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Learn Chinese medicine, no longer afraid of your baby getting sick

By tianke  •  0 comments  •   13 minute read

Learn Chinese medicine, no longer afraid of your baby getting sick
It was about a few months ago that I started following Mr. Luo's official account, and since then, I have become a die-hard radish. I was attracted when I saw the content of tongue diagnosis in the official account. The content of Mr. Luo’s official account is a compulsory course for me every day. I used to worry about my children's frequent colds and coughs, and there was no way to learn Chinese medicine, until I was lucky enough to become shredded radish, and my eager desire to learn Chinese medicine was aroused again, because Mr. The method of using metaphors is also very appropriate, which makes people understand at once. I just thought that learning Chinese medicine should start from Mr. Luo, and I decisively bought three books by Mr. Luo, one on tongue diagnosis and two on children. Before, I had to take my child to see a doctor several times a month, but now I don’t need to see a doctor for more than two months. It’s not that my child has a cold and cough, but I cured it myself with traditional Chinese medicine. The first time I cured the cold and cough of my eldest son and daughter, I was so excited that I almost couldn't sleep, so I wanted to send an email to Teacher Luo, but I didn't write because I wanted to see how the situation was going in the next few days. This is the second time, exactly one month after the last time.

Before that, I was a novice in Chinese medicine, and I knew nothing about Chinese medicine. Now I have learned the superficial aspects of Chinese medicine, which is not worth mentioning. However, I have fallen in love with Chinese medicine deeply, and I will continue to study hard. I used to have a erroneous view that the effect of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diseases is very slow. I don’t know why I have this view. It may be influenced by the usual views of the people around me, or it may be because the children have a cold and cough. I bought them Chinese patent medicine granules or oral liquids that have no effect. Now I understand, then It's because I don't understand TCM syndrome differentiation, so I can't use the right medicine at all. It wasn't until I followed Teacher Luo's official account, bought Teacher Luo's book, and quickly cured my child's cold and cough with the knowledge of Chinese medicine that I learned, that I had a new understanding of Chinese medicine, which overturned the long-held beliefs in my heart. Acquiescing the erroneous view that traditional Chinese medicine treats diseases slowly. I believe that I am not the only one, there are many people who have the wrong idea that the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is slow?

So, today, let me use my personal experience to tell you that the view that traditional Chinese medicine cures diseases slowly is wrong.

I am a three-treasure mother, the oldest is seven years old, and the youngest is only three years old. The two older children catch colds at every turn, and they cough when they catch a cold, and the colds and coughs are capricious. This has become my heart disease. I am anxious and restless, and I can't even sleep well. But I won’t now, because I now understand why this happened. I found the answers to many questions in my mind from Teacher Luo, and I also know how to deal with children’s colds and coughs. Before I studied Chinese medicine, I was overwhelmed every time my child had a cold and cough. Especially when the child has a high fever in the middle of the night, the feeling that the child doesn't get better after trying so hard, and then is extremely sleepy but dare not sleep, and the feeling that the heart is tugged all night can be described as unforgettable. I just hope to see a doctor as soon as dawn, so that the child will get better soon. Then I kept hesitating in my heart, which doctor should I go to? I think a good doctor should be responsible and put the patient's health first, but I feel that the doctor I took my child to see is not even close to the good doctor I think. Here, I have to talk about my experience and feelings of taking my child to see a doctor.

I live in a rural area. I usually go to a small clinic or health center nearby for minor illnesses such as colds and coughs. At most, I go to the city to see them. I am no exception.

