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Embracing Ancient Wisdom: How Chinese Medicine Enhances Family Health and Well-being

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   9 minute read

Chinese medicine allows me to better protect my family
Dr. Luo, Shao Yun, Ziye, Qianmeng: Happy New Year!

The relationship with Dr. Luo originated from the Dalun Parenting Talk official account recommended by netizens two years ago. From Dalun Parenting Talk to Dr. Luo Dalun, from Luo Dalun Channel to Dalun Academy, from "Tongue Diagnosis" to "Yin and Yang Adjustment to Eliminate All Diseases" ", from the "Tao Te Ching" to the "Disciple Rules", I have completely become a carrot. In more than two years of practice, my husband has also become a carrot. He took the initiative to sign up for the online learning at Angelica Traditional Chinese Medicine School. Let me talk about my experience.

Let's talk about the flu just passed by fifty cents first. This is also a great opportunity to increase my self-confidence. At the beginning of January 2018, all four members of my family were attacked by influenza, and no one was spared. They all had a fever at first, but the final manifestations of the four people were different. I was the first to have a fever. It came on violently and I had a fever that lasted all night. The fever subsided early the next morning, but my throat was very sore and I couldn't speak. My heart beat faster and my waist felt sore. When I looked at my tongue, , tooth marks on the edge of the tongue, wet and slippery tongue surface, white and slippery tongue coating, fat tongue body, typical wetness. I am secretly happy, I am a good sample, I know my physical condition best, so I have to seize this opportunity to treat it well.

I analyzed that because of breastfeeding, I drank 2000~3000 ml of soup every day for 8 consecutive months, and the quantity changed to qualitative change due to the recent cold. I remembered that Dr. Luo once wrote that water and dampness are like dark clouds, so let’s try Linggui Zhugan Decoction. I added 6 grams of dried ginger, pinellia and tangerine peel, and made three sets, one set a day. My husband also volunteered to scrape Sha for me, and it really happened.

How to solve the throat problem? I looked through Dr. Luo's articles, and there were more than 20 unread ones. I looked through them carefully, and I regretted it. In fact, Dr. Luo shouted to remind everyone in December, but I was too busy and ignored it, so I quickly followed it. A pair of Puji antiseptic drink, after two meals, my throat is much better, and after three meals, I can talk. Later I heard that two of my friends also had the same problem. One of them was infused with fluids for a week and all the available antibiotics were used, but it didn’t improve, so the other simply went for surgery. Thinking about it is really scary.

After three days of taking Linggui Zhugan Decoction, I felt much more relaxed. I looked at my tongue and it turned out that it was much better. However, I started to cough, and there was phlegm that I could not cough up. I recalled that in the past two years, I had coughed whenever I caught a cold. Maybe it was because of the cold. Once I used fresh bamboo leek by mistake, which caused the cold evil to stagnate in the lungs. I was usually busy with work, and I didn't care if the cough was not serious. This time, the righteousness was seriously lacking, and the cough was also serious. I carefully read all Dr. Luo's cough articles, and found "Stubborn Cough Residual After a Cold——Introduction to the Experience of Mr. Lin Hehe, a famous old Chinese doctor" (Yun Shao's tip: the link of this article is at the bottom of the article " Read the original text") is the most suitable for me, so try it. I hurriedly grabbed 4 pairs according to the recipe. After eating 3 pairs, it was much better. I didn’t eat it, and then repeated it again. After taking tangerine peel water, I can cough up some phlegm every morning, and I feel much more comfortable.

When I was about to recover, my 8-month-old son had a fever for three days, with a maximum temperature of 39.8°. It was probably infected by me. In order to reduce medication and increase his own resistance, after taking Merrill Lynch for the first time, Mr. Wan I insist on massage once every 3 hours, clearing the liver and calming the lungs, clearing the Tianhe River, retreating the six internal organs, pounding the small Tianxin, and nourishing the spleen. During the day, when grandma plays with her youngest son, she opens the Tianmen, pushes the Kan Palace, and massages the temples, and the temperature goes up. Massage is also used to reduce fever, and chiropractic is performed three times when changing clothes. On the second day, the temperature is basically around 38.2°, and on the third day it is controlled below 38°. After the fever subsides, I have a thick yellow runny nose, cough, and phlegm that cannot be coughed up. The blocked nose makes it inconvenient to breastfeed, and I am also irritable. I insist on breastfeeding, and I can feed as long as I want at night. I firmly believe that the immunoglobulin of breast milk can also play a role Huge effect. I think about the third stage of the cold, diet is not enough, only medicine, what medicine is right?

Facing my 8-month-old baby, I hesitated, so I decided to see a doctor. The doctor prescribed Pediatric Aminophen Huang Namin Granules and Fengre Waigan Granules. The child took it for three days, but there was no effect. I thought the medicine was not right. The child didn't cooperate, I couldn't see the tongue, and I couldn't even tell the difference between wind and cold, wind and heat. I thought about using Lianhua Qingwen granules, but I ran all over the pharmacy and found none. So I discussed it with my husband, and I simply hugged it every day to check whether there is any wheezing sound in the lungs. If there is no problem, just follow my idea. Fortunately, the baby's throat and lungs did not have major problems, so I used the idea of Maxing Shigan Decoction, and gave the child Feire Kechuan Granules and Fenghan Ganmao Granules, and sure enough, the symptoms were relieved.

