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Maximizing Health Benefits with Liu Zi Jue

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   13 minute read

"Liu Zi Jue", a breathing and exhalation exercise, a health qigong that improves immunity
"In spring, Huo Mingmu helps the liver, and in summer solstice, the heart and fire are at leisure. In autumn, you must gather gold to moisten the lungs, and if you blow the kidneys, you need to calm the middle. Sanjiao can relieve restlessness and heat, and the four seasons are long-term, and the spleen melts the meal. Don't make a noise. ear, its power is better than that of Baoshen Pill."

Anyone know what this is talking about?

This is the ancient people's high-level summary of Liu Zi Jue. Today we will introduce a method of breathing and breathing, Liu Zi Jue.

"Liu Zi Jue" is one of the traditional Taoist exercises in our country. It is a kind of guidance technique that combines breathing and movement, and it can also be said to be a kind of Qigong.

At present, it is generally believed that Liuzi Jue is one of the representatives of Maoshan School of Taoism in the Southern Dynasties Qiliang period. It was created by Tao Hongjing and recorded in the book "Cultivating Nature and Prolonging Life". It has been more than 1,500 years ago, and it can be said to have a long history. .

The six-character tactic regulates the breath in the body with the different pronunciations of the six characters boo, heh, hoo, hee, blow, and hee. It is really easy to learn. With only six characters, it has become a particularly classic representative exercise of breathing and exhaling.

But, because there is no modern pinyin in history, that is, the Chinese character phonetic method, the pronunciation at that time was mainly based on the pronunciation of known Chinese characters to mark the pronunciation of uncommon characters, coupled with historical changes, the language family of the ruling class is different, Changes in characters, changes in local accents, etc. have led to changes in the pronunciation of characters, and the phenomenon of "different pronunciations of the same character, and different characters with the same pronunciation". version, so it is not uniform.

The version introduced by Pinellia today is promoted by the State Sports General Administration.

After liberation, the country found that the method of breathing and exhaling is very good, and it cannot be "shelved". Health Qigong was promoted to the whole country.

In order to make Liuzijue more suitable for our general public to practice, a group of experts were organized at that time, including experts in traditional Chinese medicine, physical education, phonology, philology, and kinematics to conduct research on Liuzijue of different schools. Reference, coupled with movements, of course, there is also a trial link, which is equivalent to a clinical trial before the drug is released, to observe the heart rate and blood pressure of the practitioners, and finally formed the current Liu Zi Jue Health Qigong Dao Yin Shu.

Without further ado, let's introduce Liu Zi Jue now!

Liuzi Jue requires the coordination of breathing, vocalization, and movement, and one is indispensable. Use vocalization to regulate mouth shape, mouth shape to adjust breath, and breath to regulate viscera. This logic can achieve the purpose of health preservation!

Before practicing, we should pay attention to these points. Breathing should be normal, don’t hold your breath, it is best to use abdominal breathing (both abdominal breathing and reverse abdominal breathing are acceptable). When you first start practicing, you can’t master it well, it doesn’t matter. Take your time and get used to it bit by bit.

Abdominal breathing, simply put, means that the belly bulges when you inhale, and sags when you exhale; reverse abdominal breathing is just the opposite. Reverse abdominal breathing is more difficult than smooth abdominal breathing. When we first start practicing, we can use smooth abdominal breathing first.

No matter what kind of breathing it is, it must be natural. This is a health-preserving exercise, and the first condition is nature! Don't pursue a long time. When inhaling, bend over and shrug your shoulders to take a deep breath. Don't do this, be natural. After a long time of practice, the breathing will naturally last for a long time.

The six-character tactic is for breathing, but it does not require abdominal breathing in the preparatory pose. First calm yourself down in the preparatory pose. After you calm down, start practicing the "shh" tactic. Combined with upper abdominal breathing, "shh "At the end, remember not to hold your breath!

When practicing, the center of gravity should move to the heels, stand firmly, lift the anus and shrink the kidneys. Next, let's practice together!

readiness (starting)

Action 1: Keep feet together, chin slightly retracted, lips and teeth closed, tongue tip flat, lightly touching the palate, vertical ridges in chest, arms drooping naturally, and eyes looking forward. Just standing.

Action 2: Pause for a moment, step forward with your left foot shoulder-width apart. Two palms and ten fingers facing each other, with the palms facing upwards, slowly lift them up to the chest, about the same height as the two breasts; look forward; turn the two palms inward, with the palms facing downwards, and slowly press down until it is in front of the navel;

Slightly bend your knees and squat down, sit back, turn your palms inwards and outwards, and move them forward slowly until your arms form a circle; your palms are outwards and turned inwards, with the palms facing inward. Standing up, the two palms are slowly gathered in front of the navel, and the tiger's mouth is crossed.

Hush (xū) character formula

Action 1: Connect to the upper pose, release both hands, palms facing upwards, and draw them back to the waist.

