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"Poison May" is here, what is going on? | life recipe

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

"Poison May" is here, what is going on? | life recipe
In recent days, such articles have begun to circulate on the Internet, that is, the fifth month of the lunar calendar, which the ancients called "poisonous May". Fifteenth, twenty-sixth, twenty-seventh, these nine days are "Nine Poison Days of Heaven and Earth Interaction with Thailand", and fourteenth is "Nine Poison Days of Heaven and Earth Interaction with Thailand", a total of ten days, during these ten days, you must be respectful and respectful, and killing is strictly prohibited , Prostitution, otherwise it will seriously damage the body and consume essence. Among them, the Dragon Boat Festival is the first and most important of the nine poisonous days, so drink realgar wine, insert mugwort, and especially avoid intercourse.

This is the general content of Poison May. Many people read it and were puzzled and terrified.

So, what is going on with this poisonous May? Does it make sense?

Alright, let's analyze the matter of Poison May today.

To say that this kind of folk taboo really appeared very early, it should be in the pre-Qin period, there was such a saying, for example, in the famous "Lu Shi Chunqiu", it is mentioned that abstinence and fasting are required in May. The famous Lord Mengchang was born on the fifth day of May. Because this day is unlucky, the ancients believed that it would "injure" his parents, so he almost lost his life. Song Huizong of the later generations was also born on the fifth day of May, so he was fostered outside the palace since he was a child.

Therefore, the folk custom of poisonous May has a long history in China.

So, why did the ancients have this idea? Does it even make sense?

In fact, I think people should do good deeds, respect themselves, and not kill animals. This is worth promoting at any time. Not only in May, but why is Poison May "poisonous"? If we explain the truth clearly, It's not too confusing, and now many people are spreading such articles like crazy, causing panic, I think this is not good.

So why did the ancients say this? Let's talk about why.

Let's take a look at what will happen to the climate at the time of May in the lunar calendar and June in the Gregorian calendar!
Although the weather will be different every year, the scenery is probably the same. This month, spring has passed and summer is coming, which is what we usually call the turn of spring and summer. In most parts of China, this time is full of weather. Suddenly, it became hot.

The ancients said that "heaven and earth communicate with each other" is actually the process of changing the cold and heat of the atmosphere. This season, we have officially entered the warm season from the cold.

The thing about the weather is like this, you spend it like this every year, and the pattern is the same, but at this time, the weather suddenly becomes hot, and you still feel sudden.

In autumn and winter, when the weather turns cold, people are mostly prepared for the diseases brought about by the cold, but in early summer, when the weather is warm, people lack precautions against the problems brought about by the warmth. It is even generally believed that this is a safe season, and the discomfort caused by all kinds of cold in winter will melt away at this time!

In fact, when it is hot, it also has its own influence.

For example, people with insufficient kidney essence and kidney yin, in this season, the weather is hot and the yang qi rises. At this time, the yin essence in the kidney, which is what we usually call kidney water, cannot nourish the kidney yang, and the yang qi appears to be surplus. Therefore, at this time, many people will suddenly have a hot fever. Last night, some friends asked me why I suddenly blushed, the skin on the face was itchy, and there were many small bumps. thing?

Therefore, in this season, there are a lot of people who get "burned" in the upper burner, especially those with upper burner fever caused by insufficient kidney essence, which will be sudden and scary.

Now there are many reasons for the consumption of kidney essence, such as staying up late, fatigue, and having too much sex. In ancient times, it was mostly caused by intercourse, because the ancients didn’t have so many things to worry about. Therefore, the ancients specifically proposed that abstinence this month is actually to control sexual intercourse and reduce the consumption of kidney essence.