Then my husband also developed a fever. After the fever subsided overnight, eczema developed on his neck, arms, and thighs, but he had no symptoms of runny nose or cough. My husband went to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. Four days later, the itching was still there. I said I would try it. So I recommended Danggui Kushen Pills, Ermiao Pills, and Jieeryin Lotion to my husband, but there was only Jieeryin Lotion in the pharmacy. I said try it, but I don’t know how it works. I think it’s better to add some to eat. , but the Jieeryin prescription also contains Sophora flavescens and Cangzhu, and these two medicines are combined, so I supervise the application of the medicine every day with curiosity, ask him how he feels after applying the medicine, and wait for the test results. Sure enough, on the third day after applying the medicine, the rash began to scab, and the large and large scabs fell off, and it was healed. The husband is also a lazy person, so he didn't apply it when it didn't itch. Thinking that the lungs govern the skin, I took two days of Tongxuanli Fei Pills to strengthen it. After this incident, I fully realized the magic of Chinese medicine, and also understood that as long as the symptoms are right, Chinese medicine can also treat serious diseases with very light doses.

Let's talk about how fifty cents has treated the eldest son in the past two years. My son was about two and a half years old, and I began to pay attention to what Da Lun said about parenting. Before my son had a high temperature convulsion due to a fever, I was particularly worried that my eldest son had a fever. As long as the temperature exceeded 38.5°, I had to try to reduce the fever. So I wanted to take good care of my son's body, prevention first. I carefully studied Dr. Luo's "Tongue Diagnosis" and observed my son's tongue. I found that my son often has yin deficiency and internal heat, and liver qi is uncomfortable.

According to these performances, my husband and I reached an agreement, first of all, to decompress the child, less reasoning, try to let the child do whatever he wants, less restraint on the child, play more games with the child, and have more laughter at home; secondly, diet therapy, I always have yam, lotus root, soybean, mung bean, red bean, black bean, barley and other ingredients at home. I often cook some rice, millet, yam porridge, red bean and barley soup, and Sydney water to drink; the third is early detection and early treatment. , ebony, Chinese yam powder, etc., if the child is hot, cook a pot of ebony white sugar three-bean soup at night, drink it as water for the whole day the next day, and boil some perilla leaf tangerine peel water to drink when it is cold, and then use perilla leaf Boiled tangerine peel in water to soak feet, and later I found out that the loam yam powder from Jiaozuo, Henan is a good thing. Sometimes I drink perilla leaf water, soak my feet without sweating, and drink a bowl of yam powder to make it warm. Basically, there is no problem. Sometimes the first opportunity is missed, when the child coughs, first boil Jiao Sanxian to eat, and then eat Xiao Bupleurum or Xiaoer Xiaoji Zhike Oral Liquid or Sunflower Brand Xiaoer Qingfei Zhike Oral Liquid for a day, and basically get better; after breakfast, boil it for two more Eat rice, millet, and yam porridge every day. After this operation, the child basically did not ask for leave due to illness in the previous year, and even had a small problem and went to the kindergarten with a pot of black plum and three bean soup on his back, which saved us a lot of trouble. This time, the eldest son of the flu was also the mildest. After two days of low fever, he took Xiaoer Qingfeizhike Oral Liquid and he was fine.

Finally, let's talk about authentic medicinal materials for fifty cents. The Chinese medicines that my family buys the most are perilla leaves, ebony plums, Chinese yam, and tangerine peel. I deliberately buy from different pharmacies, and find that the quality of Chinese medicines in each pharmacy is different. Some pharmacies sell perilla leaves and perilla stalks separately. , some are completely mixed together, some black plums are black, some are gray, some drugstore yams are boiled in bitter water, and some drugstore tangerine peels have no smell of aromatic oil. After more questions, I will bite my teeth and buy expensive Yes, for example, for yam powder, I can buy loess yam powder, and for tangerine peel, I can buy Xinhui tangerine peel. However, not all Chinese medicines I need give me a choice.

In addition, my work is closely related to agriculture, rural areas, and farmers. Dr. Luo’s article "Focus on Pure Chinese Medicine" deeply touched me. Easy to eat feces. This is a very serious problem. As far as the planting field is concerned, the country has proposed a zero-growth action for the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides by 2020, and various places are also launching four major battles to prevent and control environmental pollution of air, water, soil, and solid waste. In addition, more and more People with lofty ideals are paying attention to and promoting food safety. The situation we are worried about is improving, but the improvement of the entire industrial chain still has a long way to go.

The traditional Chinese medicine popularized by Dr. Luo allowed me to learn how to keep in good health, and the Chinese classics that Dr. Luo respected let me learn to nourish my heart. I am grateful to Dr. Luo for his great love and perseverance, and I am grateful to Dr. Luo and his team for their contributions. Chinese medicine, Let me protect my family better. In the new year, I will study grandma's oral ulcers so that the grandma of the child will suffer less pain. Come on.
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