Action 2: Keep your feet still, take a deep breath, exhale slowly and say the word "shh", and at the same time turn your body 90 degrees to the left, and at the same time, slowly pass your right palm from your waist to the left until it reaches shoulder height High, look at the direction in which the right palm stretches out.

Action 3: Bring the right palm back to the waist along the original path, and at the same time turn the body back to the front to adjust the breathing. You can adjust a few more breaths when you are just practicing to prepare for the other side.

Take a deep breath, exhale slowly and say the sound of "shh", at the same time, turn the body to the right 90 degrees, and at the same time, slowly pass the left palm from the waist to the right until it reaches shoulder height, and look at the left palm stretched out direction.

The right style is the same as the left style, but in the opposite direction, so that the left and right sides are repeated 3 times, and the word "shh" is pronounced 6 times in total.

Hush can soothe and calm the liver. The liver and qi are most closely related, and the liver governs catharsis. When we are in a bad mood, we like to belch and sigh, and long sighs and short sighs are the true portrayal. After long sighs, our mood will indeed improve.

The "hush" tactic not only has a long boo, but also the movement of turning the waist and piercing the palm. The liver meridian passes through the two flanks, and there is a belt vein on the waist, which binds the liver meridian. The purpose of this waist rotation is to relax the Daimai. The action of piercing the palms will deepen the stretching of the armpits and flanks, and relieve the tense liver meridian.

The pronunciation of the word boo is not to be read aloud, it should be lowered and downward, because when the liver qi is uncomfortable, the liver qi itself likes to go up, and the anger will go up. go down.

Breathing, vocalization, and movement cooperate to achieve the purpose of soothing the liver, regulating qi and calming the liver. When you are in a bad mood, you can do the Shush formula, and give us a beautiful mood!

呵 (hē) word formula

Action 1: Connect to the above pose, lightly touch the waist with the little fingers of the two palms, with the fingertips facing obliquely downward, and slightly lift the elbows (lift the palms). Slightly bend your knees and squat down. At the same time, slowly insert your palms forward and downward at about 45 degrees (palm insertion).

Action 2: Slightly bend the elbows and retract the arms, leaning against each other in the middle of the two palms, with the palms facing up, forming a "holding palms", about the same level as the navel, and looking at the two palms.

Action 3: Slowly straighten your knees, bend your elbows at the same time, hold your palms in front of your chest, with your palms facing inward, and your middle fingers about the same height as your chin. Stretch your elbows out, about shoulder height; at the same time, turn your palms inward, with your palms facing down, and the backs of your palms leaning against each other. When you get here, take a deep breath.

Movement 4: Exhale, say the sound of "he" at the mouth, and at the same time insert your palms down slowly. When inserting your palms down to the front of your navel, slightly bend your knees and squat down. Move forward until the arms form a circle (palm movement), and then move the palms upwards, outwards, and downwards to complete a circular arc.

Repeat movement 2 to movement 4, a total of 6 times, uttering the word "he" 6 times in total.

Action 4: Draw an arc on the left and back palms, which together form a heart shape. This shape is a pictographic place to help us adjust our mood.

The "he" formula can protect the heart, clear the heart and relieve fire. "Ha" means laughing, which makes people keep smiling and feel happy, but don't overdo it, or you will be silly.

The purpose of putting the palms down and pronouncing the sound of He is to direct the fire of the heart downward. Because the heart is on the top, it belongs to fire, while the kidney is on the bottom, it belongs to water, draw the heart fire down to warm the kidney water. Putting the palms together upward is to help the kidney water to the heart, so that the heart fire is not hyperactive. Ha word formula, relieve upset, anxiety, insomnia.

Call (hū) character formula

Action 1: Connect to the above pose. After the last move of the above pose, move the palms forward, rotate outwards and turn inwards, and turn the palms. The palms are facing the navel obliquely inward, and the five fingers are naturally opened. The distance between the two palms is equal to the distance between the palms and the navel. Then, slowly straighten the knees, and at the same time, slowly close the two palms towards the navel, keeping the palms at a slant. Inhale at this time.

Action 2: Exhale, say the sound of "hu" at the mouth, and at the same time slightly bend your knees and squat down, spread your palms outward until the distance between the palms is equal to the distance from the palms to the navel, and your arms form a circle.

Repeat 6 times, uttering the word "hu" 6 times in total.

Hu Zi Jue can regulate the spleen and stomach, strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach. It can improve spleen deficiency, diarrhea, abdominal distension, spleen and stomach disharmony, indigestion, loss of appetite and other diseases.

呬 (sī) word formula

Action 1: Connecting to the upper pose, the two palms fall naturally, with the palms facing up and the ten fingers facing each other. Slowly straighten your knees, and at the same time, slowly lift your palms up to your chest.

Action 2: Drop your elbows, pinch your ribs, palms facing each other, stretch your shoulders and expand your chest, that is to say, your shoulders are turned backwards, and at the same time, your shoulder blades are drawn back, and then your head is hidden and your neck is retracted. At this time, inhale.

Action 3: Breathe, while uttering the word "呬", loosen the shoulders and stretch the neck, slowly push the hands forward, gradually turn the palms forward, and look forward.

