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Shuhuo decoction cured my sore throat

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Shuhuo decoction cured my sore throat
Dear Dr. Luo and team members:


Today I would like to share a case where I used the thinking of Chinese medicine to treat myself. It happened on January 27 and 28, 2018.

Let me first talk about the reasons for my illness this time: there are cold factors and emotional reasons. Of course, there is another important pathogenic factor, that is, I was on the first day of my menstrual period that day. For me, every menstrual period is when I am in a bad mood and my body is weakest. The bone-chilling cold, intense mood swings, and menstrual weakness made me cough when I went to bed that night. While cold and physical weakness are the main causes of illness, I think emotions are a big trigger. This is something I slowly figured out after I got sick. Through this illness experience, I came to the conclusion that although I have been cultivating my xinxing, I am still in a state of hindsight. When something happened, I was in the usual thinking mode, and I only realized it after the event. This shows that the improvement of the self-thought realm will be a very long process. The "Tao Te Ching" taught by Dr. Luo needs to be reviewed from time to time.

Okay, having said that. Tell me about my specific illness and treatment process. Speaking of which, the night before, I fell asleep feeling depressed, and when I woke up the next day, my throat started to hurt, and it was difficult to speak. My first reaction is that the tonsils are inflamed. According to the conventional thinking, it is anti-inflammatory. How can I anti-inflammatory? If it had passed, I would definitely have to go to the hospital to get antiphlogistic. However, it had just snowed and it was cold and windy outside. I thought, I am afraid of the cold, and I happen to be menstruating. If I go out, the cold alone will be enough for me. Moreover, according to my past experience, as long as I go to the hospital and say that I have a sore throat, the doctor will either prescribe anti-inflammatory water or prescribe a lot of bitter cold heat-clearing medicines, and these medicines are only temporarily effective for relieving sore throat. And since I studied Chinese medicine, I know that women should not only avoid the external cold during menstruation, but also pay attention to not letting some bitter cold food or medicine enter the body (hey, writing this, I feel a little bit guilty, how did you feel before you got sick? Unexpected!). So, I didn’t choose to go to the hospital in the end. By this time, it was already afternoon.

Since you don't want to go to the hospital, you have to find a way to get better. I started to analyze myself. Aren’t I usually weak? According to traditional Chinese medicine, this is called insufficient righteousness. And I was in my menstrual period, so my righteousness was even more lacking. Therefore, replenishing qi is the most critical first step. How to replenish righteousness? I searched in my brain. I immediately thought of some medical cases shared by Dr. Luo. In medical cases, many people who were on the verge of death were saved with Huaishan medicine. Why don't I use it? So, I hurriedly boiled water with the yam tablets at home. After drinking the yam water, my body feels warm and my stomach growls, but it’s not like diarrhea, and I don’t feel uncomfortable (I still don’t understand why my stomach makes noises after drinking yam water ), but my throat still hurts. At night, I felt my face started to get hot, my throat became more and more sore, and my body was also hot. I had a premonition that my body temperature was rising, and I was going to have a fever. What should I do? My husband is not at home, there is no third person in the house except me and the child, and it is night, so I can't even go to the hospital this time. Lying on the bed, I felt a little helpless. Soon, a past experience with a fever came to mind. It was also a night, and I was hot all over. After coming here overnight, my whole body was burned like dry wood, and my face was burnt yellow. That night, although I also kept drinking water for myself, I lacked medical knowledge at the time. I didn’t know that the human body will damage the body fluid during the process of fever, and it is difficult for the human body to drink directly when the human body is insufficient. Water is converted into body fluid. Soon, Dr. Luo's kind words, "Dark plums are sour, white sugar is sweet, sour sweetness transforms Yin", "Tianjin's Jin, liquid's liquid" appeared in my ears. Yes, I should replenish myself with body fluids at this time. How to add? Three beans, black plum and white sugar drink! Quickly find three beans and black plums. Poor man, there wasn't a single bean in the house at the time. Fortunately, there are also black plums and white sugar. I can't control that much anymore, so I boil ebony with sugar. I boiled a large jar of ume sugar water and packed it in a thermos. That night, I drank some black plum sugar water for myself every once in a while. In the process of drinking ebony sugar water, I obviously felt that my body was sweating, and then my face was not as hot as before. However, my sore throat didn't get better. Instead, my entire neck was visibly swollen, and my throat hurt like a knife when I took a breath. In fact, it was as if a knife had been stabbed in my throat. If I moved a little, such as tilting my head, my throat hurt terribly, and even my ears hurt, which made it impossible for me to lie down. Since I couldn't sleep, I simply read a book. Of course, with the mentality of asking for a prescription, all I read were Dr. Luo's books. Sure enough, I turned to the article by Zhang Jingyue (Luo Dalun's "Things from Ancestral Chinese Medicine 1"). Here I am excerpting the symptoms of Comrade Wang Pengque (Zhang Jingyue) written by Dr. Luo in the book "The Ancestor of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1" (see page 169 of the book for details):

"...This guy's whole face is swollen, his neck has become thicker, he is panting quickly, his voice is hoarse, his throat is swollen, and he can hardly even drink water..."

