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A Chinese patent medicine that can be used when stomach pain

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

A Chinese patent medicine that can be used when stomach pain
People nowadays have many irregular diets, so friends often have problems with their spleen and stomach. Today, let's talk about a syndrome of stomach pain.

If we talk about stomach pain, it will hurt really terribly. Anyone who has experienced stomach pain knows that once stomach pain, you don’t want to eat or drink, and you lose the energy to do anything, you will immediately "slump".

So, what are the types of stomach pain? This can be much more, roughly divided, there are liver qi attacking the stomach caused by anger; .

Today, let’s talk about the dampness and heat caused by improper diet.

In fact, all these reasons are reciprocal causation. For example, a recent bad mood will cause qi stagnation and blood stasis, which may also be the basis. Then, eating some inappropriate food will cause damp heat and stomach pain.

The inappropriate food I mentioned earlier is also various. Let me talk about it and give you a reminder: For example, I was very tired recently, working hard for days, and my body was exhausted. As a result, I came to a super full buffet. At this time, the gastrointestinal function is low, and you add an overweight burden; another example, the weather is very hot, you drink cold beer for pleasure, and then have a spicy barbecue; Shu, qi stagnation and blood stasis, and finally got angry and ate a blunt meal and so on.

In short, in this case, two conditions must be met:
1. Insufficient function of the spleen and stomach, lack of transportation and transformation ability;
2. Ingestion of unclean food that increases the burden.

In fact, when our loyal stomach is about to have a problem, everyone feels it himself. Many friends will say: "It's broken, I didn't feel comfortable eating that thing just now..." This is the self of our body Introspection is actually very sensitive, but this kind of physical reaction is often an afterthought, because it cannot resist the greed in the brain.

So, at this time, what should we do?

I recommend a more convenient Chinese patent medicine: Sanjiuweitai.

The reason why I recommend this Chinese patent medicine is because it is convenient. Almost all pharmacies in mainland China have this medicine. If we are in a hurry and it is inconvenient to go to the hospital, if we know this medicine and know how to use it, then we can use it. help yourself. Therefore, I do not recommend this drug as an advertisement. I don’t know anyone in Sanjiu Pharmaceuticals, but I think this drug is good and can be convenient for everyone. It is meaningful to recommend it, so I will recommend it.

This Sanjiu Weitai has been sold in mainland China for many years. This medicine is so good that it has become a classic in the field of management. A professor founded a company based on this medicine, and this medicine has supported this company to become a listed company. Although now There are other varieties, but I believe that the biggest income comes from Sanjiu Weitai.

So, what are the ingredients in this medicine?

It mainly contains Sanyaku, Jiulixiang, Liangmianzhen, Guangmuxiang, Yunling, Baishao, Shengdi, Danshen and other drugs. The name of Sanjiuweitai is the first word of the traditional Chinese medicine Sanyaku and Jiulixiang. , hence the name "Sanjiu". In this prescription, Sanya Ku belongs to local medicines, which are found in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, and Yunnan. In Guangdong herbal teas, this medicine often appears. Damp heat caused by uncleanness, the effect is better.

Jiulixiang is also a southern medicine. Its main function is to promote Qi and relieve pain, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. This medicine has a better analgesic effect and can be widely used in the treatment of various pains. As for LMZ, we are all familiar with it. The famous LMZ toothpaste is made of this medicine. It also has the functions of promoting blood circulation, removing blood stasis, removing dampness and dispelling pathogenic factors. And Guangmuxiang warms the stomach, regulates qi and removes blood stasis, promotes qi and relieves pain. Yunling diures water and eliminates dampness, invigorates the spleen and harmonizes the stomach.

In this recipe, the more remarkable thing is the application of white peony root. This kind of stomach pain is often based on the discomfort of liver qi and anger invading the stomach. At this time, it is very important to soften the liver and restrain the liver. White peony nourishes blood and softens the liver, relieves acute pain, and can just take on this task.

The raw ground in the prescription cools the blood and heats the blood, nourishes the stomach and promotes body fluid. Salvia miltiorrhiza promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, cools blood and eliminates carbuncle (yōng).

Therefore, this prescription basically takes into account other syndrome types besides stomach pain caused by cold. The syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine should belong to the syndrome of "liver depression, spleen deficiency, damp heat, and stasis". In addition to the cold, the rest of the many factors are basically wiped out, so the effect is also good.

Some people may ask: Isn't this a "mountain containment" for so many syndromes?

In fact, the causes of many diseases are mutual causation, especially the stomach, which is an organ that eats every day and is easily affected by emotions. Reciprocal causation, therefore, eating unclean food occasionally just touched a minefield, and serial explosions are probably inevitable. It is difficult to solve the problem if this situation is considered simply.

Therefore, the classic prescription still has its classic features.

Let's talk about the specific symptoms, the specific symptoms are:

Dull pain in the upper abdomen, fullness, acid regurgitation, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, noisy feeling in the heart and mouth, etc., and chronic gastritis such as superficial gastritis, erosive gastritis, atrophic gastritis, etc.

It has the effects of clearing away heat and dampness, reducing inflammation and relieving pain, regulating qi and removing swelling, nourishing stomach and benefiting intestines.

Originally, the main direction of this medicine was to treat various chronic stomach diseases. But what I am introducing today is the treatment of acute stomach pain. According to what we usually say, it is the acute gastroenteritis that has just appeared.

I think that no matter what the disease is, it is easy to solve it if it is intervened at the initial stage.

My experience with this Chinese patent medicine is like this, I think, first of all, if we start to feel uncomfortable in the stomach, and we can confirm that it is not caused by the cold, the factor of the cold is ruled out, in a hurry , you can use Sanjiu Weitai to control the situation.

For example, a few days ago, a brother suddenly called and said that he was going on a business trip and had already arrived at the airport, but when he went out, he felt uncomfortable eating and his stomach began to feel uncomfortable. According to his past experience, as long as he continues to feel uncomfortable like this, his stomach will Intestinal disorders, gastroenteritis, stomach pain, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and even fever, I once went to the hospital for emergency treatment because of a very serious condition. This time he asked me what to do, because I was about to go on a business trip, and I was worried that something might happen to me, so I asked him to buy a box of Sanjiu Weitai at the pharmacy at the airport and drink it down. As a result, he said that it would be critical within 20 minutes. It was lifted, and the most obvious change was that my stomach didn't hurt anymore, and I went on a business trip smoothly.

This is the benefit of Chinese patent medicines, which can be easily found and intervened in time at the first stage of problems.

However, I need to remind everyone that: sometimes, after catching cold, the gastrointestinal function is low, and then the external pathogens and pollution in the food invade, causing damp heat. Therefore, this medicine can also be used at this time. At this time, it will be more effective if combined with half a pill or one pill of Fuzi Lizhong Pill.

In addition, an experience is: this medicine is mainly used to treat stomach problems. However, in Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach are the exterior and interior of each other. Therefore, when dampness and heat cause abdominal pain and diarrhea, if we do not have other more symptomatic medicines at hand , You can also apply this medicine temporarily, and it will have a certain effect, including some acute intestinal diseases.

Alright, dear friends, that’s all for today’s introduction, I hope it will be helpful to you all!
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