and blood are insufficient, and the production is reduced", and the other is "cold or blood stasis, blocking the channels, and the discharge is not smooth", so no matter which one is Low menstrual flow requires careful analysis:

If you have palpitations, insomnia, dizziness, dull complexion, scanty menstrual flow, pale tongue, and weak pulse, these are obvious symptoms of blood deficiency, and you should use Siwu Decoction to replenish blood.

If menstruation is light and painful, the blood is dark and lumpy, accompanied by abdominal pain, dry lips and mouth, dark red tongue, thin and astringent pulse, this is a syndrome of cold coagulation in the uterus and blood stasis, and should be treated Use warm soup.

If the menstrual flow is scanty, the cycle is short, the appetite is reduced, the appetite is poor, the spirit is weak, the chest, flanks, epigastrium and abdomen are distended and uncomfortable, this is a syndrome of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency, and Xiaoyao Powder should be used.

If the menstrual flow treated by Dingjing Decoction is light, there must be symptoms of liver stagnation and qi stagnation, such as emotional discomfort, excessive breath, chest tightness, breast swelling and pain, irritability, etc., and there must also be symptoms of insufficient kidney essence, such as hands and feet. Afraid of cold, soreness of waist and knees, dizziness, loose teeth, weak pulse, etc.

Women are based on blood, and the liver is the organ that stores blood. It is responsible for the sea of blood and regulates drainage. Dingjing Decoction contains Siwu Decoction (without Ligusticum chuanxiong, which means the blood stasis is not severe), which can nourish the liver blood, make the liver blood full, and infuse it into the uterus through the Chong and Ren meridians. Add dodder seeds and yam to nourish the kidneys and replenish the essence and marrow. "The husband's meridian originates from the kidneys, and all the blood flowing from the five internal organs and six internal organs returns to it." Add half a piece of Xiaoyao Powder (without Atractylodes, licorice, mint, and ginger, which shows that the spleen is not deficient) , it can soften the liver and nourish the blood, soothe the liver and regulate qi, soothe the liver and cause the blood to overflow appropriately, and menstruation will be abundant and smooth.

If life has wronged you, then you should be kind to yourself.

If you don’t ask others, you will be less disappointed and depressed; if you cultivate yourself more, you will have more confidence to fight against the wind and rain.

When you feel that life is too hard, too tiring, and too boring, you might as well learn this menstrual decoction that "tonifies kidney essence, soothes liver qi, and maintains women's health." Maybe it can help you soothe your worries and get rid of fatigue.

Okay, see you next time.
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