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Rheumatism-dispelling medicine · Clematis

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Rheumatism-dispelling medicine · Clematis

All the medicines that are mainly used to dispel the evil of rheumatism and are commonly used to treat rheumatic arthralgia are called rheumatism dispelling medicines.

This kind of medicine has a bitter taste and is warm or cool in nature. Xinneng San can work, which can dispel the evil of rheumatism and open the obstruction of meridians; the bitter taste dries dampness, so that the evil of rheumatism does not remain. Therefore, this class of drugs can dispel the evil of rheumatism remaining in the muscles, meridians, and bones, and some of them also have the functions of relaxing tendons, promoting blood circulation, dredging collaterals, relieving pain, or nourishing liver and kidney, and strengthening bones and muscles. Mainly used for rheumatism arthralgia pain in limbs, unfavorable joints, swelling, contracture of tendons and other diseases. Some drugs are also suitable for soreness of the waist and knees, flaccidity and weakness of the lower limbs, etc.

Rheumatism-dispelling medicines are divided into three categories: wind-damp-dampness-dispelling medicines, rheumatism-heat-dispelling medicines, and wind-damp-dampness-strengthening medicines according to their medicinal properties and efficacy. It is respectively suitable for wind-cold-damp arthralgia, rheumatism-heat arthralgia, and those with long-term arthralgia syndrome and weak muscles and bones.

Rheumatism-dispelling herbs that are pungent, warm and dry in nature can easily injure yin and consume blood, so those with deficiency of yin and blood should be used with caution.

Arthralgia syndrome is mostly a chronic disease. For convenience, it can be made into wine or pill powder, and wine can "help the medicine's potency and promote blood circulation" and enhance the efficacy of rheumatism medicine. It can also be made into a dosage form for external application and used directly on the affected area.

Dispelling wind, cold and dampness

The medicine in this section has a bitter taste, warm in nature, and enters the Liver, Spleen and Kidney Meridians. Xin can act to dispel wind, bitter can dry dampness, and warm to dispel cold. It has good effects of expelling wind, dehumidification, expelling cold, relieving pain, dredging meridians, etc., especially analgesic, and is mainly suitable for anemofrigid-damp arthralgia, limb and joint pain, localized pain, aggravated by cold, etc. It can also be used for rheumatic fever after compatibility.


It was first recorded in "Xinxiu Materia Medica".

This product is the dry root and rhizome of Clematis clematis, Clematis cotton ball or Northeast clematis of Ranunculaceae. Slight gas, spicy taste. It is better to have uniform strips, black skin, white flesh and firmness. raw use.

[properties of medicine] pungent, salty, warm. Return bladder channel.

[Efficacy] Dispelling rheumatism, dredging channels and collaterals, relieving pain, eliminating bones.


1. Rheumatic arthralgia

This product is pungent, dissipating and warming, strong in nature and easy to walk. It can dispel rheumatism, and can dredge meridians and collaterals to relieve pain. It is an essential medicine for treating rheumatic arthralgia. All rheumatic arthralgia, numbness of limbs, spasms of tendons and arteries, difficulty in flexion and extension, can be applied both up and down, especially suitable for patients with prevalent wind pathogens, contractures, pains, and indeterminate wandering.

2. Bone throat

This taste is salty, can soften hard and eliminate bones, can be used alone or fried with sugar and vinegar and swallowed slowly. "Compendium of Materia Medica" is decocted with amomum and sugar.

In addition, this product has the function of dredging collaterals and relieving pain, and can also be used to treat traumatic injuries.

[Usage and Dosage] Decoction, 6~10g. Xiaoguyu can be used in 30~50g.

[Cautions for use] This product is pungent and scattered, and it should be used with caution for those with weak Qi and blood.
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