I finally understood why Comrade Wang Pengque used a maid to lean on his back. Because in that situation, I can't lie down at all. When I lie down, my throat hurts so much that I can't speak. At this time, sitting will feel better. I can only rely on it like that Comrade Wang Pengque, but what I rely on is not a maid but a pillow. Seeing this, I was overjoyed, except that I didn't have "short breath". Aren't my other symptoms exactly the same as Comrade Wang Pengque's? Although my throat was sore, my spirit suddenly came, and I finally found a life-saving straw. I read the chapter written by Dr. Luo about Zhang Jingyue seeing Wang Pengque several times, and then contacted my own condition. To be on the safe side, I went to the WeChat public account Luo Dalun to search again, and read Dr. Luo’s articles on Zhenyin Decoction and Shouhuo Soup in detail again. Compared with my tongue, I was sure that I had a deficiency syndrome. Originally, the kidney essence was insufficient, and under the dual stimulation of cold and emotion, it led to inflammation of the deficiency fire.

After clarifying this way, I became calmer in my heart, although my throat still hurts unnecessarily. Then, I fell asleep in a daze, and after waking up, it was another day. However, the throat is still swollen, and I can't make a sound. I can barely make a sound, and my voice is rough and hoarse. At this time, without further ado, I quickly copied the recipe for the fire soup written by Dr. Luo: 90 grams of Rehmannia glutinosa, 30 grams of cornus, 15 grams of Poria cocos, and 6 grams of cinnamon. Let the children (eighth grade) arrive The pharmacy seized three pairs of medicines. After I got the medicine, I got up immediately. Sure enough, after drinking a dose of the medicine, the sore throat disappeared a lot, and the throat can also pronounce. There was still a little pain in the back, and I did not take heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines, so I boiled Huaishan medicine at home and drank it. After two days, the pain was gone and I was completely healed.

The experience of treating myself this time made me truly realize that Chinese medicine treats diseases as long as they are symptomatic and will definitely cure the disease. It is not the common saying that "Chinese medicine treats diseases slowly", which means that you really don't understand the way of Chinese medicine.

I usually have a heavy workload and don’t have much free time, and I’m not very good at expressing myself, so I haven’t been able to share it. Today, I simply tell you everything I learned from Dr. Luo to express my gratitude to Dr. Luo. In fact, since I followed Dr. Luo (the WeChat official account has been around for more than two years), I have benefited a lot from him. For example, I used to have oral ulcers all the time, and small pus-filled bumps would appear on my gums. They would rupture and bulge again, and they wouldn’t heal for several months. After reading Dr. Luo’s article, I started taking Buzhong Yiqi Pills. cured. If my husband and children have a cold, as long as I know about it, I will give them boiled water with ginger, pepper, and scallions from the kitchen as soon as possible to drive away the cold, and then they will be fine soon. When I returned to my hometown during the Qingming Festival last year, my younger brother caught a cold and kept having diarrhea. I couldn’t buy Aconite Lizhong Pills in my hometown, so I used moxa sticks to moxibustion my brother’s stomach, which quickly helped him stop his diarrhea. Now, even when I go to the drugstore to buy medicine, I know exactly what medicine I want to buy, instead of being influenced by the drugstore salesman. These are all the tangible benefits I have received after paying attention to Dr. Luo.

To tell you more, my personal growth environment and experience were not good, which caused many shortcomings in my personality. For example, I used to have a strong personality, was cynical, and couldn't see through many things. These led to my problems in my family and family. I repeatedly ran into obstacles at work, and as a result, I fell into a severe physical and mental separation. My body and mind once collapsed. When I was at my lowest point, by chance, I heard Dr. Luo lecture on the Tao Te Ching on the Himalayas, and my life slowly changed from then on. However, I know that the old thinking patterns I have accumulated for decades are too stubborn, and changing cannot happen overnight. But I know that awareness is the beginning of change.

Now, whenever I have free time, I will learn some Chinese medicine and still review Dr. Luo's "Tao Te Ching" from time to time. Sometimes, I think, God still cares for me. In this vast world with so many people, there is an elder whom I have never met who guides me physically and mentally, and teaches me to be kind to life and cherish life. How lucky I am.

Congratulations to Dr. Luo! Thanks also to the staff of Dr. Luo’s team! I wish you a happy Spring Festival in 2018 and happiness to your family in advance!
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