Action 4: Rotate the wrists with both palms outward, turn the palms inward, with the fingertips facing each other, retract the two arms, and slowly draw the two arms to the chest, with the fingertips facing each other.

Repeat movement 2 to movement 4, 6 times, uttering the sound of "呬" 6 times in total.

Explain how to expand the shoulders, expand the chest and hide the head. Expand the shoulders and chest, rotate the shoulders back, but don't shrink the neck, the scapula moves closer to the spine, which is actually similar to the movement of the inner scapula muscles we introduced before. Hiding the head and shrinking the neck, it is not shrugging the shoulders, raising the head, and shrinking down. This action is similar to feeling the cold weather and shrinking the neck down, which is a bit like this feeling.

Stretching the shoulders and expanding the chest, this action opens the shoulders, which is equivalent to opening the chest cavity, and the lungs live in the chest, so the living space of the "lungs" becomes larger. We usually shrink our shoulders a lot. We shrink our shoulders when typing and writing. Gradually, the living space of the "lungs" becomes smaller. Through this movement, we open the chest cavity, and the "lungs" live in larger, which plays a role in regulating the lungs. The power of publicizing and suppressing surrender.

The movement of hiding the head and shrinking the neck is very comfortable to do, and the shoulders and cervical spine are very comfortable. This action can squeeze the muscles of the upper back and stimulate many acupoints such as Dazhui, Fengmen, Feishu, Gaohuang, and Xinshu.

Both the chest and the back have been improved, and the lungs can be regulated with the help of the formula. Especially in Eryang recently, everyone is suffering from cough, fever, sputum, and shortness of breath, etc., we can practice the 呬 tactic.

Blowing (chuī) character formula

Action 1: Connect to the upper pose, push both palms forward, then loosen the wrists and extend the palms, with the fingertips forward and the palms facing down. Separate the two arms to the left and right into a sideways lift, with the palm facing down and the fingertips pointing outward.

Action 2: Draw your arms back in an arc, bring your hands to your waist, put your palms lightly on your waist and eyes, and point your fingertips downward. This action seems to have a small range of motion, but it is actually a bit difficult. You can warm up your lower body before doing this action.

When practicing this movement, the hands are already slightly hot, and we warm the waist with warm palms. Inhale at this time.

Exhale, say the word "吹" at the mouth, and at the same time slightly bend your knees and squat down, slide your palms down along the lumbosacral area and the outside of your two thighs, then bend your elbows and raise your arms to embrace the front of your abdomen, with your palms facing inward and your fingertips facing each other, approximately Navel flat.

When the two palms slide down from the waist, the word "blow" is pronounced from the mouth.

Action 3: Slowly straighten your knees, and at the same time, slowly retract your palms, on both sides of the navel, caress your abdomen, with your fingertips slanting downward, with the tiger's mouth facing each other, rub your palms backward along the meridians, and move your palms to the back The waist, the position of the waist and eyes.

Repeat 6 times, uttering the sound of "blowing" 6 times in total.

Chuizijue can nourish the kidney. Rubbing the waist and rubbing the pulse can benefit the kidneys. It can be used for weak waist and legs or cold pain, astringent eyes and forgetfulness, hot flashes and night sweats, dizziness and tinnitus, men's nocturnal emission or impotence and premature ejaculation, women's dream sex or uterine deficiency and cold, tooth shake, hair loss and other diseases.

Hee (xī) character formula

Movement 1: Connect to the upper pose, encircle the two palms, and fall naturally in front of the body. The two palms are turned inward and outward, the backs of the palms face each other, the palms face outward, and the fingertips face down. Look at the two palms.

Action 2: Slowly straighten both knees, and at the same time, lift the elbows and hands, and lift the front of the body to the chest. Then, continue to lift both hands up to the front, leave, open, and lift up the hands, forming an arc with the palms facing upwards, looking forward and upwards.

Action 3: Bend your elbows, pass your hands through your face, and draw them forward to your chest, about shoulder height, with your fingertips facing each other and your palms facing down. Take a breath.

Action 4: Press down with both palms and start uttering the sound of "hee" at the mouth, slightly bend your knees and squat down, and at the same time slowly press down with both palms to the front of the navel, and continue to open your hands outward. Gradually withdraw both hands inward, leaning on the back of the hands, repeat the above movements 6 times, and say the word "hee" 6 times in total.

Xi Zi Jue can regulate the triple burner, and it is an exercise for the whole body.


Action 1: Connect to the above pose, with the palms facing backwards, turning the palms forward, slowly hugging in front of the abdomen, holding the tiger's mouth crossed, lightly covering the navel, while slowly straightening the knees, resting for a while. Press and knead the navel with both palms, 6 times clockwise and 6 times counterclockwise.

Action 2: Relax your palms and hang them by your side, keeping your legs together.

The above introduces the specific practice method of Liuzi Jue. These six words are not simple six words. They have ancient inheritance, modern development, and future health!
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