Let’s talk about the small clinics first. Most of them ask about the situation, check the tongue and feel the pulse, and then pack pills for you. As for what kind of medicine to use, you usually don’t know, because the doctor didn’t show you the prescription at all. Some have an assistant or helper, just write in the notebook and show the notebook to the assistant, and the assistant will pack the medicine and give it to you. This is quite responsible. Some of them didn't even look at the child carefully and asked you what's the matter? You tell him about a cold or a cough, and he packs the pills and chats with others. Is he good at that, a miracle doctor? I think it is an irresponsible doctor. Take a look at what medicines he packs. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as cephalosporins and antibiotics are all used. There are also some antitussives used by adults divided into half or less. Just add Qutong tablets... I am chilled to see the side effects of these medicines, because I have worked as a cashier in a pharmacy for several years. The name and packaging are very familiar, and most of the functions and side effects are very clear. When I think about the side effects of these medicines, I feel that they are more like poisons. After eating these few packs of pills, the child may be able to recover from the cold and cough, but the delicate internal organs have also been greatly damaged. Thinking about taking some simple western medicine for colds, I was so dizzy and unconscious for several days. I really dislike western medicine, and I especially don't want my children to take these medicines. But there is no way, seeing the child suffering from a cold and cough, coupled with the pressure from the elders in the family: the child is suffering from a cold and cough and you still don’t give him medicine to make him better, what do you want to do? I still ruthlessly gave the child medicine... The next time I have a cold and cough, I will take the child to the health center. In the end, there is still no doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. When I see the doctor's prescriptions for cough clearing, Bisouping, Analgin, and antibiotics, I was so scared that I didn't dare to take my children there to see it next time. I changed to another clinic. This clinic said it was a pediatric clinic of traditional Chinese medicine, and it said that it prescribed all Chinese patent medicines, but according to my careful observation many times, most of them were western medicines, but they also prepared some traditional Chinese medicine granules and powdered medicines. Or cough medicine such as oral liquid.

As a result, the child's cold and cough became more and more frequent, and it tended to become more and more serious. Every time the daughter coughed, it was like coughing and wheezing, and she was out of breath. As for my son, he coughs for a long time, and sometimes he vomits up everything he eats. Seeing the child like this breaks my heart. Give children all kinds of taboos, stew isinglass to eat when it is good, but I feel that these are not very effective. Finally, I found out that there was an old professor of traditional Chinese medicine retired from a hospital in the city, who said that it could cure the child's cough. So I hurriedly took the child to see it. The old Chinese doctor should be about 70 years old, with a white hair and a childlike face. When he felt the child's pulse, he said that the child's trachea was blocked. It means that the child's cough is a very serious one. Then he said that as long as he took his four packs of Yaosan, he would be cured. During the period of taking the medicines, he could not eat fruits, radishes, bitter gourd, lotus root, cabbage and other cold vegetables. I don't believe the words so magically, so I said that I should pack a few packets of traditional Chinese medicine for the children to drink first, and then come back to get the medicine after a while? He immediately replied to me: Whatever you want, the child is yours. It’s strange that you are a mother. You can cure the child’s disease but you don’t cure it. No doctor can guarantee that the patient’s disease can be cured. Sure, but you don't want it? It made me sound like a stepmother... In the end, of course, I bought medicine with him and broke up. The child took the traditional Chinese medicine as well as the medicine powder. A pack of medicine powder was 500 yuan. After taking it for about half a month, I would go to get it again. It was said that it took four packs to cure the disease. I heard that it can be cured, so I earnestly persuade the child to drink it every day, and give the child a taboo. I only hope that the child can get rid of this nasty cough as soon as possible. However, my daughter coughed very badly at that time, and she coughed up at night while taking traditional Chinese medicine, and she still had to cough for half an hour before it stopped... At that time, I really didn’t know what to do, except that I felt distressed, and thought it was a sickness response. I still give the child medicine powder... As a result, I finished eating the four packs of medicine powder, and I didn't feel that the child's cough was much better. Whenever I caught a cold or caught a cold, I still coughed as usual, and my heart, whenever the child coughed, I would grab it...

It's really "a parent who doesn't know how to treat a doctor is not kind"! As a parent, if you know some knowledge of Chinese medicine, your child will not have to suffer so much. Until I was lucky enough to get in touch with Mr. Luo's official account and bought Mr. Luo's book, many of my questions were answered. For some places that I don't understand, I read it repeatedly. In the past, I couldn't even tell the difference between wind-heat cold and wind-cold cold. Now, after listening to Teacher Luo's analysis, I can basically deal with my child's cold and cough. Let's talk about the process of dealing with two children's cold and cough.
The first time I dealt with a child's cough was two months ago. At that time, the weather here just turned cold. It was still hot the day before, and it became cold the next day. When the eldest son came home from school that day, his whole body was not energetic. His lips were very red, his tongue was also a little red, and his head was still burning. I knew he was suffering from the wind and cold and caught a cold. He sneezed a few times at noon, and I gave him some perilla leaf water. It seems that the cold evil has not been expelled, and he has entered the second stage of the cold. This child lacked righteousness, and he was tricked when the weather changed. He always took medicine since he was a child, and his spleen, stomach and lungs were injured. So, I immediately went outside and pulled out a lot of wormwood (there is a plant next to the house), and boiled a pot of water for him to bathe. After dinner, I gave him a pack of Ganmao Qingre Granules (to treat colds and colds). At night, he slept for a while and got up to go to the toilet. He still coughed and threw up all the food he ate for dinner. After vomiting, he seemed relieved a little bit. I quickly made him drink a small glass of water, soaked Su Ye in boiling water for his feet, and let him go to bed after soaking. I didn't dare to fall asleep at night, and paid attention to observe the child's condition - he still coughed when he fell asleep, so he got up and drank boiled water twice. In fact, it was the first time I used traditional Chinese medicine to treat my child's cold and cough. I didn't know what to do. I used all the methods I should use. I just want to see how the situation is when I wake up tomorrow morning. If it doesn't improve, I'll take it to the hospital in the city. See a doctor. Because usually when the child coughs, if he doesn't seek medical attention immediately, he will cough very badly.