My more prominent feelings are: In the past period of time, at the turn of spring and summer, I have recuperated the bodies of several friends, all of whom had head and face fever caused by insufficient kidney essence, with facial paralysis, styes, trigeminal neuralgia, and headaches , Mouth ulcers, sore throat, cough and asthma, all use the method of nourishing the kidney essence, and all of them are effective with one dose of medicine. Most of them recover after three or five doses of medicine. People with insufficient kidney essence and kidney yin will have various problems, but no one thinks that it is related to kidney essence and kidney yin. If such people do not take care of it, they will be more likely to have problems when the weather is hot in early summer.

People with qi deficiency will sweat suddenly in this season, because people with qi deficiency are prone to spontaneous sweating because they are weak in absorption and absorption. , will cause the body fluid to be injured, and will also cause physical disorders. Therefore, Li Dongyuan, a famous doctor in ancient times, said in his prescription addition and subtraction that Xia Sanyue should add ginseng, Ophiopogon japonicus, and Schisandra to the prescription. This is the famous Shengmaiyin (now there is a Chinese patent medicine oral liquid), Because Li Dongyuan's prescriptions for invigorating qi are used to treat people with deficiency of qi. In summer, heat consumes qi, which will lead to deficiency of qi and yin, so he uses such prescriptions to nourish.

You see, in this season, people thought that the weather would be warmer and life would be easier, so they let down their vigilance. However, they did not expect that many people would respond to this change in their bodies, but we did not notice it before. .

And this season, the weather is warm, and various microorganisms are more likely to multiply in large numbers. Some of them can be called exogenous evils in the view of traditional Chinese medicine. Various animals and insects also came out, and their appearance also brought various possibilities to the flow of microorganisms.

For example, in the north, there are no flies in winter. You have already relaxed and got used to where the food is placed. Now, the flies appear, fly around and land on the food. At first you may not notice it.

Therefore, during the Dragon Boat Festival, the ancients drank realgar wine, saying that it was to get rid of the five poisons, among which centipedes, scorpions, etc. were all poisonous insects. , is just a symbol.

Today, we don't need to drink realgar wine to get rid of the five kinds of poisonous insects. We know the truth and just pay attention to food hygiene.

In the countryside, when traveling, in this season, we should also pay attention to insect bites. The ticks (pí) in the grass are a key point of prevention.

In this season, food is also more prone to spoilage. It took us half a year to get used to leaving leftovers on the table instead of putting them in the refrigerator (people tend to forget, half a year ago, long ago), but the weather is hot, The food is spoiled, and after eating it once in a while, we will be admitted to the hospital. Then, we will adapt to the rhythm of summer, and the food will be stored in the refrigerator.

In this season, the weather is suddenly hot, and we feel that we need to eat something cold, so we serve iced watermelon, frozen beer and drinks, but there is no scruple, many people still have yang deficiency constitution? When exposed to the sun, I felt that I was hot, but my physical condition did not change. As a result, I developed diarrhea, abdominal pain and stomach pain.

There are also people with uncomfortable liver qi. Originally, the liver yin is insufficient, so the anger is strong. At this time, the weather is very hot, the body will be particularly uncomfortable, and it is easy to get angry. Normally, when driving, it will pass with a little humility. Now get out of the car and two people After the fight, I was hospitalized with a bloody head, and I was still surprised when I looked back: What happened? I am usually pretty good, why this month not only went to the police station, but also was hospitalized, why is this month so evil?

You see, all the problems seem to be mysterious, but in fact, there are reasons behind them that can be explained.

Take a look, I have listed the problems that are prone to occur this season, from yin deficiency to yang deficiency, to liver qi discomfort. Still the same sentence, we are fully prepared for the coming cold, but we have no protection against the warmth. In fact, the warming of the weather will also cause changes in our bodies. The body is inherently Imbalanced people also need to take precautions at this time.

In my opinion, "Poisonous May" is not mysterious at all. We don't need to make it mysterious. The ancients didn't even want to have children, which is even more unnecessary. We just need to take good care of it from the perspective of health. , Adapt to climate change, master the truth, I believe it will not be affected by it.

So, dear friends, are you really ready for the coming summer?
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