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peritonitis was mistaken for liver cirrhosis

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   4 minute read

Mycobacterium tuberculosis fled in the body and peritonitis was mistaken for liver cirrhosis
The World Health Organization has reminded that the ancient tuberculosis bacteria has a tendency to make a comeback. Clinically, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital not only found that skin infection caused by tuberculosis bacteria caused inflammation and ulceration of the hands, but even many people were infected with tuberculous peritonitis, but they were mistaken for liver cirrhosis treatment, resulting in delays in treatment death; children are more common lymphatic tuberculosis, doctors remind the public not to take it lightly.
According to the statistics of the Health Bureau, Kaohsiung County has received new tuberculosis cases in the past five years, and the number has grown rapidly at a rate of 850 to 1,200 per year. More than 90% of them were diagnosed due to illness, showing a delay The diagnosis phenomenon has become the main cause of epidemic prevention loopholes, resulting in a 12% mortality rate and a 10% loss rate.
Liu Jianwei, Director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Hospital, said that tuberculosis not only invades the lungs, but all parts of the body may be targeted by tuberculosis. There was no sign of improvement for a year and a half, and he was treated as cellulitis in a medical institution, and he wandered between hospitals and was hospitalized.
The patient was transferred to Chang Gung for medical treatment. Based on the course of the disease and symptoms, it was found to be caused by tuberculosis bacteria invading soft tissues. Another patient was diagnosed with tongue cancer due to oral ulceration.
Liu Jianwei said that what is more worrying at present is the infection of patients with tuberculous peritonitis. The symptoms are jaundice, abdominal distension and severe ascites. Because it is quite similar to liver cirrhosis, most of the patients are middle-aged and elderly people in their 60s. Due to Taiwan The proportion of liver cirrhosis caused by hepatitis is quite high. It is often misdiagnosed as liver cirrhosis. Continuous treatment is not only ineffective but may be life-threatening due to procrastination of the disease.
Liu Jianwei pointed out that some patients were exposed to X-rays and found that some of them had been infected with tuberculosis bacteria. The analysis may have prevented the disease because of their relatively good resistance at that time. Once the body is weak or the pressure of life is too high, the tuberculosis bacteria will take advantage of the situation and transfer to other parts If the right medicine is not found in time, it may lead to death in terms of tuberculous peritonitis.
Li Zhongcheng, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Chang Gung Children's Hospital, explained that tuberculosis in children is more commonly infected with lymphatic tuberculosis, which presents symptoms similar to colds such as fever, night sweats, and poor appetite, but the lymph glands become more and more swollen, and the course of the disease is delayed for a long time .
Both doctors reminded the public that there is no specific group of people who are attacked by tuberculosis. If you have fever, unexplained fever, unexplained night sweats and no signs of improvement after a long period of time, you should go to a large hospital for examination. Otherwise, once infected with tuberculosis, Even if you don't get sick for a while, it's hard to guarantee that you won't take the opportunity to make trouble in the future.
"Chinese medicine believes that the lungs govern the skin and hair, which means that any disease related to the skin should start from the lungs. No matter adults or children, once they have symptoms of fever and cold, they should relieve the exterior, such as Mahuang Decoction, Guizhi Decoction, Gegen Decoction, etc. They are all good anti-inflammatory agents. The starting point of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions is not to kill the virus, but to naturally excrete the cold virus from the body. It has been clinically proven that we can treat colds with Chinese medicine at the initial stage of colds , the patient will not get a cold again in the future, that is to say, the immune system will be strengthened. However, today's society is lost in the myth of antibiotics, and it is abused everywhere to cause many diseases that should not be there. Also, due to the destruction of the immune system by antibiotics, This makes the virus stronger and stronger, and produces drug resistance, forcing Western medicine to use stronger antibiotics. This vicious cycle will not only cause new diseases, but also cause human death due to incomplete immune system."
"Mycobacterium tuberculosis is mycobacterium tuberculosis, and liver cirrhosis is liver cirrhosis. How far is the difference between the two? We should start from the root, completely cut off the indiscriminate use of antibiotics, use traditional Chinese medicine to solve the initial cold, strengthen the immune system of the public, prevent the virus from developing drug resistance, and maintain the metabolic function of the liver, so as to completely solve this problem."
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