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How to moxibustion for people with deficiency of heart qi?

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   5 minute read

How to moxibustion for people with deficiency of heart qi?
According to the thought of self-cultivation in the "Huangdi Neijing", the human body should conform to the laws of nature. In spring, it must conform to the nature of spring growth. That is, in the season of spring when all things are revived, the human body's qi has experienced a winter hidden in the body. , It will gradually become active in spring. It is necessary to appropriately increase outdoor activities, but choose the right weather. The weather in the north is still relatively cold, and it is not suitable for staying outdoors for a long time. Only by following nature will it be helpful to yourself.

What I want to introduce to you today is heart-qi deficiency. Everyone knows about the syndrome of Qi-deficiency. Heart-qi deficiency can be said to be that Qi-deficiency syndrome also presents with the symptoms of heart-deficiency. The tongue is fat and has tooth marks, and the pulse is weak. Symptoms of heart deficiency syndrome are palpitations, chest tightness, insomnia or dreaminess, forgetfulness, thready and weak pulse. Studies have shown that heart qi deficiency is closely related to changes in heart function. Among cardiovascular diseases, coronary heart disease, hypertension and rheumatic heart disease are the most common. This type of disease is related to the abnormal function of the heart governing the blood vessels and the heart-qi driving the blood vessels, and is the most common disease of the heart-qi deficiency syndrome.

Deficiency of heart qi is a relatively basic stage. On the basis of deficiency of heart qi, it can develop into more serious symptoms such as deficiency of heart yang and deficiency of both qi and yin. The main manifestations of heart-yang deficiency are that on the basis of heart-qi deficiency syndrome, the end of the body is not warm, the body is cold and afraid of cold, or edema; Qi-yin deficiency is Qi deficiency combined with Yin deficiency. It's a red tongue with no coating, upset and hot and likes cold drinks. For heart qi deficiency, in addition to medicine, acupuncture and other methods of treatment, you can also choose moxibustion, daily health care, and help treatment. The following points can be moxibustion:


In the anterior region of the forearm, 2 cun above the transverse crease of the distal palmar side of the wrist, between the palmaris longus tendon and the flexor carpi radialis tendon. Neiguan is widely used in the treatment of heart diseases, stomach pain, vomiting, dizziness, local arm pain, etc. It has a significant effect on palpitations and chest tightness.


Quchi acupoint is located on the elbow. When looking for the acupoint, bend the elbow, and the transverse crease ends, that is, the depression at the inner edge of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. Quchi acupoint is mainly used for elbow pain, toothache, upper limb numbness and pain, and moxibustion can improve heart-qi deficiency.

jueyin shu

On the back, 1.5 inches lateral to the inferior spinous process of the fourth thoracic vertebra. The pericardium has the effect of replacing the heart and receiving evil. Therefore, most heart diseases are matched with the acupoints of the pericardium meridian. Jueyin Shu and Xinshu are used together, which can better nourish the heart.

Heart Yu

In the spinal region, below the spinous process of the fifth thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline. Back-shu point has a good curative effect on the deficiency of corresponding viscera. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used, but acupuncture at Back-shu point has a high risk factor. For everyone, moxibustion can be used instead of random acupuncture. Xinshu is mostly used to treat heart diseases and night sweats.


On the outer side of the calf, 3 cun below Du's nose, 1 finger horizontally outside the anterior crest of the tibia, on the line connecting Du's nose and Jiexi. It is a strong and healthy acupoint. It has the functions of nourishing the acquired, strengthening the body and eliminating pathogenic factors. It can regulate the body's immunity and enhance the ability to resist diseases.

Moxibustion has a long history in my country, which was recorded as early as in the "Huangdi Neijing", and "Su Wen·Different Methods and Prescriptions" says: "Tibetan cold produces fullness, and its treatment is moxibustion (ruò)."

Neiguan is the collateral point of the Pericardium Meridian of Hand Jueyin, which "starts in the chest and comes out of the pericardium"; Neiguan Point is also one of the intersection points of the Eight Meridians, which connects to the Yin Wei Meridian, "Yin Wei is the source of illness and suffering. heartache". Neiguan is closely related to the heart and is an important point for clinical diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases. Moxibustion at Zusanli can strengthen the body and eliminate pathogenic factors, and replenish righteousness. Quchi is the experience point. Both Xinshu and Jueyinshu are the main points of the Bladder Meridian of Foot-Taiwan, which can promote the heart-qi and warm the heart-yang. Moxibustion can reach the stimulation amount needed for the treatment of nourishing the heart-qi. It is advisable to take 15-20 minutes, so as to achieve the purpose of nourishing the heart-qi. The purpose of increasing cardiac blood volume.

Let me share with you a case of moxibustion in treating bradycardia:

medical case

Operation method: take a piece of ginger about 2 mm thick and place it on the Tanzhong point, put the pre-made soybean-sized moxa stick on the ginger slice, when there is a burning sensation after being ignited, replace it with a new moxa stick, every Moxibustion for 7 strong times, once a day, 10 times as a course of treatment, with a 3-day break between courses of treatment, and observe the effect after 2 courses of treatment. During the treatment period, patients were instructed to pay attention to rest and maintain emotional stability.

Insufficiency of heart-qi and deficiency of yang-qi are the root of the disease. The heart is a yang organ, if the heart yang is not warmed, the heart qi will be deficient, the heart yang will be weak, and the agitation will be weak, resulting in stagnation of the heart vessels, poor circulation of the blood vessels and slow pulses. Tanzhong is located in the chest, it is the meeting point of Qi, and it is the pericardium recruiting point, so Tanzhong is used to treat heart diseases. Moxibustion has the functions of dispelling cold pathogens, warming the meridians, promoting blood circulation and expelling numbness, and returning yang to strengthen the body. Moxibustion at Tanzhong point can invigorate the heart yang, make the blood flow smoothly and the pulsation is strong.
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