When I got up the next morning, I saw that he was in better spirits and his cough did not worsen. My mother-in-law also said not to take him to see a doctor, but to let him rest at home and not go to kindergarten. So, I continued to drink cold medicine for him, boiled water with wormwood after lunch, and soaked his feet. Hearing from his sister that there might be an exam in the afternoon, she clamored to go to school. Seeing that he was in good spirits, she let him go to school. When he came back from school, he seemed to be in good shape. At night, he was still given cold medicine. After a day or two, his cough was almost gone, so he used Mr. Luo’s method, boiled water with yam, and let him drink it for a few days. Listening to this kid sleeping peacefully at night without coughing, I am happier than picking up the treasure.

Unexpectedly, just one day later, his sister also got a cough. I took a look at my tongue and found that the tongue coating was a bit thick, and I also had sneezing symptoms. I judged that there should be food accumulation and wind and cold at the same time. So I went to the pharmacy and bought Jiao Sanxian plus Chicken Neglect, wrapped three packs, boiled water for her to drink, and added Pediatric Cold Powder. Two separate time for her to eat. This girl coughs like a wheeze, she feels breathless, she must have taken her to see a doctor before, but because I cured my eldest son's cold and cough, I have confidence in Chinese medicine and myself , Think about it for two days and then take a look, maybe it’s also cured for yourself.

In the end, it was really oh, it was done in two or three days, and I didn't breathe anymore, just a few coughs. At this time, I had to marvel at the magic of Chinese medicine. I saw the child sleeping peacefully without coughing at night. I was so excited that I almost couldn’t fall asleep. I wanted to send an email to Teacher Luo, but I was delayed due to something else...until After a month, the temperature dropped again, and the child had another cold and cough. This time, of course, I took care of it myself.

This time, I must send an email to Mr. Luo, thanking Mr. Luo for his selfless dedication, spreading the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to everyone, and taking the road to health. I think learning some knowledge of Chinese medicine is good for me and my family. Even if I can't handle it myself, I can at least know the priorities and not seek medical treatment blindly. As a mother, it is even more necessary to learn Chinese medicine knowledge. I have a deep understanding of this. Sometimes it is better to seek medical treatment than to seek oneself. May I ask if your child has a high fever in the middle of the night, if you don’t understand anything, do you have to rush to the hospital or emergency department in the middle of the night? Whoever has experienced that kind of hardship knows that children also suffer. But if you know some knowledge of Chinese medicine, you don’t need to do this. You can prepare some commonly used medicines at home, and you can basically handle these emergencies by yourself.

Mr. Luo's "Illustrated Tongue Diagnosis", "Children with Spleen Deficiency Don't Grow Long, Have Poor Appetite, and Love Colds", "Keep Children No Fever, No Cough, and No Food Accumulation", I feel that they are for parents who want to learn Chinese medicine A must-learn book. When I saw the names of these books for the first time, I felt like I was grabbing a life-saving straw. I bought it back and read it carefully, and it didn't disappoint me. I used to worry about my child's health, but now I don't worry anymore. I believe that as long as the child's body is well adjusted with the methods of Chinese medicine, it will be healthy and healthy. Of course, a harmonious and happy family atmosphere is also an important factor for the child's health. This is also learned from Teacher Luo. I will buy Teacher Luo's other books to study.

Finally, I would like to thank Teacher Luo and his team again, and hope that more people can join the team of learning Chinese medicine and take the road of health.
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