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200 liver transplants from living donors created 11 world firsts

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

200 liver transplants from living donors created 11 world firsts
"Xia Nianci/Gao County reported that Kaohsiung Chang Gung completed the 200th case of living donor liver transplantation, creating a new record of 11 liver medical treatments in the world. Two liver donors and recipients who participated in Kaohsiung Chang Gung living donor liver transplantation in the past ten years More than 100 people went back to their natal home on the 29th to express their gratitude to the medical staff of the liver transplant team. They felt proud and honored to be able to participate in Taiwan's leap to the international medical stage to write history. The atmosphere was warm and touching. It is pitifully small, so Western medicine dares to use the knife. Readers think about the size and population of our United States. According to the standards of Western medicine, there are definitely more patients who need liver transplantation than Taiwan. Why didn’t they set a world record? Because they dare not)"
"The Kaohsiung Chang Gung Liver Transplantation Team, led by Dr. Chen Zhaolong, completed the first living donor liver transplant in China on June 17, 1983, and successfully completed the 200th case on November 24 this year. So far, 200 cases have been donated. Liver patients are all living healthy and contributing themselves to their jobs. Their one-year survival rate is as high as 97%, five-year survival rate is 94%, and ten years has always maintained the highest survival rate in the world. (These very simple diseases can be treated by Chinese medicine Good jaundice is recognized by Western medicine as a patient who needs liver transplantation. Chinese medicine can completely cure it. It doesn’t matter about the survival rate. It takes about a week for me to treat jaundice, and other Chinese medicine may take less time)"
"Became the first liver transplant recipient of 200 liver transplants in Kaohsiung Chang Gung The liver is 219 grams. The liver transplantation team led by Chen Zhaolong successfully completed the mother-child liver transplantation operation. (The liver is not diseased at all, so it will be cured. What if it is liver cancer? Please ask Dr. Chen to do the liver transplantation operation. Tell the reader he dare not, because he knows the patient will die)"
"Liu Jiahe has grown up happily, and she no longer needs to take anti-rejection drugs since five years ago. Although she is shorter than the average teenager, Liu's mother said happily that Jiahe's growth has revived the family. The liver in the son's body has become a veritable "heart and liver baby". (Originally, the disease could be cured by traditional Chinese medicine without the need of liver transplantation at all. After the operation, you still need to take anti-rejection medicine for five years. The side effects of this medicine are not explained)"
"The first five years focused on clinical pediatric liver transplantation. Since the 1988 of the Republic of China, Chen Zhaolong's leading team began to challenge the difficult adult living donor liver transplantation. Chen Zhaolong said that children need to transplant livers with smaller volumes and more difficult operations. Low; adults need a larger liver transplant volume, higher medical complexity, and higher technical difficulties. (Children are physically stronger and more active than adults, and of course they recover faster, and all liver diseases can be cured, so there is no need for transplantation So much trouble?.)"
"Huang Yuming, the first adult patient with successful living donor liver transplantation, appeared at the fraternity meeting yesterday. He accepted his father Huang Zhenxing's living liver. Not only did he survive, but he also married Meijiao Niang a year ago, fulfilling his father's request for him to marry and carry on the family line." (Traditional Chinese medicine treats liver disease, even liver cancer and cirrhosis can survive, the father of this person must not have liver cancer or cirrhosis)"
"Lin Xiuzhen was the bravest liver donor at the venue. Three years ago, when she was seven months pregnant and was about to give birth, she faced her eldest daughter waiting for a liver transplant to be reborn, but her husband was a liver B carrier and could not donate a liver. She Gritting her teeth and giving it a go, she decided to donate her liver to save her daughter, and became the world's first liver donor in a pregnant woman's successful living donor liver transplant. Five months later, she also gave birth smoothly. She said with a smile that now her daughter can't beat her younger brother, so it's obvious to donate a liver It has no effect on the child in the womb. Weng Hongda, the 200th patient who created a new milestone in liver transplantation for Kaohsiung Chang Gung, received a liver donation from his father Weng Rongbin on the 24th. He is currently recovering smoothly. I also appeal to everyone to support the rebirth of those suffering from liver disease. (Western medicine specifically uses these jaundice diseases, which can be cured without liver transplant surgery, to promote how good liver transplantation is. They don’t know that Chinese medicine can treat jaundice easily. It can be cured, but if Chinese medicine is not promoted, the common people will be misled into thinking that as long as the jaundice develops, liver transplantation is required. Then Chinese medicine will be finished forever, and patients who have been transplanted with liver may not necessarily live longer. People began to be short-lived)"
"If readers are not very sensible, they will definitely be deceived and misled. Why? On the surface, this report seems to be 100% curable with Liver Remedy."
"Then reader, you have been deceived. I don't know how many patients in the United States have had their livers replaced by Western medicine. This is not the case. Chang Geng didn't tell all the stories, just"
"Report the good news but not the bad ones. Such reports will mislead the people. Our private Chinese medicine and health department must be corrected. Otherwise, many people will die unjustly."
"The first thing I want to tell you is that the so-called living liver transplantation can only be performed on some simple patients who do not really have liver disease, such as bile reflux caused by biliary obstruction."
"Partial necrosis of the liver, etc., but this kind of disease is very easy to treat. Excellent Chinese medicine can restore the liver to life in about a week. There is no need to use a knife to replace the liver. This is simply"
"Because Western medicine doesn't understand traditional Chinese medicine, and makes a big fuss. If you don't believe me, you can ask them, can the liver be replaced for general hepatitis? Can the liver be replaced for patients with liver cirrhosis? Can it be done for patients with liver cancer"
"Liver replacement? Up to now, many patients have been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis and need liver replacement by Western medicine, so the patients have been waiting foolishly, hoping that someone else will die every day."
"This person happens to have the same blood type as me, so he has the opportunity to have a liver transplant. Even if the liver transplant is successful, how long can he live? Liver cirrhosis can be cured by traditional Chinese medicine, so this kind of disease"
"People have been taught by Western medicine to pray every day, hoping that someone will die early so that they can live. It doesn't matter what religion you believe in. At this time, all compassion is forgotten,"
"Western medicine never says that traditional Chinese medicine can cure liver disease. It can treat from the simplest hepatitis to liver cancer. As for bile reflux, it is not difficult to know the second dose with one dose."
"Things. Readers try the yinchen punt soup in the Golden Chamber, and you will know how beneficial and cheap it is. We don't need to do unnecessary surgeries like liver transplantation."
"The conclusion is: if all the patients in the previous report were referred to Chinese medicine practitioners, any Chinese medicine practitioner on the side of the road in Taiwan can be cured without liver transplantation. This is a waste of time and money."
"It's a stupid thing, so Western medicine announces the false cure rate in order to show itself. They never say how many are unsuccessful. This kind of mentality of reporting good news and not bad news is the most misleading"
"Patients who make decisions must correct their vision."
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