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Moxibustion Therapy for Spleen Deficiency and Indigestion

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

Moxibustion Therapy for Spleen Deficiency and Indigestion
The first few months of each year are when there are many festivals, such as New Year’s Day, Laba, Xiaonian, Spring Festival, Powu, Lantern Festival, and the upcoming Dragon Head Festival on February 2nd... The way we celebrate these festivals now is always It is inevitable to eat, drink, and drink. Many friends may find that after these festivals, they really don’t want to eat anymore. They feel that their stomachs are full, and they will feel full after eating something. Yes, the appetite is greatly reduced.

In fact, we have eaten too much during the period of festival gathering, eating fat, sweet and delicious, too greasy and frequent, which puts a lot of pressure on our spleen and stomach to digest, especially for People with poor spleen and stomach usually suffer from indigestion. At this time, eating too much will make them feel more uncomfortable. Therefore, today we will talk about indigestion.

Dyspepsia is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder. Common manifestations include epigastric pain, epigastric distension, early satiety, belching, anorexia, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of upper abdominal discomfort. Symptoms can continue to recur. , the location of the disease is located in the spleen and stomach.

Its etiology and pathogenesis, ancient and modern physicians all have discussion. It is mainly due to improper diet that damages the spleen and stomach, which is what is called in the "Nei Jing" that "eat twice as much, and the stomach is injured", or worrying hurts the spleen, anger hurts the liver, liver wood takes advantage of the soil, or lack of energy in the middle, external pathogens invade internally, etc. Disruption of the spleen and movement, loss of harmony and descending of the stomach, leading to poor Qi movement in the middle burner, abnormal ascending and descending of the spleen and stomach, and disordered gastrointestinal motility. The location of the disease is in the stomach, involving the liver and spleen.

The internal injury theory of the spleen and stomach founded by Li Dongyuan believes that improper diet, cold and temperature discomfort, excessive work and rest, and mental stimulation can all cause internal injury to the spleen and stomach. For example, he said in "Spleen and Stomach Theory": "The turbid qi is in the yang, and if it is disordered in the chest, it will be full and blocked." The abnormality of the qi mechanism in the middle energizer is the central link that initiates the disease.

Moxibustion at the following acupoints has a better effect on this disease:

Spleen Shu

In the spinal column area, under the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. Whichever it has the function of invigorating the spleen, strengthens and nourishes the spleen and stomach.

Wei Yu

In the spinal column area, under the spinous process of the 12th thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline, with the same intention as Pishu.

Zhongwan point

It is Renmai point, 4 inches above the navel. It has the effects of warming the stomach and relieving vomiting, dispelling cold and relieving pain, harmonizing the stomach and invigorating the spleen, and lowering the qi of the internal organs. It is suitable for people with weak spleen and stomach, vomiting and abdominal pain caused by cold.


On the outer side of the calf, 3 cun below Du's nose, 1 finger horizontally outside the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting Du's nose and Jiexi. Zusanli point has the functions of regulating the body's immunity, regulating the spleen and stomach, nourishing the middle and replenishing qi, strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors. In addition to being a commonly used point for spleen and stomach diseases, it is also an important point for health care. However, people with excessive stomach acid and heartburn on an empty stomach should not moxibustion at Zusanli, and can moxibustion at Yanglingquan nearby.

*Acupoint pictures are from "Illustrated Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine" produced by Zitu Books

Operation method:

Take the supine position of the patient, light the moxibustion strips and place them in the moxibustion box, place them in Pishu, Weishu, Zhongwan and Zusanli, and adjust the distance between the combustion chamber and the skin so that the moxibustion patient feels at an appropriate temperature , The treatment time is 30 minutes. Treat once a day, 5 days as a course of treatment, with an interval of 2 days between each course of treatment, and observe the curative effect after 3 weeks of treatment.

Regarding the mechanism of action of moxibustion therapy, a large number of studies at present believe that moxibustion therapy is the result of comprehensive effects. First of all, it has the effect of heat radiation. The infrared radiation generated during moxibustion makes moxibustion have the functions of warming meridian and dispelling cold, warming yang and dispelling dampness, eliminating blood stasis and dispelling stagnation, promoting qi and relieving pain, and relieving abdominal pain. The second is the effect of aroma and resuscitation. Chinese medicine believes that moxa is warm and fragrant. It is good at dredging twelve meridians, warming meridians and collaterals, promoting qi and blood circulation, dispelling dampness and cold, warming middle qi, and improving abdominal distension and anorexia.

This method selects the Zhongwan acupoint of the stomach, which is also the intersection point of Fuhui and Renmai of the Bahui acupoint and the intersection point of the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming. It is an important point for treating stomach diseases; There is a saying that "the belly is closed in three miles". It has a good effect on abdominal diseases; Pishu and Weishu are the bladder meridian points of the foot sun, which are the back points of the spleen and stomach respectively. Moxibustion on these acupoints can achieve the purpose of warming the yang and invigorating the spleen, dredging the gastrointestinal qi, regulating the liver and spleen, harmonizing the stomach and relieving pain. The two have the effects of soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, harmonizing the stomach and reducing turbidity, and both attacking and tonic.

To treat indigestion, in addition to moxibustion, massage and cupping can also be used. At the same time, pay attention to living habits, so everyone should pay attention to the following aspects:

Life Nursing: Regular daily life, adequate rest, reduce physical exertion, take part in physical exercise appropriately, encourage sports, such as jogging, walking, Tai Chi, etc., to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach; indoor sunlight is sufficient, ventilated, and the air is fresh.

Cupping, massage: cupping, the two side walls and the back wall of the midline of the cupping, leaving the cupping Pishu, Ganshu, 15-20 minutes at a time, once a day, can soothe the liver and relieve stagnation, strengthen the spleen and stomach, regulate organs, and balance yin and yang ;Abdominal massage, take Zhongwan and Tianshu, 15-20 minutes at a time, once a day.

Diet care: Multifunctional dyspepsia is mostly due to weakness of the spleen and stomach, adjust eating habits, eat regularly and quantitatively, and regulate the secretion of gastrointestinal digestive juice; try to eat soft food and easy-to-digest food to prevent excessive gastric acid secretion, avoid frying, pickling, raw and cold , spicy.

Exercise guidance: Proper exercise, the selection of items and intensity should be based on your gender, age, physique, and interests, 30 minutes at a time, 4 to 5 times a week.
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