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No appetite summer,the spleen and stomach may be recuperated

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

No appetite summer,the spleen and stomach may be recuperated
In such a hot weather, I don’t know if you or people around you have encountered such a situation, that is, when the weather is hot, you feel that you have no appetite, and you don’t know what to eat for lunch. Think about cooking—— I have no appetite. Thinking about cold noodles - I have no appetite. After thinking about it in the end, I realized that I don’t want to eat anything. It’s so hot that I have no appetite at all! Today, we will tell you about the loss of appetite when summer comes.

The so-called "appetite" is a physiological need to eat. Once this need is low or even disappears, it is called loss of appetite. Simply put, it means that there is no desire to eat.

There are many reasons why we lose our appetite. Fatigue or tension may cause temporary loss of appetite, which is a relatively mild phenomenon; overeating, overdrinking, and lack of exercise are also factors that cause loss of appetite; mental factors, wanting to maintain a slim figure, in order to lose weight Refusing to eat will affect your appetite over time; if you have some gastrointestinal problems, you may also have such symptoms. If you have the above situation, you should make adjustments accordingly, improve in time, and take good care of your body. Today we mainly introduce the food related to the season, loss of appetite in summer.

Due to the high temperature in summer, people are prone to symptoms such as general fatigue, loss of appetite, easy sweating, and drowsiness. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that long summer governs the soil of the spleen, and dampness and heat are in season. Due to the hot weather, many people like to eat cold drinks at this time. Overeating raw and cold food will damage the spleen yang. Endogenous phlegm-dampness and stagnation of phlegm-dampness will affect the receiving, transporting and transforming functions of the spleen and stomach, resulting in disharmony between the spleen and stomach, abnormal transport and transformation, and easy fatigue and loss of appetite. For endogenous cold and damp, moxibustion is a good method.

In addition, the reason for loss of appetite is a lot of sweating, which makes the body's Yin fluid insufficient, hurts the stomach fluid, and affects the digestion and absorption function of the spleen and stomach. Acupoints such as Wan and Tianshu help in treatment.

Let me introduce to you the moxibustion methods that block the spleen and stomach due to cold and dampness, resulting in loss of appetite:

divine tower

in the center of the navel. Acupuncture is prohibited here, and moxibustion is often used, which has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold, and can also be used for daily health care.


It is Renmai point, 4 cun above the navel. It has the effect of "warming the stomach and relieving vomiting, dispersing cold and relieving pain; harmonizing the stomach and invigorating the spleen, and lowering the qi of the internal organs". It is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, vomiting and abdominal pain caused by cold.


In the abdomen, horizontally level the navel, open two inches lateral to the anterior midline. Tianshu is the mu point of the large intestine. The Qi of the viscera gathers at the acupoint on the chest and abdomen. It is called "mu point" which means gathering and converging. Tianshu has a good curative effect on gastrointestinal diseases.


On the outer side of the calf, 3 cun below Du's nose, 1 finger horizontally outside the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting Du's nose and Jiexi. It has the functions of regulating the body's immunity, regulating the spleen and stomach, invigorating the middle and replenishing qi, strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors. In addition to being a commonly used point for spleen and stomach diseases, it is also an important point for health care.

Spleen Shu and Weishu can be added to those with weak spleen and stomach.

*Acupuncture point pictures come from "Illustrated Huangdi Neijing" produced by Zitu Books

How to operate:

Use moxa sticks for gentle moxibustion, and moxibustion at each point for 10 minutes; or use ginger-separated moxibustion, place a piece of ginger about 1.5-2 mm thick on the acupuncture point during moxibustion, and use moxa cones to place on the ginger piece to ignite moxibustion. 3 strong each time.

The temperature of moxibustion should be warm and painless, and the temperature should be when the skin is flushed. 1 time a day, moxibustion for 1 week.

Moxibustion uses Shenque, Tianshu, Zhongwan, and Zusanli points on both sides. Among them, Shenque point has the function of nourishing the vitality of the whole body, which can regulate the whole body's qi and blood and improve the functions of the body's viscera; Tianshu point governs the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, moxibustion can stimulate and adjust the functions of viscera, and has the effect of invigorating the spleen, tonifying deficiency and eliminating dampness. Zhongwan can dredge qi and blood, regulate gastrointestinal qi; Zusanli can improve the body's immunity, regulate the stomach, regulate qi and dehumidify. The combination of four points can invigorate the spleen and replenish qi, strengthen the body and cure the root cause, and can effectively relieve loss of appetite.

Summer diet is the key, we should not only choose food based on our preferences, but should pay more attention to health, the summer diet is better with light and digestible food, such as porridge, it is advisable to eat some bitter food, the biological substances contained in bitter food Alkali has the effects of relieving summer heat and clearing away heat, promoting blood circulation and relaxing blood vessels. In summer, pay attention to replenishing water, and warm water is better, and cold drinks should be refrained from.

In fact, if we can pay attention to these small things in our daily life, we will save ourselves a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Then, in addition to simple moxibustion, you can also use moxibustion combined with acupressure to improve gastrointestinal dysfunction. Let me share an experience with you:

Use Zhongwan, Neiguan, Zusanli, Hegu acupoint pressing and moxibustion for treatment. Press each acupoint for 2-3 minutes each time. Suspension moxibustion method, take a moxa stick and light one end, put the middle and middle fingers of the left hand on both sides of the acupuncture point to sense the temperature, hold the moxa stick in the right hand about 2 cm away from the acupuncture point for gentle moxibustion, adjust the moxibustion distance at any time, according to the patient Feel the warmth of the local skin without burning pain, moxibustion until the local skin flushes, once a day, 15 minutes each time, observe the effect after two weeks.

Acupoint pressing has the effects of warming the meridians, dredging the collaterals, harmonizing the stomach and regulating qi, and can prevent nausea and vomiting. Moxibustion can warm and ventilate qi and blood, clear the meridian and activate collaterals, effectively improve the nutrition of gastrointestinal mucosal epithelial cells and gastrointestinal blood circulation, and promote gastrointestinal function and body status to return to normal. Zhongwan belongs to Ren Meridian, which is the Mu point of the stomach and the Bahui point, which can harmonize the stomach and invigorate the spleen; pressing or stimulating the Neiguan point can play the role of widening the chest and regulating qi. Zusanli point is the joint point of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and regulating qi and blood. Hegu point is the original point of the large intestine meridian of Hand Yangming, where the original qi of the large intestine meridian is infused, so it can regulate gastrointestinal function.

*From "Journal of Nurse Training" in September 2014, Fan Guohua, Lin Zheng.

* "Journal of Nursing Training" is a journal of nursing science and technology publicly issued at home and abroad, with elites in the national nursing field serving as editorial board members. According to the syllabus of the nursing department of colleges and universities, the manuscripts are compiled, with the purpose of guiding clinical practice, further study and improvement, knowledge updating, novelty and practicality. It mainly targets nursing staff at all levels and teachers and students of nursing schools. Since its inception, it has been rated as an excellent national and provincial scientific and technological journal many times.
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