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A letter from a daughter admonishing her diabetic father

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

A letter from a daughter admonishing her diabetic father
Hello everyone, I am Xiaonuo. In the past few months, I have met a friend. He is 50 years old and has been diagnosed with diabetes for a long time, nearly ten years. Although I only chatted with him for a few words each time, I was always infected by his optimistic and positive spirit. I think this spirit is very valuable to everyone, and it is worth sharing with everyone. I hope it will bring some energy to your anti-sugar journey. My daughter is a caring little cotton-padded jacket! ​

Although there is very little description of her feelings in this letter, the knowledge about diabetes that is truly useful to her father is the best way to express her feelings for her father! She knew very well that her father was the person who loved her most in the world!

1. Monitoring of diabetes 1. At least four time points every day. 2. Eat on an empty stomach every morning: no more eating after eight o'clock the night before, and no food after eight o'clock the next morning. 3. Half an hour before meals: It is helpful to detect hypoglycemia. One occurrence of hypoglycemia can offset several months of blood sugar control and cause great harm to the body. 4. 2 hours after a meal: Start timing after taking the first bite of rice. 5. Before going to bed at night: It is helpful to ensure the safety of sleep and prevent hypoglycemia. 6. Additional blood sugar testing from 1 to 3 a.m. is helpful to discover the causes of hypoglycemia and blood sugar fluctuations: Didn’t we find that the fasting blood sugar of the next day was higher than the blood sugar of the previous night? At this time, it is necessary to measure blood sugar in the early morning to see if it is dawn phenomenon or Sumujie phenomenon. The two methods of symptomatic treatment are different. After measuring, tell the doctor the specific situation, and then consult the doctor. 7. Other times: attending banquets, exercising, mood swings, and when you feel unwell.

2. Chronic complications: prevention of diabetic foot (very important, the chance of amputation in diabetic patients is more than 40 times greater than that of ordinary people, but more than 70% can be prevented) 1. Be careful if you have the following conditions: history of foot ulcers , signs of neuropathy (including numbness in the hands and feet, reduced or even disappearance of tactile pain, warm feet, no sweating on the skin, muscle atrophy, deformation of the feet into eagle-like toes, and thickening of the skin at pressure points, such as the heels and soles.), Exercise causes calf muscle pain or cold feet, shiny and thin skin, weakened or disappeared dorsalis pedis artery pulse, atrophy of subcutaneous tissue, foot deformity, decreased vision, arthritis, ill-fitting shoes and socks, etc. 2. It is best to observe your feet once a day to see if there is any loss of sensation. 3. Wash your feet every day, but remember not to use overheated water to wash your feet. You would rather be cold than hot, because as the disease progresses, the sense of temperature decreases, so burns will increase the chance of infection. I met many people during my internship People ended up having their legs amputated due to burns. Washing your feet is to prevent infection. If you don't pay attention to it at ordinary times, you will regret it if it happens, so wash your feet frequently. After washing, dry it. Remember to pay attention to the changes in your feet at all times and don't just put it in and ignore it. Also, if your feet are dry, you can apply some oil. Don't let your feet crack due to dryness, and don't scrape the skin on your feet casually. Don't think it's incredible that some people tear off a little bit of skin on their feet and end up with a serious infection, but that's the fact. Be sure to remember! 4. Prevent trauma. Don't go out wearing slippers and don't let your feet be exposed in case of injury. Be sure to disinfect and treat it. No matter how big or small the injury is, if you remember to treat it, just go to Chen Li's place. It's very convenient. Because once a foot injury occurs due to diabetes, it will heal very slowly, and it is easy to become infected during the healing process. 5. Do more leg exercises, such as walking. You can also do activities at home. Don't sit cross-legged or cross your legs. 6. Quit smoking, quit smoking, quit smoking. . . Say important things three times. Smoking has now been classified as an independent factor in the development of diabetes. And because smoking constricts blood vessels, it greatly increases the chance of developing diabetic foot. . . Finally, let me summarize what you must pay attention to in life: Do not test the water temperature with your feet. . . If the shoes and socks don't fit your feet, don't wear them. Throw them away or give them away as you wish. I know you won't be able to part with them, but once your feet get infected, the price of the pair of shoes won't solve it. You need to be clear about who is more important and who is less important. . . If the skin on your feet falls off, don't tear it off with your hands, let it fall off on its own. . . Wash your feet, wash your feet, be sure to wash your feet. . . Don't stay at home all the time during the holidays. Go out for a walk more and let the blood vessels in your feet move. Sitting and falling asleep all the time can easily cause embolism. Once a blood clot blocks the blood vessels, the consequences will be serious. Think about it, the blood will not flow smoothly.

3. Acute complications: Don’t go hungry often if you have ketoacidosis. You have to eat at every meal, but don’t eat too much. You can’t skip lunch at noon. You can eat more often and less each time. Very important!!!

4. It is easy to get infected. Do not overheat the water when taking a bath. Take a shower and change clothes frequently. Also, it is very important not to scratch when your skin is itchy, as it can easily lead to infection.

5. Prevent hypoglycemia. If hypoglycemia occurs once, your efforts to control blood sugar will be in vain. It is equivalent to failure to control blood sugar, and it may even be worse than high blood sugar. First, the symptoms of hypoglycemia: dizziness, dizziness, cold sweats, confusion, tremors, palpitation, paleness, restlessness, etc. Anyway, if you feel something is wrong with you, go check your blood sugar. If you really have low blood sugar, eat some steamed buns, bread, etc. as soon as possible. You can also drink some sugar water.

6. Diagnostic criteria for hyperglycemia: You must know this. Hypoglycemia: refers to the fasting blood glucose concentration of normal adults below 2.8mmol/L. Diabetic patients can be diagnosed with hypoglycemia when their blood sugar level is ≤3.9 mmol/L

7. Diet: Control the total amount of your diet. Don't eat greasy foods, such as fried foods, twists, fried cakes, etc. . . You can eat bitter melon, oats, beans, apples, pears, yogurt, milk, etc. . . That means eating foods with a low glycemic index. Go to Baidu and search for foods with a low glycemic index, and they will all appear at once. Also, stop drinking.

8. Don’t forget to take other medicines. If you don’t take them once, your blood sugar will fluctuate greatly. Moving around is very bad for your health. Don't exercise too much. The best time to exercise is one hour after a meal. It is best to exercise regularly. Monitoring is important, very important. Don't skip testing just because you can't bear to part with something. Test at least four times a day, including before going to bed, on an empty stomach when you wake up, before meals, and after meals. You may have high blood sugar after getting up, so you will have another morning session from 1 to 3 a.m. Diabetes has complications of retinopathy, so please protect your eyes, go to bed early at night, and don't check your phone at night. If you drink alcohol, don't lie down to sleep immediately. Wake up first and drink some water. It is best not to lie on your back when sleeping at night, but to lie on your side, side, side. Lying on your back is more likely to cause snoring and suffocation. Finally, don’t smoke or drink. Testing is very important. Preventing diabetic foot is super important. Be sure not to suffer from hypoglycemia. Find out whether you have Dawn Phenomenon or Sumuji Phenomenon as soon as possible, and then ask your doctor.

That’s all I can think of now, I’ll remind you later when I know it. Memorize the red letter part, it is best to read it every day to remind yourself. Your daughter March 30, 2015 article: The daughter of sugar lover Zhu Tiangang
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