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Six major measures to prevent hyperglycemia

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Six major measures to prevent hyperglycemia
(1) Eat less at the next meal, eliminate a snack or switch to foods with a lower glycemic index (GI). Because for overweight patients with type 2 diabetes, they only need to lose 5 to 10% of their weight to significantly improve their blood sugar conditions. Therefore, as long as you reduce caloric intake appropriately, you can achieve better blood sugar control. The general experience is that reducing carbohydrates by 15 grams (approximately equivalent to 50 grams of rice or 30 grams of steamed buns, 150 grams of apples or pears, 400 ml of milk or 300 ml of sugar-free yogurt) can reduce blood sugar by approximately 1.7mmol/L.

(2) Increase the amount of activity or do more exercise. People with type 2 diabetes generally gain better blood sugar control by exercising more. Even simple exercises, such as walking for 20 minutes a day, can effectively improve insulin resistance and reduce weight as long as you persist. Studies have confirmed that through reasonable exercise, diabetic patients can indeed reduce the dosage of anti-diabetic drugs, and can even completely wean themselves off drug treatment.

(3) Adjust medication (increase the dosage, increase the frequency of medication, or add another antidiabetic drug). Although the exercise and diet modification methods are economical and have few side effects. Medication does treat high blood sugar more quickly and effectively than the first two methods.

(4) Self-relaxation and emotional regulation Relaxation exercises (such as deep breathing, relaxing muscles with relaxing and soothing music, etc.) can help relieve stress and make anti-diabetic treatment more effective. Learn to regulate emotions and enhance self-efficacy (people's subjective judgment of whether they can successfully perform a certain behavior), thereby overcoming fear, negativity and other negative attitudes after illness, which will also help control blood sugar.

(5) Actively treat other diseases (such as colds, infections, etc.). Problems such as colds and infections will cause an increase in adrenaline in the body, which will lead to an increase in blood sugar.

(6) Increase intake of sugar-free liquids. Dehydration can also cause blood sugar to rise. People (whether they have diabetes or not) should consume about 2 to 3 liters of sugar-free liquids (water, drinks, soups, etc.) every day. When blood sugar rises, drinking water can not only dilute blood sugar but also avoid excessive food intake. Patients with heart disease or kidney complications need to appropriately limit fluid intake and should consult a doctor or nutritionist for specific details.

For hyperglycemia, the most important strategy is prevention. This can generally be accomplished with good self-monitoring of blood glucose.
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