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Let’s talk about air conditioning disease in summer

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   7 minute read

Let’s talk about air conditioning disease in summer
After the arrival of summer, the weather suddenly became hot, so the air conditioners everywhere were turned on at full capacity. On the bus, the air conditioner was blowing, but there were still people who had just got on the bus, sweating profusely, shouting loudly: "Turn on the air conditioner." Are you ready? I’m going to complain about your car without turning on the air conditioner!"

In the subway, the air conditioner is also turned on and the cold wind blows. Many people feel so happy that they deliberately stand under the air conditioner and open their clothes.

In residential buildings, the windows of every house are closed at night, and then the sound of the phone hanging outside keeps roaring all night long, making it always seem like there is a running car parked downstairs.

So, what exactly is this air conditioner?

My analysis is that air conditioning has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is: it can make you feel cool in the hot summer and give you a comfortable feeling.

weakness is:

1. Waste of energy. To do this, more coal must be dug out of the ground to generate electricity.

2. Increasing heat energy makes the earth warmer day by day.

3. Confusing your own temperature regulation system and even getting sick.

I won't talk about the first two, let's talk about the last one, air conditioning and health.

In the long history of human development, we have never had such a thing as air conditioning. In fact, the food we eat has not changed much, except that meat used to be eaten raw, and later it was changed to cooked food - although there are still some people who insist on it. Eating raw fish; in ancient times, people used to wear something to keep warm. Nowadays, more materials are used, but not necessarily more. Many girls still dress the same as they did in ancient times. Moreover, we have already formed the rhythm of life during the day, night, winter, and summer. This law is eternal and we have long adapted to it.

Until we have air conditioning, which allows us to make an instant transition. For example, it is summer outside, the heat is 40 degrees, and we are sweating from walking. However, if we enter a large shopping mall or the subway, we will immediately make the transition. In autumn, or even in winter, the cold wind is biting. I have to praise these departments for their thoughtful consideration for the people, almost to the limit. We will immediately feel that all the sweat is gone, and then goosebumps will appear on the skin.

Then, we walked outside to do errands, and the sun was blazing again, and we were sweating again. Then, we entered the office again. Yesterday, I saw a female colleague wearing a big shawl and sitting under the air conditioner. Our sweat is gone again.

Do you know what we are doing?

We are fully testing our body's temperature regulation system. In the terminology of Chinese medicine, we are testing whether our Wei Qi is strong enough.

In fact, our body was given by nature. This body has evolved for tens of thousands of years or more. It has long adapted to the environment of our earth. This environment has always been like this. Our body knows that in summer, the weather Sweating when you are hot is not a bad thing. Some people go to saunas to sweat in order to discharge some waste from the body surface. However, for the sake of comfort, we now deprive our skin of the right to sweat. We think that sweating is unclean and uncomfortable. We use air conditioning to artificially create autumn. In this way, we choose to break the natural rhythm that our bodies have adapted to for a long time.

The most dangerous thing is that we now have to shuttle back and forth between autumn and summer. In a day, we have to experience countless times outdoors and indoors, and also experience countless autumn and summer. In this way, our bodies have to endure More tests.

First of all, when we are outside, our pores open and sweat is released. When we suddenly enter the office building, the air-conditioning is dense. As a result, the cold air immediately invades the skin surface. I once said that there is not a virus called cold evil that causes you to catch a cold. , but the cold causes the disorder of your defense system, so that viruses (exogenous evils) invade. All colds are caused by changes in temperature, which cause the disorder of our body's defense system. Therefore, the chance of catching a cold suddenly increases at this time.

Recently, many of my friends have caught a cold, and they all called me. I gave them a prescription and relied on traditional Chinese medicine to solve the problem at home. When walking on the street, I would hear someone's nasal voice, and I would know this person. Also suffering.

In fact, at this stage, the best way is to open the windows of all means of transportation and rely on natural ventilation, which will help prevent the spread of colds. If air conditioning is on in all means of transportation like now, then there will be problems like this: first, there is no ventilation, and if someone really catches a cold, other people will inevitably suffer from it; second, even if they don’t have a cold, I believe many people Passengers who were sweating profusely sneezed when they got on the bus and got off the bus.

So, what should you do if blowing the air conditioner causes a cold?

My method is, if you feel very cold, it is best to go to the sun immediately and let yourself sweat in a natural environment, so that you can adjust your body's inhibited state. If it is at night, you can soak your feet and drink perilla leaf water to make yourself sweat a little.

However, I see more people with throat problems. Blowing under the air conditioner can directly lead to throat problems. This may be related to the fact that the air in the air conditioner is circulated. There are many impurities in the air. Some central air conditioners It is said that it is a mess, and the earliest incidence of Legionella in the past was caused by central air conditioning in the United States.

At this time, the most important thing is to clear your throat and soothe your throat. If you have throat discomfort, you need to distinguish between cold and heat. If you have a cold body all the time, and your throat is not red or swollen, but you just feel uncomfortable, you can soak some ginger tea in water and drink it. This can relieve the cold syndrome. If the throat is red and swollen, the phlegm is yellow, or the tonsils are simply inflamed, then you need to boil some Shuanghua, Dandelion, Forsythia, Shegan, and White Bombyx, nine grams of each, boiled in water Take it as tea, usually one pair a day, this can quickly relieve throat symptoms, if it still doesn’t work after two days, you have to go to the hospital.

In addition to causing colds, air conditioners can also cause rheumatism. This is a very common situation. Some people fall asleep in their seats while riding in a car, and the air conditioner blows overhead. When they wake up, their shoulders feel extremely sore. The name cannot be alleviated no matter what. This is the state of rheumatism. What I am most afraid of is that the air conditioners in some cars (such as light rail) blow directly to the back. In this way, many people feel comfortable when they blow the air, but then they start to have backache. , pain, can not be resolved, do not know how to cause it, very painful.

I once saw a patient whose shoulders were so sore that he simply couldn't sleep. Later, he described to me that the air conditioner in his office blew flat from above the door and walked on the ceiling. Then, he was seated against the wall, and the cold air came from The roof came down along the wall and blew directly on the upper part of his shoulders, so you could tell he was suffering from rheumatism.

On the subway, I saw many people who thought they were strong and deliberately stood under the air conditioner to let the air conditioner blow. Such people may be righteous now, but how do you know that your body is not affected? The characteristics of rheumatism are as follows. Many people have it when they are young, but do not develop it. When they are forty or fifty years old, when their righteousness begins to decline, they will immediately develop the disease. Moreover, it is difficult to treat.

Therefore, what I suggest to everyone is that if the air conditioner blows on you in the office, don’t be embarrassed, just wear more clothes, or put on a shawl, and others can say whatever they want. Who knows who will suffer in the future, in the subway , hide from the air conditioner, don't face the wind, so protect yourself.

If you really have pain in your shoulders and other parts after blowing on the air conditioner, you should see a doctor immediately and use prescriptions such as Pueraria lobata decoction and Guizhi decoction, as well as medicines such as Tougucao to treat rheumatism, to drive out the rheumatism. It's more complicated, and the prescriptions used for different parts of the body are different, so I won't write it out for everyone here.

In fact, in nature, it is also a happy thing to sweat, let the sun bask in yourself, and smell the fragrance of grass.
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