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New drug developed in Hong Kong brings new hope to patients with terminal liver cancer

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

New drug developed in Hong Kong brings new hope to patients with terminal liver cancer
Liver cancer is one of the five most common cancers in the world. So far, there is no drug that can effectively alleviate the condition of patients with end-stage liver cancer, and the survival chance of patients is less than half a year. Recently, the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University have successfully developed a new drug for liver cancer for the first time, which can help inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This research brings new hope to patients with terminal liver cancer.
Liver cancer is the second leading cancer killer in Hong Kong, mostly caused by hepatitis B. An average of 1,500 new cases are detected in Hong Kong every year.
According to the statistics of the Hong Kong Department of Health, in 2002 alone, 1,381 people died of liver cancer in Hong Kong. About 40% of all new liver cancer cases are patients with end-stage or metastatic liver cancer. Traditional treatment methods such as resection, liver transplantation and arterial chemoembolization are not suitable for terminally ill patients, so the survival rate of patients is generally only six months.
In response to the above medical problems, the University of Hong Kong and the Polytechnic University began to cooperate in the research and development of a new drug arginine (unit + per) three years ago, and have spent about 30 million Hong Kong dollars (about 3.84 million U.S. dollars) so far. The new drug has met the requirements of China's State Food and Drug Administration for pre-clinical testing, including pharmacology, drug efficacy and toxicity testing, and has been approved by the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Hospital Authority. Eighteen terminal candidates will be recruited at Queen Mary Hospital in December Liver cancer patients undergo clinical trials.
It is understood that the new drug targets one of the amino acids that enable cancer cells to replicate—arginine. When arginine in human cells is depleted, the process of cell replication will stop and will not regenerate. Similarly, depletion of arginine in cancer cells can also inhibit the cell cycle process, and ultimately suppress the proliferation of cancer cells. This discovery brings a new direction for the development of new anti-liver cancer drugs.
"Pan Dongping, the assistant dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong who is in charge of the research, recently pointed out that traditional chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells, but it also destroys normal cells. Liver cancer is one of the cancers that is strongly resistant to traditional chemotherapy drugs. Therefore, the success rate is usually less than 10%. In addition, 80% of liver cancer patients suffer from concurrent liver cirrhosis. Chemotherapy drugs can cause various side effects in patients with liver cirrhosis, and severe cases can even lead to death. Therefore, the development of new drugs is very important for the treatment of liver cancer (In this paragraph, they finally accidentally said that the patient will die from chemotherapy. I have seen liver cancer clinically. I am sure that liver cancer patients will live longer without Western medicine treatment)"
"Pan Dongping hopes that the new drug can prolong the life of terminal cancer patients from three months to ten months or more. As long as the clinical trials are successful and verified by drug regulatory agencies in mainland China and the United States, it is expected to be available in four years. Register and officially launch the market. (As long as chemotherapy is not used, patients with liver cancer can already live longer, and they may be cured after treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, so there is no need for this new drug at all)"
Pan Dongping pointed out that the new therapy is mainly to "starve" an amino acid in cancer cells, so that cancer cells cannot replicate. The relevant research has been successfully carried out in animal experiments; the new treatment has no side effects, so the first phase of clinical testing will be carried out on patients with terminal liver cancer this month, and it is expected that the new drug will be available in two years at the earliest.
"Some medical experts pointed out that the new drug has undergone clinical experiments on animals including mice and monkeys this year, and it has been confirmed that it can effectively inhibit the growth of human liver cancer cells in animals; Drugs can also deplete arginine in monkeys without side effects. (Rats and monkeys are not humans, and the results of experiments on them must not be used on humans. This is illogical, which is why so far There is no western medicine that can really cure diseases, and western medicine factories will not be stupid enough to develop medicines that can really cure diseases, because they will have no money to make. Chinese medicine has been used on the human body for 5,000 years in our country , there will be no more problems)"
Experts pointed out that figures show that currently, an average of 1,500 liver cancer patients are found in Hong Kong every year, and the mortality rate is as high as 80%.
"A medical expert pointed out that liver cancer is a disease that cannot be ignored. The new drug jointly developed by the University of Hong Kong and PolyU can be said to be the savior of patients. (Readers, please pay attention to these two universities, and you will soon hear about Their researchers will die of liver cancer, because they don't know that Chinese medicine can treat liver cancer)"
"This shows that there is no western medicine to cure liver cancer before today, so they need to develop new medicines. I can tell readers that there is a cure for the disease, and if there is only one cure, this is the law of nature. There is only one mathematical solution. At present, Chinese medicine can definitely cure the liver. So how can these people really cure liver cancer without using Chinese medicine? Practicing Chinese medicine practitioners, are you right? It seems that we all know that one plus one It is equal to two, now some people say it is three, what do you think?"
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